Monday 10th of March 2025

should olive oil be oily?...

polls and stats...

Labor fails to gain traction in latest Newspoll

The Labor Government's announcement of its billion-dollar plans to reform education has not translated into any change in the latest Newspoll.

The poll, published in today's The Australian newspaper, shows the Government's primary support remaining steady on 32 per cent.

The Coalition's vote has dropped another two points to 46 per cent, having been at 50 per cent two polls ago.

However, the Coaltion retains an election-winning lead of 55 per cent to 45 per cent after preferences, unchanged from a fortnight ago.

A week before the poll was taken, the Gillard Government announced $2.3 billion in tertiary education cuts to help fund the Gonski education reforms.

Ms Gillard said she was determined to negotiate with the states to ensure funding and get the reforms through Parliament.

Her support as preferred prime minister has dropped two points to 35 per cent.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's support remained steady at 40 per cent.




Morgan Poll shows LNP lead down for third consecutive week

Pollster Gary Morgan said the poll showed a positive response by electors to the Government’s response to the Gonski Review:

“The improvement for the Government comes after Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced a $14.5 billion increase in education funding over six years in response to the Gonski Review into school funding. Although the plan has widespread backing, it requires the support of the States & Territories to be fully implemented.”

The Roy Morgan Government Confidence Rating has risen to 105.5pts (up 4.5pts in a week) with 42.5% (up 1.5%) saying Australia is ‘heading in the right direction’, compared to 37% (down 3%) saying Australia is ‘heading in the wrong direction’.




touting the paint gloss...


FEDERAL Labor's vote has stabilised, but the party remains a long way behind the opposition, the latest Newspoll suggests

The government's primary vote sits at 32 per cent, while the opposition dropped two points to 46 per cent, according to a Newspoll conducted at the weekend and published in The Australian today.

Support for the Greens fell one point to 10 per cent.

The coalition still commands a massive two-party preferred lead of 55 to 45 per cent, the same level as a fortnight ago, and would win the September 14 election in a landslide if the numbers are repeated.

Read more:


If my memory is correct, Newspoll is financed by the news media industry...


the social ritual of olive oil...

Those first minutes in a restaurant, the mulling over of the menu, clinking of drinks, collective breaking of bread and enthusiastic dunking into little bowls of olive oil – they are some of the most enjoyable.

Alas, one aspect of that ceremony may soon be no longer thanks to the latest absurd piece of European gastronomic interference: banning jugs and dishes of olive oil in restaurants. From January next year, dishes of oil are to be replaced by bottles, which must be presented, claret-like, at the table with a tamper-proof nozzle and EU-approved labelling.

The law is, somewhat vaguely, said to "protect consumers and improve hygiene". As a consumer, it has never occurred to me that, when it comes to olive oil on restaurant tables, we were ever in need of protection. The Thai fishcake on the specials board, maybe, the free olive oil, not so much.

As pointless – no – moronic laws go, it's a doozie, showing absolutely no understanding or consideration for how restaurants and consumers operate. It's annoying for diners, and galling for restaurateurs.


See picture at top...