Friday 24th of January 2025

some fathers do have 'em...


So far, Bush has been pursuing the brilliant PR strategy of saying absolutely nothing and never appearing in Major National News. It’s worked remarkably well. It’s the only surefire way to avoid gaffes.

Now the people who decried him as the Worst Blank In History and the Most Expletiving Expletive Who Ever Walked are including small caveats in those epithets. Some cling to their guns, double down on the cries of infamy. Five years is not as long as all that. But many — a not unsubstantial percentage of the American people included — have difficulty staying mad for that long. At a certain point, you have to take the BUSH LIED: PEOPLE DIED bumper sticker off your car, or you start to seem like the weird one. You have wallowed long enough. If anyone has more than four bumper stickers from past campaigns on his or her car, inevitably that person is some sort of weirdo. Don’t hold grudges. Keep moving.

That’s the Bush Resurgence in a nutshell.

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they don't let you out...

WASHINGTON: The jokes about George W Bush's intelligence - or lack of it -- have always been around, not diminishing even after he demitted office. There was one about draft plans for the Bush Presidential Library: It has a Hurricane Katrina Room - It's still under construction; a Texas Air National Guard Room - Where you don't have to even show up; a Walter Reed Hospital Room - Where they don't let you in; a Guantanamo Bay Room - Where they don't let you out; and a Weapons of Mass Destruction Room - Nobody has been able to find it. The meanest gags, of course, have been about the book collection. About how there are no books; or just picture books.

a few pages missing...

Approval ratings for George W Bush have risen to 47 per cent in the US. But it would be wrong to think that the second Bush presidency is undergoing some major revisionism, writes Ben Knight.

Last week, in Texas, the George W Bush Presidential Library opened. It was one of those feel good occasions, where every living president comes along, and says nice things about the newest member of the club.

Even Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter had kind words for the younger Bush - even though both have, in the recent past, scarified his presidency.

George W Bush himself - as the founder of the library and museum that will shape his legacy to the world - made a gracious speech, and even got in ahead of the late-night comedians, by robbing them of their best line:

"There was a time in my life when I wasn't likely to be found at a library, much less found one."

For many, that sums up everything they didn't like about the 43rd president.

George W Bush knows people think he's a dill.