Friday 24th of January 2025

budget reply anal-ysis..


Yep, the barking of Tonicchio offers nothing else but hot coals and pain for the future, should you let him in... Mind you the CCs of the ABC are in rapture... I mean Barry Cassidy and Annabel Crabb... They both got hooked on Tony's thick fishing line, like lazy perches in search of a quick worm...

To paraphrase Tony, Tony's idea about the environment is crap. Tony's idea about jobs is crap. Tony's idea about the economy is crap... Tony's idea about superannuation is crap.... Tony's idea about anything is crap.

He reminds me of these perverts who give kiddies one lolly to go with them behind the toilet block... That's more or less what he plans to do to most Australians. 

If Tony gets in, it's going to be painful for a lot of people, as Wong calls it:

"Tony Abbott confirmed tonight the people he would hit, the people Liberals always hit, is working Australians"

As we know the rich only get rich because they take far more from the poor than they give in return to the rest of the community... 

Beware. Tony's budget reply shows he is an idiot — a smart dangerous idiot for the future of this planet. 

a reply to the reply to the budget...

Ross Jones presents Independent Australia’s highly affordable response to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s budget reply.

I JUST listened to Tones’ budget reply.

The first thing that struck me was his voice. Like NRL caller Ray Warren, who always sounds like an ocker turning on a posh accent for his prospective mother-in-law, Tones was clearly putting it on.

Sugar-coated by this sentence:

‘My three children are still in the education system, and Margie, my wife, works in community-based childcare so my family knows something of the financial pressures on nearly every Australian household.’

Apart from the limos and the lunch stuff.

And who the hell are the ‘forgotten families of Australia’? Is it me? And who has forgotten me? Is it government? I don’t think so. Not Treasury that’s for sure.

According to the Tonester, he’d like to provide and ‘alternative budget, but instead he’d really prefer to set out an ‘alternative vision’. Sort of like Carlos Castenada. In a suit.

Tones also ventured he would observe the

‘…first maxim of good government; namely to do no avoidable harm.’

Let’s have a little look at that sentence. I can see three problems: Do; No avoidable; Harm.

It wasn’t me: I couldn’t help it; what? It’s for the common good.

I love this bit:

‘The smart way to improve the environment is not to impose a new tax on the way every Australian lives and works but to reduce emissions via common sense environmental improvements that every one can support; by planting more trees on otherwise marginal land, by boosting the carbon content of soil into an input into the production of stock feed and bio-diesel.’

Where do you start? Who wrote this crap?

I heard Cory Bernadi on the radio the other day alleging subscribers to his twitter feed were attracted by his ‘common sense’. It’s code for ‘if you don’t agree with me you are stupid’. It’s an insult. It’s also an out.

And Tones’ environmental centrepiece:

‘…planting trees on marginal land.’

Well, it’s marginal.

Has Tones ever been to rural Australia? Apart from in a sleeper cab. When the sheep die, plant a tree.  It’ll be fine.

And how, exactly, do you boost the carbon content of soil? Put the coal back? Defrack?

And then Tones is going to turn this carbon-enriched dirt into cattle feed! That’s up there with temporal deity stuff. We will feed the cows! And, as it turns out, under the Coalition, the same dirt can power your Hyundai.

Far out.

‘As thing stand’, alleges Tone, ‘we have a Parliament that can’t make decisions people respect’, like NDIS, and worse, ‘a prime minister who looks like she is not up to the job.’

You wish. Yet another case of Abbott projection.

hiding the flogging...

Finance Minister Penny Wong says the Opposition leader cannot be trusted.

"I think when it comes to nasty surprises, he made clear last night that his game plan is all about nasty surprises," Senator Wong told AM.

She seized on the Coalition's promise to conduct a comprehensive audit of all government spending if it wins the election in September.

"A commission of audit is nothing more than a commission for cuts, and he made clear last night where he would want to go, where Liberals always go, which is to hit working Australians," she said.

"That's what Liberals do, and that's what he made clear last night. And he will go further should he become prime minister."

Superannuation Minister Bill Shorten says the Opposition's plan to save $1.1 billion per year by delaying a planned increase in superannuation contributions will hurt low income workers the most.

"I worked out last night, that if you're a 30-year-old, earning average full-time wages, man or woman, the delay in the superannuation, if in fact they ever increase it at all, is going to cost you $20,000 by the time you retire," he told ABC News 24.

"Tony Abbott is going to make sure that the age pension will have to go up, and not enough people will have enough money to retire on."


Anyone, who believes Tony Abbott, has a "common sense deficiency" and a "reality bypass"... Tony Abbott lies and throws burley in the pond to catch fish... YOU.

He'll cook you on his BBQ with many sauces — from draconian Industrial Relations to stupid Health policy — and you will be lucky if you still have a job...

tony's porkie pies...

OBSERVERS AWARE of Australia’s extraordinary economy were stunned to hear Opposition leader Tony Abbott’s budget reply speech on Thursday.

Never so many implied falsehoods, bare-faced hypocrisies and blatant lies in the one presentation since … well … since Abbott’s speech at the IPA dinner in April.

Would this be the end of Phoney Tony? Could any leader survive the media onslaught after a hubristic homily with such huge hypocrisies?

Well, not only was media reaction completely devoid of fulmination against the fibs, but it seemed none had even been detected. Somewhat bizarre.

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