Friday 17th of January 2025

a lazy opinion from the former laziest treasurer of orstralya...


From Pete Costello

IN THE AFL there is the Brownlow Medal. In rugby league there is the Dally M Medal. Those awards are given to the best players in the competition.

We don't have an equivalent for the federal Parliament. But as the 43rd Parliament draws to its sorry close, it is worth reflecting on why the standing of MPs has sunk so low and acknowledging those who can take credit for such an outcome.

I suggest we call these awards the Oakeshotts.

It will be remembered, of course, that in the self-indulgent speech of the decade the New South Wales former-National-turned-independent, Rob Oakeshott, took 17 minutes to explain why, representing an electorate where the Labor vote was 13.5 per cent, he was going to install a Labor government to office.

That breathtaking act alone qualifies him for the Hypocrisy Hall of Fame. His acceptance speech was so replete with crawling moralism that no matter how hard we try, very few of us can forget it.


I wonder if Costello still has got all his marbles... or ever had any...

One can see Costello rant is an easy lazy shot at Oakeshott who in his conscience would have had to weight the crazy inanities of the right under Abbott versus some good stuff from Labor... Oakeshott would have conferred with Tony Windsor as well, to know the plus and minus sides of who had the best policies... And Labor was the winner by a long shot. The Liberals (conservatives) were ONLY interested in power apart from selling their arse (according to Tony Windsor) and down-treading workers into a state of slavery for the glory of arbeit. The Liberals (conservatives) thought the NBN was the Never Built Network and the Liberals (conservatives) thought climate change was a new line of down-market clothing for plods. 

Of course Costello never understood a thing about any of those things, being only interested in pennies falling on his lap whichever way they came... he did not have to move — as the cloudless sky from Greenspan's lies were giving everyone rose-coloured glasses... Costello was like Truman in the Truman show except Costello never woke up from the dream — apart from being upset he did not get the top gig from Rattus the First who had promised him the earth and only gave him some dirt. 

Yes Costello never understood anything past his own ineptitude... And where do you find the lightweight opinions of Costello, hot-air prize winning fluff-duff? In the merde-och press of course... Say no more...

you may have noted...

Most of my depiction of Costello as treasurer shows him with his hands in his pockets... now you know why...

costello and howard...

Former Labor prime minister Paul Keating has blamed Australia's current economic woes on "lazy" former Liberal treasurer, Peter Costello.

Mr Keating said that productivity dropped to one per cent "under that lazy Costello".

"Dumb, dumb, dumb," Mr Keating muttered to much laughter from a faithful audience at the Melbourne Writers' Festival, a crowd which included feminist Germaine Greer.

"If you're paying wages at five (per cent) and productivity at one (per cent), you've got a four per cent inflation rate," he said.

square pegs into round holes...


Former treasurer Peter Costello warns tax reform hard without 'padding' in public opinion, more difficult than balancing budget

Australia's longest-serving treasurer Peter Costello has warned the government that tax reform will be difficult and that it may not have the political capital to pull it off.

"I say if you're going to have a discussion about tax reform it's preferable to have some padding amongst public opinion because this is hard," Mr Costello told the ABC's 7.30 program.



I'd like to stop laughing but I can't... "harder to do tax reform than to balance budget" says the former laziest  treasurer... Ho-ho-ho, I know it's the silly season but balancing budget in this present climate is like using an elephant to weigh the atom... Talking about "political capital" is like talking about people with numbers tattooed on their forehead. And how is our sad lazy hackneyed Hockey who promised us before the G20 meeting that "we would tackle the "corporate tax cheats" BUT in a small line on page 117 of his MYFEOHGFDT%$#@! document more or less abandoned the idea... without much explanation... Possibly it would be too hard.... So why the grand standing to all the G20 finance ministers?... Another photo op that was a big con before a big piss up......


when our lazy treasurer tried to net easy cash ....

Governments around the world missed a golden opportunity to raise "unbelievable amounts of money" by putting a tax on access to the internet when it was in its infancy, according to former Treasurer Peter Costello.

Speaking to Fairfax Media in his new role as chairman of free-to-air broadcaster Nine Entertainment Co, Mr Costello recalled sitting in his Parliamentary office in the 1990s in the early days of the web, and pondering the vast future revenue such a levy could generate.

"I was Treasurer at the time. It would have been the easiest thing in the world, by the way, for governments around the world to have put a charge on the internet. It wouldn't have had to be very big but it would have raised a motza," said Mr Costello.

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