Saturday 25th of January 2025

at last, the commentariat was in pig-shit heaven...

commentariat in heavenly pig-shit...


I did this cartoon about about 8 years ago and I have not updated the presenters of news on the relevant channels... I am that lazy!  Sorry to all who have moved on and are not part of the present circus... my apologies, though I believe you still will try to have your three bobs' worth. (I know it used to be two bobs but now with Tony Abbott tortuous path to telling tall stories, porkies, beaut lies, extended colourful fibs, the price of shit has gone up...

murdoch — the king of reverse psychology...


Does it really matter that Lord Rupert has unleashed the hounds? That the Sith Lord of News Limited could save himself an enormous wedge of the folding stuff the next six weeks by just giving up on what passes for journalism on the Death Star these days? After all, on the evidence of the first day’s campaigning he could simply replace all of those newspapers he owns – so expensive to print, even more expensive to truck around – with a single giant sheet of butchers paper screaming “Vote For Tony Abbott You Stupid Bastards”. Perhaps with another message printed on the back, you know, for green cred. “And subscribe to Foxtel! Or Else. Grrr.”
Read more:

Actually, Gus is inclined to believe Uncle Rupe is a smart bastard. Similarly, in the US, he wanted Obama to win — so he supported the other fellow, whose name is already in the forgetful mist of my memory...

Below is the original call to arms by Rupert... And as some cynical journalists have said "MURDOCH DOES NOT INFLUENCE HIS EDITORIALS NOR HIS FRONT PAGES"...

Gus says Uncle Rupe is the king of reverse psychology: imagine he supported a filum like AVATAR that most right wing pundit panned as a left-wing feel-good movie, where the blue fairies win the day against the forces of colonialism and ruthless exploitation of right wing bastardry...

So you now know what to do: go with the reverse of what Uncle Rupe tells you and you will make him HAPPY...

RUPE'S REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY: Vote for Rudd is the message. Please make Uncle Rupe happy by voting for Rudd...


a spinning hamster...


Unfortunately, a lot of the ABC iview is contractually unwatchable outside the territories of Orstralya...

this is a liberal commercial break...

I wanted to watch a few "entertaining" programs on the box tonight... But I immediately realised that with the bombardment of Liberal (CONservative) advertising peppering the commercial breaks ON ALL CHANNELS i turned to, I could not carry on watching anything... It was leaving a bad taste in my mouth... The big Liberal (CONservative) lies about Labor, the brainwashing from Abbott, Joe and Julie telling us that they would...

I could not watch any more lies from these Liberal (CONservative) liars... I turned the box off... Unfortunately, we cannot do the same to these blood-sucker vampires once they are in government... Make sure they are stopped. We do not deserve to go their way... We are far better than that.