Saturday 25th of January 2025

he cannot add up so he delegates...


voters "can do the sums"???...


The Coalition has fended off Labor attacks over its decision not to commit to its own budget bottom line when it releases its policy costings, with Opposition Leader Tony Abbott saying voters will be "able to do the arithmetic".

Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey has again confirmed the Coalition will not provide a final budget figure because he does not trust the Treasury numbers used by the Government.

"We've been using the independent Parliamentary Budget Office to assist us, as well as other sources to assist us in helping to make sure that our numbers are far more robust than anything Labor has had," Mr Hockey told the ABC's AM program.

Mr Abbott has confirmed the Opposition will not release a final figure.


To tell the truth I am a smart man (I wish) and a mathematician... but to say the least I have no way to find nor any clues on how to calculate Tonicchio's elastic budget promises... Labor already tells us the Liberal (conservative) promises are already $70 billions in the red, while my more accurate guesstimate is close to $105 billions deficit... Of course one has to see that the promises are just that — promises... Most of the tax cuts offered at mates' rate to business will have to be paid for by school closures and by stacking students like sardines — except in the private school sector where the Latin motto will be made to shine with slave polish. Same with hospitals and other public service...


the kid backflips...

more fudge and fiddle

Tony Abbott says his budget bottom line will be "crystal clear" before voters head to the polls, and will rely on Treasury figures as a costings base.

The announcement marks a changed stance for the Opposition Leader, who has previously expressed distrust for the Treasury figures and said voters can "do the arithmetic" on his budget.

On Tuesday the Treasury and Finance departments will release the pre-election economic and fiscal outlook (PEFO), which examines the state of the budget and the economy.

Mr Abbott says he will use the PEFO as a base for his budget costings as it will be "the best estimate going".

"Hopefully it will be more accurate than previous figures, and we'll obviously be working off the PEFO figures," he told a press conference in Brisbane.

You can trust Abbott like an army of magic puddings in a fairy-tale by Joe Hockey Andersen ... See toon and articles at top...