Saturday 25th of January 2025

a letter to rupert...


Dear Mr Murdoch

I often satirise your antics, in good spirit, because more often than not, you show a disregard for fair-play and you give me the shits. But beyond this, you are a dangerous man. 
Satire, unfortunately, is never enough to make nasty people like you realise their sneakiness, when deviousness for profit is the name of the main game. 

That you do not like Labor is one one thing and you are entitled to your views, but not to the extend of controlling and crushing the "fair dimkum" spirit of this good nation — Australia.
This letter is a fair dimkum "cri-de-coeur" — an appeal to that tiny Gemini Cricket, the wafty left-over of your conscience, lurking hidden in your heart or your whatever, to do the right thing.
So, what is the right thing you may say... And what I think is the right thing may not be the same as yours. Fair enough. 
But in the battle for the minds of the people of this country you are hiding the truth. you are twisting the truth. You are forging lies. Abbott is a dangerous idiot. I do not have to prove this. He has himself proven so time and time again. Thus by association, you are a dangerous idiot. Both of you are "clever" nonetheless, idiots who, as dedicated spruikers, are worse than snake-oil merchants in order to make honest people buy crap that go whizz for five seconds. Abbott is a clever idiot whose mind has been shaped — in deceit and by bullying, into the misunderstanding of the human condition — via the prisms of rabid religion and extreme political views... I could be wrong of course, but I am old enough to have seen blue murder in the name of sanctity — many times over. And to see Abbott appropriate the "fair dinkum" battle-cry sends shivers down my spine. Like the denialists who appropriate the word "science" in their deceit.
And you want to impose this religious dork on us... 
Yet, despite your relentless attack on Labor, despite your control of a massive amount of media, despite most other media outlet, including the ABC, following your lead by default and lacking original thought, this good nation still has 48 per cent of its population against the dork, according to the "latest" opinion polls.... Actually I would go so far as to point out that amongst those "who support him", about 60 per cent hate him, but are prepared to take a punt nonetheless. This means that despite the polls, more than 75 per cent of this good nation hate Abbott's guts FOR GOOD REASONS.
And I mean a dork (a dag to his daughters). Pleasant enough on the surface, but totally inept beyond fist fights, ugly devious tricks and negativity, and always ready to abandon his friends for his own advancement. Sure, we have seen the headlines today praising Abbott for his desire to "bridge the gap with Aboriginal people" but if you know, like me, the depth of latent racism in the Liberal (conservative) ranks, you'd be alarmed. Alarm also should be with the Aboriginal people, even if they think Abbott is genuine. With members of parliament like Sophie Mirabella and the like, this makes me weep... 
Tony Abbott is a con artist who does not read the prescribed texts. He has shown time and time again that HE CANNOT BE TRUSTED. Not only that, he often does the opposite of what he says, he often does not know what he talks about but he does it in broad populist terms while wearing cunning disguises for his trickery. 

I can see the trick... See the poster of your Daily Telegraph near Central Station (picture above). On a surface about the size of half a football field, you (or your minions under instructions or in the knowledge of your desires) cleverly associate Abbott and the Rabbitohs... Of all your tricks this is one of the lowest. I believe you spent a few years trying to destroy this football team in order to appropriate the game — the Rabbitohs, the team of the battlers and mostly supported by Labor against you then. Now they are linked in an image with an Abbott smart-suited by your outfitters. More shit, MORE SHIT, I say... Oh and did I mention the "plus (+) symbol" between Abbott and the big star of the Rabbits???!!! Subconscious manipulative psychology... Of course one of South Sydney Rabbitohs owners, Russell Crowe, was dismayed at the way you and your clique of dung beetles destroyed Julia Gillard...  No one can stop you doing this, but a dork like me can point out the enormous amount of hypocrisy running in your veins... So much of it in fact, you have little blood left. And that little blood is boiling hot against those who could be in your way... as they roll out an NBN for all. 
Of course, you do not believe in "global warming". So you have made sure you employ gunners against the idea. Global warming of course is more than an idea. It's a thorough scientific analysis of what we're doing to the planet on terms your little brain would not understand since it's exclusively clogged up with chicanery for profit. Thus YOU DON'T CARE... The bottom line for you is that the planet is there to be taken FOR A BUCK, regardless of the destruction and of the consequences, now and into a future that is coming too fast. In your world of looting, those who gets the biggest slice win. In this race for being Uncle Scrooge, the poor stay poor and the natural planet degrades faster and will degrade to the point it will choke many of us. May not be tomorrow but definitely within 200 years — which even in terms of the history of humanity is as lengthy as a toad's fart — as it's less a distance travelled since the creation of this nation as a British colony, dismissing 50,000 years of Aboriginal settlements with a few written Land Titles that dispossessed them of rights, until Mabo...
But my gripe is not so much about your erroneous and silly beliefs — and those of Tony Abbott — that are anchored in Antediluvian concepts, where the arcane voodoo is used to bamboozle crowds. I am annoyed at your deliberate dirty tricks that force me to respond in kind... and go against my better nature of compassion, of love and of scientific understanding.
But this silly fight from my side, of course, is delusional. You have far more clout that I would ever have. This is the privilege that money and media ownership afford you, but mine is to tell you to sod off and to leave this good country alone. 
It is quite telling that a hard-ball person like Kim Williams did not cut it for you anymore. He was not hard-ball enough as he was still hoping his journalists would be responsible for telling at least a skerrick of truth... No... Not good enough for your old rabid dog lying ways. You did not want a hint of truth in journalism. You wanted disinformation to the hilt. Your political journalists have become a sorry lot of dishonesty and pulp-fiction beyond forgery... They have jumped off the raft of ethics long ago, taking with them most good journalists of other news organisations... The lot of them having turned to crummy fodder in your war against justice, equity and knowledge... By the sheer fact of having to report on your every lies, even the ABC has also become swamped into reporting porkies as events of value. 
With you recent unethical attack on Rudd and Labor, via your newspapers, you have plunged below the sewers of the damned... You have become worse than despicable.
Although I have never met your mother I guess with good intuition that she would have been completely appalled at your present ways. Despite your age, you are still a tantrum child that has managed to become a complete deceitful brat, a bully with brawn and with cash, but without brains. Your mum would be so ashamed.
Grow up.


poll vault...

NIELSEN AND GALAXY prove to be cheating also, and this is a pity.

They do not show the Preferred Prime Minister, or how well Katter and Palmer are doing, or how the preferences were distributed, or how old their respondents were. They polled from Tuesday to Thursday, for the first time in world history, including Cheap Movie and Late Shopping nights. They rang only landlines, which nobody under thirty-five uses. And they both occurred before Peter Beattie came in.

And Nielsen, even then, could only squeeze Labor down to 48. Howard won in 1998 with 49. The results demonstrate that 68-year-olds think Abbott more trustworthy, better at sums and better at frightening boat people. I bet they do. And preferring, I guess, Rudd to Abbott as PM by 55 to 45, which is why it is not up there.

Nor does it say, as it used to, ‘second preferences allocated as in 2010’ – before the KAP and the PUP existed, and the DLP was resurrected, and the Democrats imploded.

Taking all these things into consideration, it shows, or indicates, or forebodes, or promises, I think, Labor on 52.5, or 53 after Beattie arrived, and Labor winning handily.

Galaxy is wickeder. It polls only Queensland, does not say how many Queenslanders it polled, does not mention Katter or Palmer, does not ring mobiles, rings on Cheap Movie and Late Shopping nights, maldistributes the pro-Rudd preferences of his fond friend Bob Katter, shows no Preferred Prime Minister, did not wait till after Beattie came in, nor did it ring back anyone after he did, and was paid for by Rupert Murdoch, who wants to ‘throw this mob out’ and sacked, this week, Gough Whitlam’s son-in-law Kim Williams.

read more:

the morning round of news...

... And I mean bad news from News Limited or whatever it calls itself this morning : apparently Rudd summit on refugees HAS FAILED MISERABLY (while Tony's Captain Hook's solution is working, I deduct)... This is the gist of the headline on posters for The Australian or the Daily Tele — both Murdoch enterprises, presently geared to sink Rudd as much as possible...

Meanwhile on the grapevine in the back street — where they collect garbage — one can hear the murmurs of totally unsubstantiated rumours that "some Liberal (conservative) business savvy geezers were presently secretly financing the boat people" in order to embarrass Rudd and his "Labor" government... I would not believe a word of it, but just in case I'm sharing this low life fabricated nasty hearsay...


uncle rupe stalin...

From Mungo...



In the meantime, Rudd has been redesigning both his own party and the wider political landscape, to general applause. The conservatives can see the prize that had been so comfortably within their grasp slipping away: it is time for plan B. Fortunately there is a model, albeit not one they would acknowledge. This is the Criticise Confucius campaign, as waged by the Chinese Communist Party in the 1970s.

The excesses of the Cultural Revolution had caused something of a backlash among ordinary Chinese, and one symptom of this was a revival of Confucianism: the revered sage seemed to represent stability and order in the midst of chaos. But there was only room for one omniscient leader in China; he might be coming to the end of his illustrious career, but the great helmsman could not afford a rival. So Mao’s faithful apparatchiks launched the campaign against Confucius: tame academics in every university in the land were called on to publish learned articles proving that Confucius had been a fraud, an enemy of the masses, only interested in maintaining the privileges of his own class and coterie.

So it has been in the pages of Rupert Murdoch’s papers in recent weeks. Armed with the invincible thought of their own great chairman, his acolytes are producing thesis after thesis to demonstrate the duplicity, the charlatanism, the sheer chicanery of the pretender. On the economic front, Henry Ergas and Judith Sloan are wheeled out to destroy, with a little help from their journalist friends, Rudd’s claims to have steered the country through the global financial crisis, or indeed anything else. On the political side, Peter van Onselen (a real professor) and Paul Kelly (a pretend one) line up to warn against the man’s hubris and megalomania, while the Australian’s veteran grouper twins, Dennis Shanahan and Greg Sheridan, fill in the gaps.


Henry Hergas and Judith Sloane are completely out of their depth in regard to serious humanity's matters. Peter van Onselen and Paul Kelly would not have a clue (or if they have, THEY DON'T CARE) about the danger of their pretend idol, Tony Abbott, who, to say the least, is far more devious, far more evasive and ten times the liar that Rudd is, while Tony is an illiterate mongrel on matters of economy and social ideals. As well Tony lies in bed with the ultra-fanatics Catholics of Opus Dei... and this should scare anyone with a sense of history — especially those who understand global warming for what it really is, an extra-carbon-induced change in the air that will whack us on the butt. Rudd is devious as well as a reluctant delegator, but he performs with a far better UNDERSTANDING than Tony, in a controllable enough way when it comes to shove shit. 

Dennis Shanahan and Greg Sheridan write what they're told to. No imagination and no understanding of anything serious either.


Uncle Rupe Stalin (the "rich socialist") should be happy... Send everyone who have discovered that Tony is a little lying shit, to the gulags...


assault on the last bastion: sydney...

Sydney of course is a workers-versus-sivertails city. The silvertails are the people of the north shore, namely Manly, of which the Rugby League team the Sydneysiders love to hate... But the merde-och press has no qualms...  After having tried to eject the South Sydney team from the league, it has been trying to cajole its supporters into voting for the turd Abbott — himself the chief silvertail in the slivertail north shore...

The merde-och press has also tried very hard to cajole the South Sydney area into buying its products — Foxtel, the Fox Studio Backlot (now called sumpthin" else), the Daily Telegraph and tentatively to buy The Unaustralian, that serious paper full of serious crap against anything that is not meeeeeerde-och approved...

But today the telegraph is still pushing Abbott as if he was waking on water between Kirribilli and Circular Quay on his triumphant way to the South Sydney Rabbitohs...

"I will make Sydney great again!" is the little turd Abbott new mantra on the front page of the merde-och press Daily Telegraph, to cajole the (mostly) suspicious Sydneysiders... 


First I did not know Sydney was needed to be "great again" since by and large it's a great city... It fell off its perch of the first three favoured touristic destination, not because it was not great, but because it was "expensive"... And why was it expensive amongst World City destinations? It was expensive BECAUSE UNDER the LABOR GOVERNMENT, THE ECONOMY OF THIS COUNTRY WAS BOOMING. The Aussie dollar was going sky high against the US greenback and most other currencies. 

Thus of course Sydney, being one of the best place to live comfortably on this planet, is EXPENSIVE, even for country folks... The price of housing is about three times that of Dubbo, for example. Thus to live here people have to charge more to sustain mortgages that would singularly sustain a small bank.


The traffic and public transport could improve somewhat, though the previous State Labor government was on the right track on this one with the introduction of "metro style" buses and other improvements in the pipeline... Since the Bazza Liberal (CONservative) government took over, transport has gone from reasonable to totally crappy in two years flat. 

Ah so... ! That's the way they do it!... Stuff it up for the locals until they are disgruntled with ANY government that presents itself to the ballot box, wherever whatever it is, local, state or federal, has to be "changed" to improve things — which it won't...


But where I really throw shit packages at the merde'och press boffins is on for the front cover of The Daily Telegraph on which this crap about Tony's vision for Sydney is presented just above a soft story about one of the South Sydney Rugby player showing a lovely kid in a South Sydney coloured jumper... Of course it's the continued momentum of the associated image at top — relentlessly pushing the love for South Sydney "Rabbits", when Murdoch was hell-bent in trying to wipe them out, back then, just before the turn of the century...

Hypocritical PLUS... I MEAN HYPOCRITICAL + to borrow the new NEWS + for NEWS limited...

And then in the inside pages, follows the usual crap, including one from Miranda (Devine) comparing Rudd to a Muppet... Plus there is an article on Palmer who for some sneaky reason is giving his "vote preference" to the Greens... the Libs (CON artists) think this is VERY sneaky... Very sneaking indeed... Vote for Palmer thinking your vote might end up with the Greens, BUT he might get elected there... Suddenly he would reveal himself as the Liberal (CONservatives) stooge he was all along...


What is also strident is the advertising for "the Telegraph" website with the main two dorks of hardball non-journalism, standing seriously like presidents on a full double page spread. One of whom dorks of course is that scientifically discredited Andrew Bolt, whose opinions on global warming are basically full of lies and his attacks focused at demolishing the remaining decency of Labor... 

Well, even Jessica Irvine places her boot into Rudd, by saying sneakily again that HE WAS NECESSARY TO FEND THIS COUNTRY AGAINST THE GFC (Global Financial Crisis) but NOW WE NEED ABBOTT TO CONTINUE THE GOOD TIMES...

What a lot of merde-och codswallop... The GFC is far from over, Abbott's internet is an abortion, his views on global warming are a dangerous disgrace, his views on improving employment is to sack 20,000 people and then flog the rest with draconian contracts, his stand on the environment is "if it has leaf in a a forest turn it into wood-chips", and so on... 

When Julia was handling the countries affairs, Australia was voted twice in a row as the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH... and Sydney was the pinnacle. Nothing much has changed despite the Bazza demolition derby and his private casino steal of public spaces — but from the 7th of September onwards, should this country votes itself an extreme right-wing Abbott government, beware... 

You will be allowed to feel the full shame of being Australian...