Friday 17th of January 2025

false advertising...

real crap

Tony Abbott's industrial relations spokesman Eric Abetz has attracted internal criticism for ''freelancing'' on future Coalition policy by suggesting an Abbott government would intervene in wage settlements if wage rates were too high.Senior Liberals were aghast on Thursday when they read that Senator Abetz had granted an unscheduled interview on his party's workplace relations laws, during which he flagged that enterprise agreements entered into by unions and employers might be struck down if deemed excessive.He signalled changes to the Fair Work Act to require the industrial umpire to satisfy itself that productivity improvements had been ''genuinely discussed''.
The comments took his frontbench colleagues, including Mr Abbott, by surprise.
One insider said his comments in no way reflected Coalition policy, and also contravened the agreed strategy of keeping industrial relations off the front pages of newspapers during the campaign to avoid feeding an expected WorkChoices scare campaign by Labor.
Mr Abbott has deliberately steered a middle path on industrial relations, saying he would change laws only to swing the IR pendulum back ''to the sensible centre''.
This would include changing laws to stop unions holding up new enterprises through unreasonable negotiations, and limiting rights of entry of union officials.Fairfax Media understands that Senator Abetz has been advised to avoid further interviews.
''This would take us back to prior to 1992,'' Andrew Stewart from the University of Adelaide said on Thursday. After 1992, the Keating government introduced a more central role for the making of agreements through bargaining at the workplace level, reducing the role of a centralised tribunal to decide.
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Abetz let the cat out of the bag DELIBERATELY... The other "Liberals" (CONservatives) have been FALSELY "surprised" but the whole lot is orchestrated to let you know "that your wages and entitlements are safe" before the elections, but after the Biblical floods of Liberals (into parliament) you will will get a stick up your butt to sign a FIERCE WORKCHOICE contract... Believing otherwise is delusional...


laurel and hardy join with the not-the-marx-brothers...

unfunny comics


And they have not mentioned the Liberals (CONservatives) CONcoction of the NBN... 

not generous to a sausage...

But things turned decidedly ugly when Harris made the fateful decision to devour a plate of bacon, eggs, sausage and tomato placed in front of her while listening to Mr Hartcher's speech on regional energy and resource policy.

Harris says no-one took umbrage at the time but clearly Mr Ellis was not impressed, firing off a terse email to her boss, Express editor Lydia Roberts.

"I had guaranteed that you would not be invoiced for the cost of the ticket to the breakfast for your journalist attending, on the condition that she would be there to get the story," Mr Ellis wrote.

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the salafists in disguise...

And of course, one should acknowledge here the clever use of "the Five Pillars" in Tony Abbott's campaign, a way to demand BLIND FAITH and TRUST into something as esoteric as :

1) There is only one TONY.

2 ONE needs to prostrate FIVE times a day and hail TONY

3) CONSERVATIVE SELF-CONTROL during the fasting month of the ELECTIONS

4) Give 2.5 per cent to the poor and needy POLLUTERS

5) At least a once in a lifetime pilgrimage to the holy grail of conservatism, BUCKINGHAM PALACE...


Kick Tony in the budgies and do the same to Uncle Rupe...

remember the five pillars?...

These five pillars (see image at top) are now no more than thin matchsticks, blown away in a typhoon... Tony-the-Idiot has demolished Australia's standing in the world and done massive damage to the economic credibility of this country in just a few weeks... No wonder some people call him Typhoon Tony... As usual Tony will claim to create jobs by getting rid of a few. Idiot... Adult government?... Brats running the shop...