Thursday 13th of March 2025

the muckrakers, passing the time of day...

smelly but winning...

IF CHRISTOPHER PYNE did have an affair with James Ashby ‒ and we note he has not denied this despite our emailed request to him ‒ then he joins a conga line of saps.

Chris will, of course, recall his meeting with James in the Speaker’s office on 19 March 2012.

There was a witness there. In fact, it might come as something of a surprise that there could have been more than one. Chris is not known for his quiet voice and the rollicking tones of Chris and James with a few beers under their belts attracted quite some attention.

Our witness says the conversation between Chris and James took a ‒ how shall we say ‒ a certain turn.

Our witness assures us they are prepared to go to court to state the truth.

In the Sydney Morning Herald of 1 May 2013, outstanding Fairfax investigative journalist Jessica Wright wrote:

A source close to Mr Slipper’s office told the National Times that, during the evening of March 19, Mr Ashby revealed personal details to Mr Pyne, a claim Mr Pyne strenuously denies.

“I have nothing to hide,” Mr Pyne said. “I was simply passing the time of day. We had a beer and a political discussion.”

According to Ms Wright:

Two separate sources have confirmed details of the meeting to the National Times. Both insist Mr Pyne rang back later the same evening to request Mr Ashby’s mobile phone number.

Abbott knew enough to comment on the texts back in October 2012, but he didn’t bother to read Rares’ decision of 12 December 2012, because Abbott, as Judith Ireland wrote in the SMH on 19 December 2012:

says he has not read the week-old judgment of the Peter Slipper case because he has been doing “very important things for the people of Australia” in Britain.

Hanging out with Alan Jones, well, that would be important.

Abbott still hasn’t said anything.

Maybe he just doesn’t want to read Rares’ conclusions regarding the walking by-election that is Mal Brough.

The Ashbygate Theatre is like any other — main cast, supporting actors, backstage crew … Oh, and a director.

And a producer for the bucks.

As for the main cast and supporting actors, they’re all out there in the texts that James so thoughtfully supplied to the court. The texts are a movie script for public consumption.

give tonicchio another funk...

Tony Abbott says he has come to appreciate "candid advice" Malcolm Turnbull gave him while he was in a political "funk" following the defeat of the Howard government in 2007.

Speaking during an appearance on the ABC'sKitchen Cabinet, the Opposition Leader said he considered his career options after Kevin Rudd claimed victory.

"It's a pretty shattering thing to be a senior member of a government which is roundly beaten, and we were roundly beaten," he told host Annabel Crabb.

"I don't think we were ever a bad government ... [but] as a senior member of a government that is rejected and driven into Opposition there's a strong element of public humiliation."

Mr Abbott said although he was still an MP and "lots of people suffer far worse fates than losing an election", he did consider whether Parliament was the right place for him.

Send Tony back into another funk... Kick him in the budgies... He deserves to be...