Monday 10th of March 2025

mr negative goes "positive"...


a huge disappointment you cannot trust...


FORMER SPEAKER and now Independent MP Peter Slipper has strongly defended his record and cast grave doubts over the suitability for high office of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

He also said he was on “sound ground” regarding the criminal case pending against him for allegedly misusing his travel entitlements for the sum of around $964.

And Peter Slipper’s strongest defender, his loyal wife Inge Slipper, has said her faith in Australia’s institutions has been shaken and strongly condemned the mainstream media attacks upon her and her husband.

In an exclusive interview with Independent Australia, the Federal member for Fisher, Peter Slipper said that Tony Abbott, once a close friend, has been a “huge disappointment” and that any government he leads likely to be heavily influenced by the mainstream media.

He said that Abbott is driven by ambition and has a “whatever it takes” approach towards gaining the prime ministership.

“My principal feeling about Tony Abbott is disappointment,” he said.

“It was my vote that got him elected as leader. Tony came to our wedding. Tony is someone I’ve been relatively close to. I was a supporter of his when he had few other supporters. But Tony has been a huge disappointment.”



As Australians are going to the polls to chose between the worse leaders ever — despite a few good heads in the Labor Party and the most horrible nuts in the Liberal (CONservative) Party — in the most unfair election on the planet, since democracy began, the Germans gain confidence in their politicians...:


Germans Gaining Confidence in Politician

It would seem that, at least in one respect, this year's election campaign in Germany is one of the most successful in the country's history. According to a survey conducted by R+V -- a domestic insurance company -- Germans are more relaxed than ever about the performance of politicians.

The survey, titled "Fears of the Germans," canvasses the Angst of 2,500 people each year. This year's poll indicates that only 45 percent of Germans are scared that politicians are not up to the task of representing their interests. That's 10 percentage points lower than last year's figure of 55 percent.

"It's surprising, especially because the percentage usually increases in the run-up to the general election," said Rita Jakli, head of information at the insurance company, at a Berlin press conference on Thursday. Indeed, data collected during previous election cycles shows that the number of people fearful about the competence of politicians rose by five percent in 2005 and four percent in 2009.