Sunday 26th of January 2025

an open letter to david suzuki...

david suzuki

Dear Mr Suzuki

Thank you. Thank you for your serious concern about the little shit we have elected as priminister and concerns about his wishes to dismantle our modest first attempt a curbing Australia's CO2 emissions...

But your great article does not go to the core nor the source of this crap coming from a little man who is a complete science illiterate ( though he may have participated in making bad smells in chemistry lectures, I don't know) and a misogynist to boot. The source and core of all our trouble in the dissemination of reality, of course, is Mr Murdoch and the neo-conservatives of the world who draw their power from the oil and coal industries...

We are in trouble, I know... But these mongrels control the world media and they have convinced too many of us that the world needs their empire of energy supplies for us to survive. 

To the contrary, as you know, The quality of our survival is actually dependent on shutting down all our fossil fuel consumption. It's a big task to convince the average democratic punter who enjoys heaters in winters and air-con in summer, while owning a gas guzzler to go from A to B...

We're in trouble. BIG TROUBLE. 

I bet you find you will not be able to get your article published in the Murdoch Press or should you manage to get a foot in that door of Mr Murdoch's bastion, his minions will publish a hundred times the amount of denialist rubbish. You would be swamped with opinionators of crap while you are a respectable scientist... These men (and a few women who profess to be female experts though they are crapsters of the female-kind) are powerful and ignorant — mostly by design and for profit.

They are the powerful idiot-monkeys on this planet and yet we, the average moron impressed by glittering crap, place them in powerful situation because we have been repeatedly trained to do so by the media spruiks. The only exception was when Julia Gillard was chosen "by default" and then started to run the show according to modestly safeguarding the future while not trying to spook the rich bastards... She failed... The rich bastards got spooked because Murdoch told them what was happening!  On top of this scientific denial, religious stupidity from the punters and the tidal wave of entertaining shit published in the merde-och press adds to the daily crap. A tsunami of crap and denial, daily and relentless. 

Yes, the planet is in trouble, The source of this trouble is CO2 (plus methane). Some people think methane is more potent than CO2 in the warming of the planet, but from my research, CO2, though a far less warming gas than methane, strongly interferes with water vapour behaviour — water vapour being the main greenhouse gas of the atmosphere. result? Full on warming which in geological time frame is giganormous.

But as you know we cannot attribute a single bad weather event to "global warming", though the GW trend is fierce and fast... Anyone with a proper analytical scientific background would know that we are in trouble... and WORRY. 

My own estimates show that, by 2015, the sleeping giant (which is not sleeping anyhow) is going to awaken beyond our worst nightmare and this is going to be only the beginning of a very rough road with seemingly restful times and then wacks on the surface of the planet... It's part of the self-feeding loop with the added carbon entering the CO2 equation in the atmosphere daily... Nothing new. Nothing lost. everything changes. To our detriment, unfortunately...

By 2020, while we're trying to reduce Australian emissions by a piddly 5 per cent on what they were in 2000, we'll be hit for six-plus. The planet is a chemical machine where processes are complex yet simple enough to predict should one spend the time to study. Add more CO2 in the atmosphere and the temperature goes up... It's undeniable, yet our present economic principles are based on burning more carbon and sending more CO2 in the atmosphere... We're swimming deeper in our own big shit... 

So Dr Suzuki, don't tell me or the population of this fair country about your concerns. YOU HAVE TO tell Mr Murdoch, who I am ashamed to say is an Australian who became an American for profit...

His mother was a lovely charming person who may have regretted not to hit him behind the ears often enough with a "slipper". His grand-dad, Rupert Green, his mother's father was an invertebrate gambler. He actually lost the family home to gambling, until such time his friends helped him to become the horse racing starter who, according to the rules of the turf, was not allowed to gamble... We have to apply the same principles to Uncle Rupe... He needs to be stopped gambling and possibly needs to have a one on one conversion to make him understand the value of science rather than the value of money on this issue.

If I were you, I'd book an audience with the master of crap, Mr Murdoch, and read him the riot act on this subject in an entertaining but accurately convincing manner. Contrary to some people, I believe he is not dumb, like our new priminister Abbott who I personally judge quite below par as a pollie... Mr Suzuky, you need to show Mr Murdoch the value of shutting down emissions of CO2. You have the clout, the knowledge and the credibility. He has gobbledegook on his side. Good luck.

Note: The "carbon pricing" is not a "carbon tax" across the board. It is applied by charging a levy to heavy consumers of carbon who then increase the price of goods (energy) to consumers. The moneys collected from the levy is then used in several ways:
— to boost government investments in clean energy via various mechanism including the clean energy fund.
— to help low income families offset the cost of the increase in cost of energy.

The carbon pricing has helped the reduction of Australia's CO2 emissions.

The MAJOR recent increase in cost of electricity in this country was due to infrastructure "improvements" done by the private sector of supply: poles, wiring, substations. While governments in the past used to amortise such cost over twenty years or more, private companies are doing it over two to five years, jacking up the prices of electricity beyond belief. The carbon pricing only increased the cost of electricity to the consumers by no more than 9 per cent — around $350 per year for average households. The cost of infrastructure increased the cost by more than 50 per cent in some cases. 

Now with the clean energy fund being dismantled by the new rabid-right government, clean energy is going to be starved of funds and those moneys still being collected by the carbon pricing might go to waste in fancy new extreme rabid-right-wing policies. Idiots.


a greenie too...

A quarter of a century ago, I asked Canada's bright, new environment minister Lucien Bouchard what he felt was the most important environment issue facing Canadians. ''Global warming,'' he immediately replied. ''It threatens the survival of our species. We have to act now.''
Back then his views echoed those of politicians around the world. George H.W. Bush, who didn't have an environmental bone in his body, promised to be an ''environmental president'' when he ran in 1988 because Americans had put it at the top of their concerns. Even Margaret Thatcher, when she was filmed picking up litter, turned to the camera to say, ''I'm a greenie too''.
But now, Bouchard and politicians around the world continue to retreat from the battle to protect the environment. Your new prime minister Tony Abbott is just another who finds it easier and more politically rewarding to focus on the next election cycle rather than the mountain of evidence that continues to grow and show we are trashing the biosphere and must reduce carbon emissions

Read more:

It is unfortunate that the media such as the SMH seems to publish stuff like this AFTER THE ELECTIONS.... deliberately to stir the possum when it's TOO LATE.

tony, the horrible little denialist...

The Abbott Government has abolished the Climate Commission, pushing ahead with its plan to scrap government bodies associated with Labor's carbon pricing scheme and climate change policy.

The commission was set up under then prime minister Julia Gillard in February 2011 as an independent body "to provide reliable and authoritative" information on climate change.

The now former chief commissioner, Professor Tim Flannery, says Environment Minister Greg Hunt called him this morning to announce the commission's closure.

Professor Flannery, who is also a former Australian of the Year, has defended the commission's role.

"We've stayed out of the politics and stuck to the facts," he said.

"As a result we've developed a reputation as a reliable apolitical source of facts on all aspects of climate change

the global warming fight...

Gus: watching Dr Suzuki on Q&A tonight (23/09/13) is like watching a Christian thrown to the lions in a Roman circus full of hate...

In some ways, Ye old Gus is more adept at presenting a clearer picture of global warming — as has been shown on this site in many articles, while fighting the ignoramuses...

The two most important thing to keep in mind are:

1) should we be able to "feel" global warming (increasing temperatures), we would be cooked within five years.

2) global warming is very complex — yet all the evidence, records and observations show that the surface of the planet is warming up fast in geological timeframe, despite what the denialists tell us. 

The rest is an esoterically distraction — whether the increase in temperature reaches 7 degrees Celsius or 15 degrees Celsius in 2250 is conjecture. My own research and calculations tell me that 15 degrees Celsius extra by 2250 is the more accurate figure... presently the increase of temperature over last decades as measured by the IPCC is CONSERVATIVELY put at 0.13 per decade or 1.3 degrees per century. This is the short 50 year trend — but the record shows that an INCREASE of 100 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere increases the temperature by around 10 degrees Celsius, over 2 millennium more or less... One has to allow for delays and buffering time in the temperature response to increase of CO2.. As well the oceans absorb a lot of the EXTRA energy provided by the warming. That extra energy is melting polar caps and warming the seas quite noticeably down to 700 metres. 

How far we are prepared to argue with the processes of warming and cooling of the planet is up to us being blind idiots — some of us being learned idiots who refuse to see the evidence and the record, despite their smart education. 

So far, one has to be an idiot not to have noticed that the last twelve months in Australia have been the hottest twelve month period on record... Hello ! Open your eyes... See flowers and flowering trees flowering early...

Some sceptics on the Q&A program then argued that even if we had solar panels and windmills in Australia it has rained so much with no wind, no electricity would have been generated... Total crap... First it ONLY RAINED on the eastern seaboard, second the fellow seemed to have forgotten about the cyclonical winds that created those Southern Queensland floods... Furthermore, some other people argued that the rate of warming has plateau-d... In fact the warming has continued upwards, DESPITE THE SUN HAVING BEEN IN A QUIET PHASE AND DESPITE a La Nina event that under any other circumstances would have cooled the entire planet by half a degree. This DID NOT HAPPEN. Warming has continued upwards, including September 2013 which might be close to being the warmest September in Sydney on record, with daily and nightly temperature being up to 4 degrees Celsius above average...




As bravely announced on this site, by 2105, some massive global warming events are likely to turn a lot of people into victims... But then I am only a cartoonist who has studied this subject in more detail that most mere mortals.


Tony Abbott is an ididott !!!!!!



a pipeline that adds to the destruction of the planet...

The Joint Review Panel has recommended approval of the Northern Gateway pipeline. But this is far from over. You can take action now to support First Nations, protect our coast, and move towards a carbon free future.

Please send a message of support to the 130 First Nations that stand against the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline. Let them know you stand with them in solidarity as part of an unbroken wall of opposition.

This message will also be sent to the Prime Minister and his Cabinet who now have the choice to side with Canadians or with Enbridge. The decision is in their hands. To move forward, they need First Nations cooperation and support from British Columbians, and they have neither.

The David Suzuki Foundation signed the Solidarity Accord for the Save the Fraser Declaration, agreeing with the Yinka Dene Alliance that we need to uphold indigenous laws and protect the health of British Columbia’s Fraser River watershed, including its headwaters.