Tuesday 28th of January 2025

newman is a party pooper...

having a party

For all the absurdities of Queensland's anti-bikies legislation, its bill cracking down on parties is probably worse, writes Chris Berg.

Every government has a reform program of some description. The reform program of Campbell Newman's Queensland government is to expand, to a ludicrous and dangerous extent, the powers of the police.

Admittedly, the title of the Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill doesn't have the same sort of grunting aggression as the Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Bill, which was passed earlier this year to target bikies.

But for all the absurdities of the anti-bikies legislation, the bill currently being considered by the Queensland parliament is probably worse.

The bogey-man in this bill is "out-of-control" parties. No doubt you can conjure up such a threat to public order in your mind. Hundreds of drunk teenagers spilling out on the street and damaging nearby property.

But according to the draft bill, a party is a gathering of twelve or more people. And it is considered out-of-control if three people at that party do something like be drunk in a public place, cause excessive noise, unreasonably block the path of a pedestrian, litter in a way that might cause harm to the environment, or use "indecent" language.


Wow... Are my eyes deceiving me? Is this comment really coming from CHRIS BERG? The rabid right guy from the Institute of Public Affairs that wants every climate change adherent to be hung by the short and curlies? The same fellow that belongs to that place that wants to bash workers in the dark corner of industrial relations?... and who wants to let the market rape the environment, for profit?... Hooooooly mackerels! Godly macaroons!!! I know, Chris is a "libertarian" — a big supporter of the right wing-nuttery and a man who believes in letting the dogs of commerce loose on your lawn to crap everywhere... This could be why there is a conflict in his mind... But no, I think he is genuinely opposed to the little Hitler in Queensland...

Mind you I totally agree with him here... Newman is wanking ludicrously with these new laws, those adopted here and those still in the pipeline... The Governor of that state, Ms Rubberstamp Penelope Wensley AC, should actually refuse to sign these stupid laws, even if parliament passes them by a 100 per cent majority...

police wasting bikies' time...

QUEENSLAND police have been ordered to intercept every bikie even if the rider is doing nothing wrong.

Brisbane media outlets report officers have been told to pull over every single bikie they can to help collate intelligence on criminal motorcycle gang activity.

A club chapter ride on Wednesday delivered the Black Uhlans and other criminal motorcycle gangs a taste of what's to come in the State Government crackdown, after a 10-strong bikie contingent was intercepted by police at Iveragh, between Benaraby and Miriam Vale..

Riders were subjected to identification and outstanding warrant checks by officers from Gladstone, Rockhampton and regional centres, after public information about the Black Uhlans' national run tipped them off.

All 10 members were spoken to and were co-operative.


vanishing democracy in queensland...

Corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald says Queensland is effectively a one-party state, with a government that doesn't understand true democracy is about more than just having the numbers.

Fitzgerald warned that Campbell Newman's government was using its massive parliamentary majority to denigrate opponents, extend its influence by making partisan appointments to public office and foster disdain for critics, especially the judiciary and independent media.

In an opinion piece for Fairfax Media, the former judge says the political environment looks very much like it did when he headed a landmark corruption inquiry 25 years ago.

Those were the days when then premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen would say "don't you worry about that" when he came under media scrutiny.

"For what it's worth, my impression is that most Queenslanders don't want to revisit the dark days of political caprice and corruption and 'don't you worry about that'," Fitzgerald wrote.


bashing is no justice...


It’s a fundamental principle of our society that we are all equal before the law, says leading barrister Stephen Keim, SC, however Queensland's new “anti-bikie” legislation throws that ideal right out the window.

THE QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT has embarked on a legislative project to change dramatically the way in which our justice and enforcement system operates.

The latest aspect of this wave of legislation is an omnibus amendment Bill called the Criminal Law (Criminal Organisations Disruption) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill. This Bill is a hundred and seventy-five pages long. None of us has sufficient time to discuss all the concerning aspects of the changes proposed by the Bill.

I am concerned about a broad swathe of the Bill which will change people’s lives, whether as prisoners or as electricians, builders and workers in other trades on the untested information in police files.[1] In the case of the occupational legislation, people’s ability to earn a livelihood will be severely diminished. The regulator in each case has little choice but to act on the information.[2] Theoretically, an affected person can seek judicial review of what has happened to them. But this is made virtually impossible.[3] Access to the basis of the refusal of a licence is restricted.[4] They must show jurisdictional error and they will be unable to see or know the information on which the decision was made.[5]   

The fact that they are innocent, or the information is of no relevance to their work and character, is not a basis for establishing jurisdictional error on judicial review.


The Governor of Queensland (who replaces a upper house in that state) should refuse to sign the new laws instead of being a Nazi rubber-stamp....

Jarrod Bleijie lied. he should resign...

Queensland's Bar Association says the state's Attorney-General got it wrong last month when he said the lawyers' organisation was helping the Government make it harder to release dangerous prisoners.

Jarrod Bleijie told the ABC's 7.30 Queensland program on November 15 he had "good discussions" with the Bar Association about "ways to strengthen the dangerous prisoners legislation''.

"If we can, through the Bar Association, come up with ideas that they're currently working on where they strengthen the dangerous prisoners legislation to make it harder for courts to release these people into the community, then that's a win for everyone," he said at the time.

But in a statement today, Bar Association president Peter Davis QC said this "is not the Bar Association's position''.

"It has not assisted the Government to strengthen the dangerous prisoners legislation to make it harder for courts to release prisoners into the community; nor will it do so," he said.


... political capital out of an attack on lawyers...

A Queensland lawyer who represents outlaw motorcycle gang members is seeking more than $1 million in damages from the state's Premier and Attorney-General in a defamation suit.

Court documents obtained by the ABC reveal Gold Coast solicitor Chris Hannay is suing Campbell Newman and Jarrod Bleijie over claims that bikie lawyers were part of a "criminal gang machine" and would do anything to defend their clients.

In the remarks in February, Mr Newman told reporters that lawyers who defended bikies were hired guns who took money from people who sold drugs to teenagers.

Mr Newman's comments prompted the state's Bar Association to demand a retraction and an apology. The remarks also drew criticism from the Queensland Law Society.

Mr Bleijie later defended the Premier, saying Mr Newman was responding specifically to a question about Hannay Lawyers on the Gold Coast.

Today, Mr Hannay, who has defended bikies, launched defamation proceedings against both the Premier and the Attorney-General.

In the complaint, filed in the Supreme Court in Brisbane, Mr Hannay is seeking $600,000 in damages from each defendant.

The complaint cites Mr Newman's comments to reporters on February 6 and remarks by Mr Bleijie shortly afterward in which he named Hannay Lawyers.

Mr Hannay is claiming $500,000 in general damages from each defendant.

He also claims a further $100,000 from each in aggravated damages, based on what he alleges was the "malice of the defendants in publishing words they knew to be untrue, motivated by a wish to make political capital out of an attack on lawyers".

He also alleges that they acted with "malicious recklessness ... in the belief that it would be the taxpayer, and not themselves, who would be required to pay the costs of defending this matter, and any damages awarded to the plaintiff".

Mr Hannay declined to comment. The ABC has sought responses from the Premier and the Attorney-General.


of lamb roasts and bikies...

As you know, the Nazi government of Queensland has waged a war on "bikies"... No matter how "innocent" of crimes, bikies are being pursued like criminals without proof or evidence.


Meanwhile the Meat and Livestock Australia is using bikies in its adverts for "tender easy to cook meat". 

Apparently lamb can turn even the toughest fellow a bit soft, according to a new campaign for Meat & Livestock Australia. The ad sees a burly bikie embracing his maternal instincts after preparing a roast lamb for his fellow bikies.


The 45-second spot was created by BMF and aims to address the perceived lack of time people have for cooking a traditional lamb roast on Sundays. The spot promotes smaller roasts that can be cooked in 30 minutes


Now, how about making shish kebabs out of politician backsides or roasting the Queensland government pollies' nuts — for having stupid policies? Can't wait for the next election in that state... Meanwhile in NSW, the vino has been spilt... and Barry is wearing it on his trousers...


of course, newman blames everyone else but himself...


Rupert Murdoch thought Campbell Newman should have sacked thousands more public servants than he did and scolded the editorial director of the Courier Mail for unfavourable coverage of the Liberal National Party government, according to an authorised biography of the former Queensland premier.

The book details an April 2013 meeting of News Corp Australia editors at which Murdoch criticised the coverage in the Courier Mail of the Queensland government’s plan to sack 14,000 public servants.

David Fagan, who was the editorial director of News Corp’s Queensland operations at the time, is described as having “increasingly clashed” with Newman and his administration.

“A number of News Corporation insiders have said that Murdoch made it clear he wasn’t happy with the Courier Mail’s coverage of the LNP government, and he let Fagan know about it at that April editor’s meeting [in 2013],” the book says.

“Fagan was defensive and told his boss the paper’s coverage was a reflection of the Government’s culling of 14,000 public servants. Murdoch reportedly leaned in and pointedly told Fagan the premier should’ve sacked thousands more of them.”

It then says Fagan was dismissed a few months later.

Newman is highly critical of the media in the book, having dubbed the media a “pack of bastards” and believes journalists were out to get him from the beginning of his campaign to be premier of Queensland.

The book contains a lengthy attack on the Queensland media with Newman seeming very bitter about his term spent as premier, going from one of the largest majorities in Australia’s history to losing his seat and government, and the two election campaigns which bookended it.

It also describes the toll his time as premier took on his family, particularly his wife, Lisa, who felt so under pressure that she thought of seeking professional help but was terrified an appointment with a psychiatrist or psychologist would end up as a news story.

read more: http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/oct/02/campbell-newman-calls-media-pack-of-bastards-over-his-treatment-as-premier


Yeah yeah... Like Tony Abbott and all of the LNP tragics who have been shafted for good reason, they always blame the media for not doing its job... Hello? The job of the media is to scrutinise the long list of cockups, fucups, SNAFUs, lies and the bad policies of the government, including some deals that flew very close to being under the table payola. 

And of course we need another whitewash like a hole in the head, in a biography written by an LNP journalist to tell  the story of the martyrdom of Saint Campbell. Yes, we know, Campbell Newman was a political saint, who was misunderstood and got crucified like Jesus himself. The media, including Alan Jones, god bless him, have got two drops of Newman's political blood on their hands... but 99 per cent of Newman's bleeding was self-inflicted... May he forgive himself in a Catholic way... Hum. That could be a contradiction — forgive and catholic in the same breath?

As shown by Tony Abbott, forgiveness is a fantasy biscuit dipped in a bowl of hateful sour grape paste.

See toon at top.


campbell newman was an idiot...

Queensland's former Newman government sold off a state-owned company combating climate change despite being told in confidential briefing documents that it was a "profitable, cash flow positive and standalone entity" whose revenues were set to double.

Key points:
  • A former senior manager said the sale was ideologically driven
  • One confidential government briefing note said Ecofund was a "market leader"
  • The Newman Government sold Ecofund for $250,000


The ABC has obtained a raft of Cabinet briefing documents and internal government savings proposals outlining moves to slash millions from programs under the former LNP administration.

The files were prepared in 2012 for Cabinet's razor gang known as the Budget Review Committee.

One of its targets was Ecofund Queensland, a state-owned carbon and environmental offsetting and advisory company that was also tasked with buying up land to help reduce Queensland's greenhouse gas emissions.

The company was one of the top three carbon traders in the Australian market and its clients included some of the country's largest blue chip firms.

Despite being told in the briefing documents that Ecofund's revenue was set to grow to $40 million within two years, the Newman government sold it for $250,000.

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