Sunday 9th of March 2025

the natives from melbourne get restless because of an aussie day apathy in sydney, 1959...


Of course one has to decipher the words of the day... The Australian Natives' Association had and has nothing to do with Aboriginal people, who in 1959 were still invisible in the Australian population... This ANA was apolitical till it became affiliated with the Liberal (CONservative) party as it was an association of people BORN of WHITE people in this fair country... :


The Australian Natives' Association (ANA), a mutual society was founded in MelbourneAustralia in April 1871 as the Victorian Natives' Association.

In 1872 it voted to extend membership to men born in the other Australian colonies and changed its name at the same time[1] .[2] The Association played a leading role in the movement for Australian federation in the last 20 years of the 19th century. In 1900 it had a membership of 17,000, mainly in Victoria.

The ANA provided sickness, medical and funeral cover. Membership in the ANA was restricted to men born in Australia, at a time when Australian-born people of European descent (not including Indigenous Australians) were rising to power in place of an older generation born in Britain. In the 1890s, for the first time, they became the majority of the population. The ANA consisted mainly of energetic middle-class men aged under 50 - a perfect base for a forward-looking, idealistic movement such as federation. In 1880 the ANA committed itself to the federation of the Australian colonies, and provided much of the organisational and financial support for the Federation Leagues which led the campaign, particularly in Victoria. It avoided party politics, but they soon adopted the rising liberal politician and ANA member Alfred Deakin as their candidate for leadership of the federal movement.[citation needed]'_Association


some more gems from 1959


Robbing New South Wales because it had a Labor Government I s'ppose...?

Meanwhile a school to prepare the Dames:



And the usual gender debate:


the potts

speed versus beauty

why 1959? tony abbott was born in 1957...

As some journalists try to pin down "who is the elusive Tony Abbott", I have a fair idea... I could be wrong though.


By March 1959, Tony Abbott would have been a bit more than a year old. He was born in November 1957... This is my wild guess that 1959 would have been his first impressions of life as it was... I firmly believe his views and impressions have not moved one inch from then on.

I know, I'm wrong, but from what I have observed empirically, Tony went around in strange circles till he hit university and started to expose his inner bully and his impetuous tantrumic child that seem to have never left him... Then as the years went by, he became nostalgic about his first memories: 1959. First impressions would have deeply marked his psyche. The empire, the lords, the royalty — despite one of his uncles or whomever it was who was a "communist" and a family that was more or less...

Bugger! Tony was born in Pommyland and he never saw 1959 in Australia!... I knew that... But what was Australia then, was strongly influenced by England which, despite a few blemishes in Africa, was still a strong empire (in 1959) with pomp and circumstances. The Queen had been crowned in 1952, driven in a golden pumpkin drawn by a few big WHITE (?) horses. Royalty was the tradition of tradition, though a few neighbouring countries had chopped royal heads' off....

Tony would have seen the pageantry continuum and also the right-wing superiority of Lordshippery that most of us see as divisive snooty decrepitude. Tony would have been impregnated with this fairytale dust added to the spirit of catholic pom who still deferred to the queen, rather than that of the Irish catholic revolutionaries who hated the woman.

No two ways about it, Tony would side with Santamaria if given the chance. The narrow minded views of BA Santamaria would have suited Tony to a Tee, except when sex became a bit of a handful.

As well, growing up, Tony would have witnessed the great religious war of the Tykes and the Wasps here in this country, as well as the battle within, between the traditional catholics and the progressives . Being educated in a Jesuit school and other religious institutions in Sydney, Australia, he would have preferred the traditional golden robes to the revolutionary which was on the road to egalitarian republicanism. Tony would have hated that.

Then, he went back to Britain to complement his education in artful political dodger-y :

Following his time in Britain, he returned to Australia via Africa and advised his family of an intention to join the priesthood. During his university days, Abbott gained media attention for his political stance opposing the then dominant left-wing student leadership. On one occasion he was even beaten up at a university conference.[20] A student newspaper editor with political views opposed to those of Abbott took him to court for indecent assault after he touched her during a student debate; these charges were dismissed by the court.[21] According to the Sun-Herald newspaper, it was "an ugly and often violent time", and Abbott's tactics in student politics were like "an aggressive terrier".[22] Abbott organised rallies in support of Governor-General John Kerr after he dismissed the Whitlam Government in November 1975, as well as a pro-Falklands War demonstration during his period at Oxford.[23]


So there, 1959 in Australia had no influence on the mad monk psyche, though 1959 England would have had and 1963 in Australia must have had... 1963 in Australia was the bastard child of 1959 since 1971 was like 1949... We'll will investigate 1963 a bit later on... I was in England in 1963. I know. 

going back to the future of racist budget past...

As a potential budget solution, the Invalid and Old Age Pension Act of 1908 is an absolute corker. Since we're heading towards greater inequality anyway, maybe the Government should bring that back, writes Ian Verrender.

Pining for the days when good old fair dinkum Aussies simply got on with it? A time when whingers and bludgers didn't get a look in and if you stepped out of line you got a clip across the ear, or kick up the rear, and no one batted an eye?

Back in those days we didn't worry about deficits and debt and we certainly didn't give a toss about this modern, bleeding heart obsession with providing a level playing field for all. Back then, we were bigots and proud of it.

The Abbott Government would do well to return us to that era, if perhaps it hasn't already embarked upon that course.

For if it adopted the same rules that applied to Australia's very first pension legislation, it could put the country on course for a surplus within a year or two and all our problems would be solved.

As a potential budget solution, the Invalid and Old Age Pension Act of 1908 is an absolute corker.

Although income and assets tested, on paper at least, every Australian man and woman over 65 was entitled to a pension about one quarter of the minimum wage.

But there were a few exceptions to this universal safety net. Aliens, Asiatics (sic), and Aboriginal natives of Australia, Africa, the Pacific Islands and New Zealand were banned - although Asiatics who could prove they were born here were in the running.

Oh, and white women married to any of the above also need not apply.

In addition to colour, character also was paramount. That ruled out anyone who had deserted their spouse, hadn't supported their children for 12 months in the previous five years or anyone who hadn't lived continuously in Australia for the previous 25 years.

Making a false claim could be a hazardous endeavour. Five years in the slammer. And you really needed to be sure you had all the documentation in order because a registrar would conduct an investigation into your affairs before making a recommendation to a magistrate.

Even then, there were pitfalls. According to Section 31(2): "If it appears to the Magistrate that the claimant, although otherwise qualified for, is unfit to be intrusted (sic) with, a pension, he may recommend that the claimant, instead of being granted a pension, be sent to a benevolent asylum or charitable institution."

So, if the magistrate was suffering a force nine hangover or took a disliking, it could well be no pension and off to the loony bin for you.

We haven't quite regressed to that point yet. But we appear to be heading in the general direction. In many ways, it is worse.

While accessing the pension certainly was more difficult back in the early days, at least the authorities had the good sense to ensure the wealthy were excluded.

Some economists have claimed Treasurer Joe Hockey's first budget was not tough at all. One this week scribbled that it wasn't tough enough. But it depends on your vantage point.

For lower and middle income earners, it is harsh. They bear the brunt of permanent spending cuts. At the other end of the spectrum, the wealthy are subjected to a temporary lift in income tax.

But that new impost pales into insignificance when compared to the generous tax concessions that apply to the wealthy, particularly regarding property and share market investments and superannuation.

the natives, the kahunas and the pollies are restless...



the natives, the kahunas and the pollies are restless...

A federal Labor MP has written to the Australian Federal Police urging that Coalition MP Mal Brough be prosecuted over his admission that he asked Peter Slipper's aide to copy the former Speaker's diary, which was leaked to the media.

On Sunday, Mr Brough was questioned on 60 Minutes whether he had asked former Speaker's aide James Ashby to "procure copies of Peter Slipper's diary" for Mr Brough's use. Mr Brough, who won the seat of Fisher from Mr Slipper at the 2013 federal election, responded "Yes I did."

Mr Brough added that he did so "because I believed Mr Slipper had committed a crime, because I believed he was defrauding the Commonwealth, and the courts have fundamentally now proven that to be the case".

Read more:
And so should Mal Brough be investigated should he have organised the spying on Slipper's diaries — Slipper, a man who until a certain time was BEST MATE with a certain Pommy Tony Abbott, a fact that was omitted from the 60 (42) Minutes programme... Meanwhile some "birthers" are at Tony's throat for Tony not being fully Australian:

The year was 1981. Unguarded Moment by The Church was at the top of the charts. A different unguarded moment in the church saw Pope John Paul II rushed to hospital, following an assassination attempt. That same year, Anthony John Abbott began at Oxford university on a Rhodes Scholarship, perhaps already dreaming of the prime ministership.

Now it’s 2014. Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda is at the top of the charts. The headlines are dominated by fonts. And reports have emerged that a Sunshine Coast blogger, Tony Magrathea, is attempting to bring down Tony Abbott by proving that he was a dual citizen, and thus ineligible to be elected to parliament under section 44(i) of the Australian Constitution.

The meat in the Abbott “birther” conspiracy pie is this: Abbott became an Australian citizen in 1981, but nowhere has it been reported as to whether he relinquished his British citizenship prior to 1994, when he was elected in the Warringah by-election (except where it has).

Both Abbott’s office and the British Home Office have refused freedom of information requests for documents detailing whether Abbott really renounced his British citizenship, on the basis that it is a personal document in the case of the former, and that they are not legally permitted to in the latter. The prime minister’s office has dismissed Magrathea’s claims outright.

Nonetheless, he still wants to see the documents. “[Abbott] has to tell the people when he renounced his British citizenship”, Magrathea wrote on the blog Independent Australia. Until he does, the theory goes, we can’t be sure that he relinquished it.

Even if Abbott were somehow forced to stand down, he could easily renounce his citizenship and stand again in a by-election, likely winning re-election with an increased margin. But in the minds of those pushing the dual citizen barrow the consequences for Abbott if they can prove their case are far more dire: he would be stripped of his pension, forced to repay salaries earned and allowances received, and imprisoned. 

Read more:


And while Tony does not divulge when his British citizenship had been renonced as it should have for him to be elected to the Australian parliament, the latest in this saga of pollies who tell all things about their origin possibly without checking birth and death records, may be hoping legend shall rule. It's like many people these days being proud of their convict ancestry, while their own family covered it up for yonks:

Jacqui Lambie has blamed a "tribal war" for a dispute over her Indigenous heritage, and warned an Aboriginal elder who challenged her claim to "watch your step with me".


The outspoken Palmer United Party Senator claimed in her maiden speech last week that she was related to, if not descended from, a prominent Aboriginal resistance leader of north-eastern Tasmania.

Senator Lambie told the Senate her Indigenous heritage could be traced through her mother, Sue Lambie's, family.

"We trace our history over six generations to celebrated Aboriginal chieftain of the Tasmania east coast, Mannalargenna," she said.

read more:

All of this of course is quite suspect. One of the problems for Lambie, as the ABC article tells us, is that there is no record of such lineage... What would she gain anyway to claim lineage to a famous Aboriginal leader of the 1800s?... As she seems to be in favour of the destruction of the leafy heritage of Tassie, presently standing up in the form of trees, she would be betraying her "origins", would not she? Is it possible, that as mentioned above, her family became a family of "natives" as explained in the article at top, unless they were from "another" tribe, unrelated to Mannalargenna...


So there we are, as some politicians' fiddle about the whatever of their ancestry while Pyne tells more porkies about Ashby, one wonders how the nation still performs. Of course the answer lies in the fact that most of us "work", which is euphemism for robbing someone legally by producing or selling something that is more or less useless, apart from friggin' food... But fear not, O'Farrell was being wheeled out to Liberal fund raising functions like Flint was always wheeled out to royalists functions:



The former premier of New South Wales, Barry O’Farrell, has denied he is the “big man” who was set to provide $120,000 to a Liberal candidate in Newcastle.

During his second appearance at the Independent Commission Against Corruption in Sydney, O’Farrell said he had been “wheeled out” to many functions as opposition leader in the runup to the 2011 state election, but the actual fundraising and allocation of funds was the responsibility of the NSW Liberals’ head office.

The mysterious “big man” was referenced in text messages sent before the 2011 election by a Liberal staffer for the disgraced former Newcastle MP Tim Owen and the former police minister, Michael Gallacher.

“How’s our big man going with the $120k,” the staffer, Hugh Thomson, wrote.

Chris Hartcher, a Liberal MP who has joined the crossbench since allegations of corruption were raised in Icac, told the commission Gallacher had referred to O’Farrell as “the big man” and the “big kahuna” for years, “even after he became premier”.

read more:



Enjoy dinner... See picture and article at top...





no record...

The Palmer United party senator Jacqui Lambie says she is prepared to take a DNA test to prove her Indigenous heritage.

Lambie last week warned a Tasmanian Indigenous elder to “watch his step” after he questioned the veracity of her heritage.

In her recent maiden speech to parliament, the Tasmanian senator told of her links “over six generations to celebrated Aboriginal chieftain of the Tasmanian east coast, Mannalargenna”.

Lambie said she shared “blood, culture and history through my mother Sue Lambie’s family”.

Her claim was shot down by the chairman of the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania, Clyde Mansell, who told the ABC that Lambie was “not part” of the family.

read more:




It is possible that Lambie has some Aboriginal heritage and I don't think that Clyde Mansell is disputing this possibility. No-one is. What Clyde Mansell is rightly pointing out is there is no record making a connection between Lambie and Mannalargenna as she claims. None whatsoever. Simple, like the meerkat would say.