Monday 20th of January 2025

the world of 'blinky bill' .....

the world of 'blinky bill' .....

Only the Australian Labor Party could kid itself into believing that the world is its oyster, simply because unity has broken-out within its parliamentary caucus.

Whilst Mark Kenny claims that Labor leader Shorten is ‘quietly pleased with where he is at present’, perhaps both ‘Blinky Bill’ & Mark would do well to reflect on where the electorate thinks he is?

That Bill thinks it’s enough to get the dreadful battle of egos between Gillard & Rudd off the front page, whilst he meekly plays ‘me too’ in support for our latest military folly in Iraq & a willing handmaiden to the vicious attack on our civil liberties through the latest round of ‘anti-terror’ laws (laws which his party initiated) is to take the Australians for fools.

That Labor is no more capable than Abbott & his cronies of embracing & articulating genuine aspirational policies, based on principles which reflect a commitment to the well-being of all Australians, is nothing to be pleased about. That it is content to silently condone the wholesale export of jobs to foreign countries by business & government alike, whilst ignoring the fate of a new ‘underclass’ of millions of Australians forced to survive on casual work should have Bill & the rest of the cossetted political class from all sides hiding their heads in shame.

That Bill offers nothing on the subject of serial tax avoidance, the rorting of our social welfare system by those who need it least or his party’s all too cosy relationship with the monopolies, duopolies & oligopolies who bleed this country dry unhindered & unashamedly on a daily basis, confirms whose interests Labor really aspires to serve.

And like the emperor with no clothes, Bill stood mute whilst the current ‘liar-in-chief’ stole Labor’s historic claim that it represents a ‘light on the hill’ for all Australians.