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at the G20...A leading international climate change economist has urged Tony Abbott not to “wish away” the evidence for climate change or prevent it from being discussed at the upcoming G20 summit because of “local politics” and a “lack of courage” to confront the scientific evidence. His comments come as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] release the most rigorous synthesis of climate change science to date, making it clear that without urgent cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, global temperatures will rise by more than 2 degrees. In a commentary for the Guardian, Nicholas Stern, chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change in the UK and a former World Bank chief economist, wrote that climate change action by politicians was now urgent, with lives and livelihoods at risk. “With each successive decade being warmer than the last globally, and this year shaping up to be the hottest ever recorded, the reality of climate change is undeniable, and cannot be simply wished away by politicians who lack the courage to confront the scientific evidence,” he wrote. “[It] should place enormous pressure on the Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott, to make it a major agenda item at the G20 summit later this month, instead of shunting it to the sidelines. read more:
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coal king con will try and stifle the scientific evidence...
But attempts to include this idea in the Synthesis Report have faced considerable opposition from political representatives from a number of countries, including India and the USA.
India sees coal as playing a big part in attempts to get people out of poverty. A global limit on emissions, they argue, would interfere with that.
"It would mean many of the development programmes would need to be curtailed, if carbon budgets put an embargo on providing basic necessities to people, that would be a big concern for India," said Sanjay Vashist from the campaign group Climate Action Network.
Another point of contention between the developed and developing world is the question of responsibility and impact.
Essentially poorer nations would like the language of the document to reflect the fact that they didn't cause this problem but they will suffer the most from rising temperatures.
"We are not all facing the same situation," according to Sanjay Vashist.
"The IPCC has already predicted above 2 degrees C for South Asia, that means the disasters will be more threatening compared to other regions.
"Even if you tweak the scientific findings, it doesn't change that reality and the reality is we are facing a bleak future in absence of any ambition on mitigation and that needs to be addressed."
There is some sense that the voices of developing countries have been getting stronger over the past 13 months as the IPCC has worked through the three reports.
According to Arthur Petersen of the Dutch government's team, that's a good thing.
"It gives strong signals to the scientific community that the whole development perspective is still a blind spot for the more modelling oriented people - do they really have a feel for what's going on in those countries?
"But there is still a general sense and feeling that we should be able to reach an agreement where scientists and governments are happy - we can pull off the miracle again!"
the turdy tony swine is an ignoramus of infinite stupidity...
Australia has reluctantly conceded that climate change can be included in a single brief paragraph of the G20 leaders’ communique after heavy lobbying by the US and European nations.
The government had resisted any discussion of climate at the Brisbane meeting on the grounds that the G20 is primarily an economic forum, but other nations argued leaders’ agreements at meetings like the G20 are crucial to build momentum towards a successful international deal at the United Nations conference on climate change in Paris next year.
The final wording of the leaders’ statement after the meeting is still being finalised but it is believed to simply recommit to addressing climate change through UN processes.
The outcome – and Australia’s resistance – have been attacked by the leading climate economist Lord Nicholas Stern, who has written for Guardian Australia that the latest “synthesis” report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) should be “high on the agenda” for the G20 meeting.
“The G20 is the most effective forum for the discussion of the growth story of the future, the transition to the low-carbon economy. Yet the local politics of a country of less than 25 million is being allowed to prevent essential strategic discussions of an issue that is of fundamental importance to the prosperity and well-being of the world’s population of 7 billion people,” he writes.
Turdy Tony is an ignoramus idiot. See toon at top.
worse than nothing...
Clive Palmer does not believe the Coalition’s $2.5bn Direct Action plan can deliver Australia’s minimum 5% greenhouse gas reduction target but says his senators voted for it last week because it was “better than having nothing”.
“It’s clear Direct Action won’t give us the 5% reductions,” Palmer told Guardian Australia. “We’re going to need another policy pretty soon. But in the short-term it’s better to have something reducing emissions than having nothing.”
Palmer, whose senators also voted to repeal the former government’s emissions trading scheme – which is how Australia was left without a climate policy – said he believed Australia would eventually have to move to such a scheme.
As part of a deal to secure PUP’s votes in the Direct Action vote last week, the government has agreed to commission the Climate Change Authority to inquire into an emissions trading scheme – something Palmer says will “keep the debate alive until the next election”.
Palmer is a con-man who closely works in tandem with Turdy Tony — as well as trying to get as much kudos for himself...
severe and irreversible impacts of climate change...
The world's top scientists have given their clearest warning yet of the severe and irreversible impacts of climate change.
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its synthesis report, a summary of its last three reports.
It warns greenhouse gas levels are at their highest point in 800,000 years, with recent increases mostly due to the burning of fossil fuels.
"Continued emission of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and long-lasting changes in all components of the climate system, increasing the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems," the report said.
"Limiting climate change would require substantial and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions which, together with adaptation, can limit climate change risks."
One of the authors, Professor Jim Skea, said the document would be invaluable in future climate change negotiations.
"The statements are much more powerful because they're put together," he said.
"The inferences that you can draw are just very obvious for policymakers now and I think that's what the achievement is."
read more:
Tony Abbott is an ignoramus idiot. see toon at top.
the republican ignoramus idiots...
WASHINGTON — Gov. Rick Scott of Florida, a Republican who is fighting a Democratic challenge from former Gov. Charlie Crist, was asked by The Miami Herald if he believes climate change is significantly affecting the weather. “Well, I’m not a scientist,” he said.
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who is locked in a tight re-election race, was asked this month by The Cincinnati Enquirer if he believes that climate change is a problem. “I’m not a scientist,” he said.
House Speaker John A. Boehner, when asked by reporters if climate change will play a role in the Republican agenda, came up with a now-familiar formulation. “I’m not qualified to debate the science over climate change,” he said.
“I’m not a scientist,” or a close variation, has become the go-to talking point for Republicans questioned about climate change in the 2014 campaigns. In the past, many Republican candidates questioned or denied the science of climate change, but polls show that a majority of Americans accept it — and support government policies to mitigate it — making the Republican position increasingly challenging ahead of the 2016 presidential elections.
These Republicans are ignoramus idiots who shirt their responsibility by not engaging FOR science.
We need politicians with the will to act, NOT LIKE TONY TURDY AND CLIVE PALMER, who are lining the pockets of their friends — the CO2 emitters — under the pretence of doing something with a very expensive inneffective stupid "direct action" program. Yep, our Turd in Chief also wants to "plant trees" while cutting down twice as many. Without the support of the IGNORAMUS idiots at the merde-och press, Tony Turdy and his cohort of CONservative knaves would have never been in power to dictate stupidity to Australians.
would adverts for coal mining be kosher?...
Brisbane airport has banned two more advertisements for being “too political.” The latest casualties are a message from Transparency International urging arriving G20 leaders to support anti-corruption principles at the November meeting and an ad from civil society forum C20 drawing attention to issues of poverty and infrastructure.
A Transparency International spokeswoman, Maggie Murphy, said she had information that China was blocking agreement by leaders at the Brisbane meeting on a key anti-corruption measure – principles developed by the G20 on the need to reveal the real beneficial owners who control companies hidden behind front or shell companies, trusts or other legal structures.
Transparency International’s proposed billboard said “Dirty money not welcome here. G20 it’s time to”.
Like the banned climate change billboard proposed by a large group of environmental and development organisations, TI was told by its media buyer, Ooh Media, that Brisbane airport had refused to accept its sign because it was “too political”.
The C20 - a civil society forum that engages with the G20 - wanted to place advertisements in lightboxes inside the airport to raise issues including tackling poverty and improving infrastructure – but Ooh Media told the organisation the lightboxes were too political and would be banned.
“We can talk to leaders as an official engagement group, but it seems we can’t talk to the public,” C20 spokesman John Lindsay told reporters.
Censorship is rife in Australia...
emissions going through the roof...
Emissions from Australia’s electricity sector have risen significantly since the repeal of the carbon price, with a record rise in emissions predicted this financial year.
An analysis of the National Electricity Market (NEM) by Mike Sandiford, a University of Melbourne energy academic, has shown their emissions will rise about 9% in 2014-15 compared with 2013-14 – the equivalent of 14m extra tonnes of carbon dioxide. The figure could be as high as 10%, according Sandiford.
The NEM covers about 80% of Australia’s electricity consumption.
“To put it in historical context, this recent increase in emissions is currently tracking at about 250% higher than the previous largest recorded increase,” Sandiford wrote in the the Conversation. “That was back in 2003-04 when emissions increased by a touch over 5m tonnes for the year.”
read more:
censorship plus...
Three advertisements have been banned from appearing in Brisbane airport because they were deemed “too political” – but it has emerged that similar material from energy giant Chevron and the Queensland government’s controversial mining-funded Reef Facts campaign was approved.
In the run-up to the G20 meeting in Brisbane this month, activist groups tried to place adverts inside the terminal, but were rebuffed by Ooh Media, the airport’s media buyer.
As Guardian Australia revealed on Sunday, environment and development groups led by the WWF attempted to place a billboard ad depicting a farmer calling for action on climate change, featuring the words: “Action on climate change is #onmyagenda, Dear G20 leaders please put it on yours.”
read more:
see above: would adverts for coal mining be kosher?...
more broken promises...
The number of election commitments broken by the Abbott Government has jumped from eight to 12.
Since launching our election Promise Tracker in July, we've had requests from the audience - and the Prime Minister's office - to examine more of the Coalition's pre-election commitments.
We've added a dozen of the most popular requests into the mix, including Tony Abbott's pledge to spend a week a year in an Indigenous community, the promise to send a Customs vessel to the Southern Ocean to monitor whaling, and the commitment to ensure the continuation of existing university funding arrangements.
Of the additions, one is delivered - the decision on Sydney's second airport at Badgerys Creek; four are broken; two are stalled; and five are in progress.
Of course the ABC fact check gives 15 promises delivered by Turdy... But one has to realise that of these 15, 15 of these promises WERE UGLY!...
But should you follow other criteria for promises, you would note that Tony Turdy has broken about 60 promises by now — basically all of his promises so far.
queensberry rules...
you're paying for it...
A new report finds exploration by coal and energy companies is subsidised by Australian taxpayers by as much as $US3.5 billion ($4 billion) every year in the form of direct spending and tax breaks.
The report, "The Fossil Fuel Bailout", by the Overseas Development Institute and Oil Change International estimates that G20 countries are subsidising oil, gas and coal explorers to the tune of $US88 billion ($100 billion) annually through grants, loans, and tax deductions.
The report said that the United States and Australia paid the highest level of national subsidies for exploration in the form of direct spending or tax breaks.
Overall, G20 country spending on national subsidies was $23 billion.
In Australia, this includes exploration funding for Geoscience Australia and tax deductions for mining and petroleum exploration.
The report also classifies the Federal Government's fuel rebate program for resources companies as a subsidy.
The report said that the world's top 20 private oil and gas companies spent $US37.4 billion on exploration in 2013, less than half the $US88 billion provided by government subsidies.
Saudi Arabia and Brazil gave the biggest amount of support to state-owned enterprises. Investment by state owned firms in the G20 accounted for $49 billion in subsidies.
Japan and Korea spent the most on public finance subsidies through loans or equity provided to government-owned financial institutions such as export credit agencies.
Public finance subsidies accounted for $16 billion in G20 subsidies.
The report estimates that $11 billion of the $44 billion Ichthys LNG project off the coast of Western Australia was provided by export credit agencies from countries including Australia, Japan and France.
Queensland's three big LNG projects also received export credit agency funding.
The planet will kick us in the butt, eventually. It has started already.
historic deal shames our turd in chief...
The announcement by Barack Obama and Xi Jinping of an agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions is a fine illustration of the difference between the real and ostensible functions of international summit meetings like the G20.
Ostensibly, the G20 leaders were supposed to agree on a plan to increase the rate of growth of GDP by two percentage points for the next five years. As an aspirational statement of what might happen given a perfect alignment of the economic stars, such an estimate would be highly optimistic. It would imply, for example, a doubling of the rate of growth in income per person for developed countries like Australia.
As a policy goal, to be achieved by specific measures agreed at the G20 meeting, the target is about as realistic as establishing world peace or ending poverty. The G20 policy agenda is a grab bag of second-order measures (the most substantive is spending 0.5% of GDP on infrastructure) that might marginally increase the long-term rate of economic growth but will have no perceptible impact over the next five years.
That’s assuming if the G20 leaders can manage to push them through. All of the measures have been on the wishlists of various policy players for years, so the fact that they aren’t already in place suggests that they face big political or institutional obstacles in the countries concerned.
By contrast, the US-China agreement on climate change is the real deal and illustrates the real function of events like G20. By bringing the leaders of 20 or more major countries together in one place, G20 facilitates one-on-one or small group meetings between them, either to respond to immediate crises (Abbott and Putin) or to announce the finalisation of negotiations that have been going on behind closed doors for months (Obama and Jinping).
record at the G20...
Temperatures in the high 30s and evening thunderstorms will hit Brisbane as delegates meet for the G20 summit this weekend.
The Bureau of Meteorology (Bom) has forecast maximums of 32 degrees Celsius on Friday, 35C on Saturday and 38C on Sunday for the Brisbane CBD.
There was the chance of thunderstorms on Saturday and Sunday, in the afternoon and evening.
The record for the hottest November day - 34.8C on November 29, 2009 - looks set to be broken.
BoM senior forecaster Rick Threlfall said a high pressure system was bringing in the hot front.
"We could actually get close to breaking some records," Mr Threlfall said.
Nightfall would bring little relief from the heat, Mr Threlfall said.
"We could see around 21 Friday night, 24 Saturday night, and 24 again Sunday night, so some really hot, humid nights as well," he said.
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turdy tony appears more idiotic by the minute...
The emissions deal between China and the United States has left Prime Minister Tony Abbott with egg on his face, a climate change analyst says.
Mr Abbott, speaking at the East Asia Summit in Napyidaw, Myanmar, said while welcome, the US-China deal would not prompt him to put climate change on the agenda for this weekend's G20 Leaders' Summit in Brisbane.
Mr Abbott said the G20's focus will be on economic reform, adding that there were plenty of forums where climate change can be discussed.
"Interestingly, we've just had the APEC conference in Beijing and climate change was hardly mentioned," he said.
"It was mentioned in passing by one leader in Beijing.
"And, look, there are lots of venues to deal with climate change. Climate change is a very significant issue."
Chinese and US leaders negotiated the deal in secret over the last nine months.
read more:
Tony Abbott is an idiott...
peabody coal...
In the corporatised and coal-company sponsored cocoon of a pre-G20 talkfest in Brisbane, the burst of vocal protest came like a sudden jolt of the reality of life outside.
“Peabody – we don’t want your coal,” came the loud but brief interlude from seven young climate change campaigners who rose to their feet to shout down Glenn Kellow, the chief operating officer of Peabody Energy, the world’s biggest privately owned coal company.
The chants bounced around the ornate auditorium of Brisbane city hall for only 30 seconds or so, before the group joined hands and walked out into the scorching Brisbane sun.
Peabody Energy, the world’s biggest privately-owned coal company, was the sole sponsor of the Global Café energy event, plugged by organisers Brisbane Marketing as a chance to explore the challenges of powering the economies of the world.
Kellow, based in St Louis but originally from Australia, was in the middle of yet another pitch from the coal industry arguing their product is the “cheapest” and best way to get electricity to the 1.2 billion people in the world who currently don’t have it. He avoided the phrase “climate change”.
As I’ve written before, coal’s concern for the world’s poor is either a sudden onset of benevolence or a cynical ploy to use people’s genuine concern over poverty to sell more of their product.
Outside the entrance to the city hall, others from the Australian Youth Climate Coalition were handing out an open letter, co-signed by youth climate groups from 30 different countries. The letter reads:
We are compelled to write this letter because we believe that the coal lobby, led by Peabody Energy (the largest coal company in the world), is trying to unduly influence the outcome of the G20 Summit. Their agenda represents a threat to young people and future generations, and we urge you to listen to our message over that of vested interests.
They claim that their industry will benefit the world’s poor. But we know that the rapid expansion of the industry will cost those living under the poverty line their health and clean air - and they are also the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
The AYCC produced a video mocking some of the claims made by Peabody Energy, coal industry figures and Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
Ten to one that when Tony Abbott is thrown out of office for holding two nationalities in the Australian parliament contrary to section 44 of the Australian Constitution (and for being a gigantic scientifically ignorant turd), he will be invited to "advise" and be part of the coal and gas industry — as well as advise the Catholic Church on how to manage its finances (100 to one)?...
turdy rubbish...
Six myths about Australia’s climate policy [Abbott's "direct action] that never did wash
These myths are endlessly repeated and sure won’t be accepted in the wake of the US-China climate deal
It is simple: Tony Abbott is an idiot who "does not believe" in the science of global warming: "global warming is crap" he once said. He would not have a clue NOR IS HE INTEREST IN WANTING TO KNOW. Reality is alien in the empty space he uses for thinking. It's a crappy pigeon loft full of silly platitudes akin to pigeon poop. Tony only gets away with this shit because his mate Mr Murdoch supports him no matter what, way beyond reason, reality and civility. It's a tragedy for this fair country that, under Abbott-the-Fool, is going to the dogs...
the host's reluctance is an embarrassment...
Barack Obama has vowed that America will not hesitate to use its military might in the Asia-Pacific to protect US allies while also warning governments such as Australia that they cannot ignore their global responsibilities to address climate change more firmly.
In a speech on the sidelines of the G20 in Brisbane, Mr Obama had strong words for potential aggressor states such as China, Russia, and North Korea, as he told them never to "question our resolve or our commitments to our allies", and lectured them in their own states that the "rule of force must give way to the rule of law".
The strong comments came in a landmark speech to students at Queensland University, ahead of a summit in which the world's biggest economies have agreed to an even more ambitious growth target of 2.1 per cent over five years above business-as-usual levels.
Mr Obama's speech dealt principally with American foreign policy and democracy, but also ventured heavily into climate change, despite the insistence of the Abbott government the issue be left off the G20 agenda.
AdvertisementFairfax Media understands that climate change will now be specifically mentioned in the final communique with its own reference to the responsibility of member nations to take material action.
That represents a substantial win for Mr Obama, who has succeeded in making the G20 summit address the issue irrespective of the host's reluctance.
Read more:
If the BoM weather bureau predictions are correct, Brisbane will have the hottest EVER recorded November day today (16 November 2014 — 40 degrees Celsius) which would be about 5.5 degrees Celsius above the previous record ever and about 13.2 degrees Celsius above average...
flat earther he is, as well as a giant idiot...
The attitude of Prime Minister Tony Abbott to the global challenges of climate change is "eccentric", "baffling" and "flat earther", according to a group of senior British Conservatives.
The group, including Prime Minister David Cameron's Minister for Energy and a former Thatcher Minister and chairman of the Conservative Party, says Mr Abbot's position on climate change represents a betrayal of the fundamental ideals of Conservatism and those of his political heroine, Margaret Thatcher.
In a series of wide-ranging, separate interviews on UK climate change policy with The Age, they warn that Australia is taking enormous risks investing in coal and will come under increasing market and political pressure to play its part in the global battle against climate change.
Read more:
stingy flat-earther...
The Federal Government has slashed funding to a key United Nations environment agency by more than 80 per cent, stunning environmental groups ahead of a global climate change summit in Peru.
The ABC has learned the Government cut $4 million from the UN Environment Program (UNEP), which provides advice on environmental policies and climate change negotiations.
"Whether it's air pollution, whether it's ozone depleting substances, what's happening in the world's oceans, the conservation of biodiversity - for a relatively small amount, Australia benefits from leveraging well over $500 million in contributions that other countries make," UNEP's executive director Achim Steiner said.
Australia was due to contribute around $1.2 million this year, but has only offered $200,000.
Not only Tony Turdy is an idiotic zealot flat-earther who does not "believe" in global warming despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary, he shows he is also stingy... Mr Scrooge.. Mr Stingy and Mr Vindictive, for them pointing out his turdy ignoramus ways...
clean coal con...
Lachlan Barker, just 'cleaner coal', which is still a highly polluting source of energy and not commercially viable anyway.
BRILLIANT ARTIST John Graham recently published one of his great cartoons on IA(pictured right), in which you see Tony Abbott standing on a huge pile of coal. When I saw that, suddenly something clicked in my mind like never before and the Federal Government’s plans were shown clearly, in sharp relief.
The Abbott Government are jiggling around like a worm on a hook trying to find a way to do nothing about global warming until they have sold all of Australia’s coal and made as much money from it as they can.
The image explains the Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt’s bizarre lone-stand pushing of so-called "clean coal".
The problem is, now and forever, "clean coal" simply does not exist — the closest possible is "cleaner coal", as ABC Fact Check points out.
In addition, a piece by Graham Readfearn on DeSmogBlog, republished here on IA, tells of Peabody, the world’s largest coal company, being been criticised by UK advertising watchdogs for the 'misleading' use of the phrase 'clean coal'.
So what is "cleaner coal"? ‘Cleaner coal’ is a misnomer really, the term refers to burning eternally dirty coal, using more efficient methods to cut emissions.,7174
Clean coal has been used to describe coal with low sulphur and other impurities... But as far as CO2 is concerned, clean coal produces about as much CO2 as dirty coal...
fossil fuels 'unburnable' under 2C climate target...
Most of the world's fossil fuel reserves will need to stay in the ground if dangerous global warming is to be avoided, modelling work suggests.
Over 80% of coal, 50% of gas and 30% of oil reserves are "unburnable" under the goal to limit global warming to no more than 2C, say scientists.
University College London research, published in Nature journal, rules out drilling in the Arctic.
And it points to heavy restrictions on coal to limit temperature rises.
"We've now got tangible figures of the quantities and locations of fossil fuels that should remain unused in trying to keep within the 2C temperature limit," said lead researcher Dr Christophe McGlade, of the UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources.
"Policy makers must realise that their instincts to completely use the fossil fuels within their countries are wholly incompatible with their commitments to the 2C goal."