Monday 10th of March 2025

fighting the old new world order and smelling the flowers when grandma is away...

new new world order

It is a conundrum. Is exposing the World Order for what it is — corrupt, bullying, murderous and rafted of other hypocritical attribute, while benefiting from a relative wealth — duplicitous?
When one tries to find buddies to "fight" the Old established New World Order, one can mostly find crackpots, religious spiritual nuts, anarchists (obviously) and terrorists... Most of the others fighters are the usual inefficient philosophy-ing suspects with a pen — or a cartoonist pencil in the hand, like me. 
We only convert the converted... We have to do better.
The only real heavyweight who could fight against the Old New World Order may have gone soft, like China, or has been circumcised by the West, like Russia, after having tried to swindle it. 
The Old New World Order is basically a construct of a few (American) people on this planet who benefit most by making sure humans are in a controlled rut. This demands power (mostly in the form of armies), money (control of values), philosophical ruthlessness (making sure people know who's boss, even if proposed nicely) and propaganda (news outlets and religious fervour). 
WE all participate in this swindle. In the old days, a royal family would decide whom to bash up in order to retain the crown. These days, we have "democracy" in which we elect leaders who then decide for us how to beat us or someone else with sticks, for "our own good". It's a crock of course. The leaders lie through their teeth and only half of us believe them. The other half of us does not care as long as there is a fast food outlet nearby. There is a pay-off, of course, in the form of being able to buy a certain amount of comforts, including pillows, while being enslaved to the eyeballs by debt — a formulation of social control devised by the Old New World Order...
Below is an article by George Monbiot on the way the New World Order propaganda is mostly "controlled":

When people say they have no politics, it means that their politics aligns with the status quo. None of us are unbiased, none removed from the question of power. We are social creatures who absorb the outlook and opinions of those with whom we associate, and unconciously echo them. Objectivity is impossible.

The illusion of neutrality is one of the reasons for the rotten state of journalism, as those who might have been expected to hold power to account drift thoughtlessly into its arms. But until I came across the scandal currently erupting in Canada, I hadn’t understood just how quickly standards are falling.

In 2013 reporters at CBC, Canada’s equivalent of the BBC, broke a major story. They discovered that RBC – Royal Bank of Canada – had done something cruel and unusual even by banking standards. It was obliging junior staff to train a group of temporary foreign workers, who would then be given the staff’s jobs. Just after the first report was aired, according to the website Canadaland, something odd happened: journalists preparing to expand on the investigation were summoned to a conference call with Amanda Lang, CBC’s senior business correspondent and a star presenter. The reporters she spoke to say she repeatedly attempted to scuttle the story, dismissing it as trivial and dull.

They were astonished. But not half as astonished as when they discovered the following, unpublished facts. First, that Lang had spoken at a series of events run or sponsored by RBC – for which she appears, on one occasion, to have been paid around 15,000 Canadian dollars. Second, that she was booked to speak at an event sponsored by the outsourcing company the bank had hired to implement the cruel practice exposed by her colleagues. Third, that her partner is a board member at RBC.

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the black plague...


It is not a good sign when an internationally respected economist, one of the few who predicted the 2008 global financial crisis, invokes the black plague when discussing today's global financial markets.

"We are in a world that is dangerously unanchored … We're seeing true currency wars and everybody is doing it," said William White, a senior economist for the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development.

"Sovereign bond yields haven't been so low since the black plague," he told Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the European economics editor of The Telegraph in London. Evans-Pritchard has been a prescient (and pessimistic) observer of the eurozone.

Invoking the black plague is not good, especially when the historic reference is accompanied by this: "I have no idea where this is going to end".

The black plague, or black death, known today as bubonic plague, swept from China to mediaeval Europe in the middle of the 14th century, killing an estimated 75 million to 150 million people, about 20 per cent of the world's population. It ravaged Europe for seven years, 1346 to 1353, wiping out half the populations of large cities, including London and Paris. Nothing as deadly has been seen since.

That was the last time interest rates on sovereign debt were as low as they are today.

If White is agitated his concerns should be noted. A former deputy governor of the (Reserve) Bank of Canada, he spent 14 years as the chief economist at the Bank for International Settlements, the central bank for central banks.

His reports for the BIS warned repeatedly that financial regulators were failing to rein in dangerous market instability, especially the potent combination of financial derivatives, junk debt and excessive financial engineering.

In June 2008, White wrote his last report for the BIS. He warned that the world was at risk of another depression. He then retired from the BIS. Three months later, the global financial system went into gridlock.

Today, White serves on a committee advising the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, and is a senior adviser to the OECD.

He thus has credibility when he says that the world's central banks are pushing the global economy into dangers as great as those in 2008. He points out, with disapproval, that since the financial crisis of 2008-09 the world's combined public-private debt has increased by 20 per cent, and most governments have been engaged in competitive currency devaluations.

His warnings come on the eve of a meeting of the European Central Bank on Thursday, which is expected to announce a massive bond-buying program to stimulate the stagnant eurozone.

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flaring at the nostrils...

From Chris Floyd

Let's be clear about this. The Putin regime is odious. What it is doing to the Russian people -- the degradation of their liberties; the imposition of Tea Party-style willful ignorance, false piety and bellicose nationalism on the culture; the crippling corruption of its klepto-capitalism (which almost, but not quite, approaches the level in the US and UK, where trillions of dollars have been transferred from working people to a tiny sliver of politically connected elites on Wall Street); its brutal prison system (which, while rivalling the American gulag in its harshness, lags far behind it in the proportion of citizens it imprisons and the racial disparities of the captive population) -- all of this is insupportable.  I hold no brief for the oft-seen stance that soft-pedals the Putin regime's domestic depredations in order to play up the egregious sins of America's foreign policy. You don't have to do that in order to condemn the murderous poltroonery of the Potomac imperialists, any more than you had to pretend that Saddam Hussein was an enlightened statesman in order to condemn America's Nazi-like military aggression to destroy his regime.

But as Patrick Smith 
notes in a recent column, America’s media and political elites are colluding to obscure the realities of the most volatile and dangerous situation in world politics today: Washington's insane drive to destroy the Russian economy and force "regime change" in the Kremlin.

As Smith reports, Americans -- and to barely lesser degree, the Brits -- are being sold an extremely fetid bill of goods in regard to the New Cold War in general, and the situation in Ukraine in particular. One major aspect of this snow job is the fierce -- not to say hysterical -- dismissal in the West of any idea that repulsive neo-fascists factions played a decisive role in the final overthrow of the previous government and are playing a leading role in many aspects of Ukrainian policy today, particularly in the war against Russian-leaning eastern Ukraine. (And again, you don't have to pretend that the pro-Russian separatists are all noble freedom fighters free of any ideological taint or criminal activity in order to criticize the sinister nature of the neo-fascist militants now in ascendancy in Ukraine.) As Smith points out, any Western media references to the neo-fascists in Ukraine -- most of whom are proud to publicly proclaim their association with right-wing extremism, even national socialism-- are always put in quotes, e.g., "the so-called 'neo-fascist' groups," etc. Their point, of course, is that only conspiracy-theory nuts and Kremlin apologists would use such terminology to label these very important factions in the new Washington-backed (and Washington-picked) Ukrainian government. 

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changing the dirt at the bottom of the cage...

“World Order 2018” is a new documentary movie by TV host, Vladimir Soloviev, in which he discusses with Russia’s President Putin all the major events of the past few years: the Syrian situation, the destruction of the Middle East, the expansion of NATO, the immigration crisis in Europe, the destabilisation of Eastern Ukraine and the situation in Crimea, US-Russian relations, and of course the nuclear arms race. They also touch on topics rarely answered by world leaders: the eradication of national identities, the re-writing of history, and the essence of the Holocaust.


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