Thursday 2nd of January 2025

the moral bankruptcy of the abbott team... under its captain lunatic...

conservative manta

they don't have the balls to phone anybody...


Senior government figures are rallying behind Tony Abbott as speculation about the Prime Minister's future intensifies.

Coalition MPs are continuing to express dismay at the Government's performance under Mr Abbott's leadership, particularly his recent decision to award a knighthood to Prince Philip.

Meanwhile, Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has outlined the qualities of a good leader in a speech in the United States.

Speaking to reporters in Geelong, the Prime Minister said he was continuing to do the job Australian voters elected him to do.

"Look, the public elected the Government, the public elected a Prime Minister," he said.

"I will spend myself in the service of the Australian people."

Parliamentary Secretary Steve Ciobo said he had not received any calls from colleagues discussing the Prime Minister's future.

"I don't believe that Julie Bishop or Malcolm Turnbull are phoning anybody," he said.


By supporting Tony Abbott, the members of his team shows they are as morally bankrupt as Tony. They don't have the balls to do the right thing. 

In his famous play, King Tony The Turd (1615), Billy Shakespeare had this famous line declaimed by the unwashed smelly valet, Leonistas, of the last standing foot soldier, Gustav, in the unwinnable war against the mad castle graffiti artists:

Conservatives politicians and kings are but lying crummy actors in a badly written play, on a collapsing stage constantly propped up by the tiring spectators who pay dearly to enter the arena, being enticed by a debasing voting system that seem to always letteth the right wing cunning, illiterate boofheads decide the stupid plot.

Meanwhile, the media is navel gazing. Are we "too hard on Abbott"?... The media is navel gazing some more: "it's the toughest job in the country, blah blah blah..."... Well , you idiots, you were so hard on Julia Gillard, you did not give her credit when it was due, you really hated her — leaving us with the dregs of the barrel, Tony Abbott, and you wonder why it tastes so bitter?... Abbott LIES AND LIES AND LIES... Too hard on Abbott? The man shoots himself in the foot day in day out... He told you porkies by the barrel full and now the lot has gone rancid...

Abbott is not the bootlace of captain, though he paraded like a tie-less smart moron today. No, Abbott is not a captain. He got his present job under false pretences. And he still is a pom, as far as I know, since he has not advised us when he renounced his UK citizenship to be a member of parliament under the law of Australia. He is an illegal.


Is the media too hard on Abbott? Are you kidding? The man lied and lied and lied... No such worries when the media punched Julia in the face day in day out, with fake news and irrelevant gossip. The pissy MMMM... !!! (mediocre mass media de mierda) !!!

creeping fascism....

For the first time in Australian history, armed guards are protecting MPs and senators in both chambers of the Federal Parliament.

The escalation of parliamentary security is part of the the second tranche of security changes put in place by the Speaker Bronwyn Bishop and Senate President Stephen Parry.

Fairfax Media has confirmed that several guards with guns are now stationed on the ground level of the House of Representatives and the Senate, in a glass-enclosed booth where the parliamentary audio visual department located.

The changes were put in place on Monday. From now on the highly-trained guards will be present whenever a member of the executive is present and on any other occasion it is deemed necessary for the guards to be in place.

The executive includes Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his full ministry. Parliament is not allowed to sit without a member of the executive present.

Previously, members of a prime minister's close personal protection detail were stationed in the glass-enclosed booth whenever the Prime Minister was in the chamber, but the detail was unarmed.

Arms are not allowed on the floor of the House of Representatives or Senate chamber without the express permission of the Speaker or the Senate president.

read more:


Do not be fooled by '"security"... This is fascism entering Australian Politics...

another big crap dump by turdy...


Australians are "sick of being lectured to by the United Nations", Prime Minister Tony Abbott has said after a report found Australia's treatment of asylum seekers breaches an international anti-torture convention.

The report, by the UN's special rapporteur on torture, finds Australia is violating the rights of asylum seekers on multiple fronts under the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.


Special rapporteur on torture Juan Mendez found the detention of children, escalating violence in offshore processing centres, and the detention and proposed deportation of two groups of Sri Lankan and Tamil asylum seekers were in breach of Australia's international obligations.

The report, which will be tabled at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday, has been rejected outright by the government.

In extraordinary comments on Monday afternoon, Mr Abbott attacked the UN and said its representatives would "have a lot more credibility if they were to give some credit to the Australian government" for stopping boat arrivals.



Hello? Anyone there?... We've signed to the United Nations Charter for VERY SPECIFIC REASONS. Basically stopping torture and discrimination. Hey Tony, when you say "Australians are sick of being lectured to by the United Nations" YOU are of course talking about yourself and the North Shore bigots... Anyone else, who are decent, would be HORRIFIED by Tony Turdy's wink wink say no more TOTALLY unacceptable attitude. 

the lions in the christian circuses...


As Christianity dies, individualism, materialism, and hedonism replace it. “Selfies” could be the name for the generation for whom Easter Sunday long ago took a back seat to Super Bowl Sunday. More than a million abortions a year, assisted suicide, and euthanasia are seen as the milestones of social progress in the new America.

“Panem et circenses,” bread and circuses, were what the late Roman Empire was all about. With us, it is sex, drugs, and rock, with variations on all three.

Historically, as the faith dies, the culture and civilization to which it gave birth die, and then the people die. And a new tribe with its own gods comes to occupy the emptying land. On the old and new continents, it is the native-born of European ancestry who are de-Christianizing, aging and dying. And the nations they created are the ones depopulating.

To occupy Rome, the barbarians came from the east and north. To occupy the West, they are coming from the south. And like the Romans of the fourth century, we seem paralyzed and powerless to stop them.


Yes well, er... I would say that Patrick is correct on some of this. But as one who can explain a lot and nothing much, I could argue that "Christianity ejus destruit oculo nimium saepe sæpius" (Christianity poked itself in the eye once too many times too often). 

And by demonising humanism in order to protect a tabernacle full of lies, Christianity has not been able to replace "virtues" with community's "best practices". Social values are not Christian values, though Christian values should be social. Too often deeds done under the Christian flags are selfish and ugly, while claiming the contrary. The mixing of capitalism and Christianity in the USA has done more  for the rejection of Christianity, all faster than humanism can attract adherents. Hence some people falling between the floorboards. But are drugs so bad? Religion is the opium of the people said Karl Marx. For example would it not be better to let everyone access drug to their brains content, let them die off or become useless... Instead of fighting drugs in a very expensive way that does not work well, cost a packet in health management and so forth. It's possible that soon we might find there would not be many more drug addicts in our societies, but the enormous cost of fighting the "scourge" would be eliminated. Moneys that could be spend on teaching mathematics for example. 

So what's next? Independence from the social network while using it has been the essence of advertising: Freedom... The subtle messages of advertising has destroyed the need for religious faith. Not strangely, the importance of the "self" increases with wealth. And the incessant rabble about "economic" management coming from business people and politicians is also taking us away from "social" values.

It was for Christianity to choose to be in bed with the "social" and reject "capital". But most of Christianity in the US went to bed with "capital", loosing its purpose and ideals in the process — especially while making lame excuses for it. 

So, Patrick, don't blame Woodstock for the shift in social values. There were as many children, possibly more, born out of wedlock before this musical festival. My mother's family is an example of this — but this did not mean they were bad people. 

The "Barbarians" are within... They are the bigots and the likes.

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