From Media Watch:Turbine torture: do wind farms make you sick?
Why a recent report does not prove wind farms make you ill.
But now to more weighty matters.
And disturbing news on the dangers of wind farms from Channel Seven’s Today Tonight in Adelaide.
PRESENTER: Tonight, for the first time, hard evidence wind farms aren’t safe.
RODNEY LOHSE: They were told they were blowing in the wind, that it was all in their heads.
MAN: I’m not telling furphies, it’s real, we can feel it.
— Channel Seven, Today Tonight, 21st January, 2015
Yes, as TT told us recently, those wind turbines are so bad that even the chickens get flustered.
RODNEY LOHSE: Even the chooks appeared spooked by something.
MAN: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. That’s not normal.
— Channel Seven, Today Tonight, 21st January, 2015
That TT footage on a wind farm in South Australia first got a run some two and a half years ago.
So why has it just popped up again?
Well, for much the same reason that radio hosts also went into a spin late last month:
ALAN JONES: Now, it’s a headline today and it’s been called a world first study.
— 2GB, The Alan Jones Breakfast Show, 21st January, 2015
TIM BENNETT: Probably the biggest story today ... is this front page on The Australian.
— ABC 639 North and West SA, Mornings with Tim Bennett (fill in presenter), 21st January, 2015
ROSS STEVENSON: Front page of The Australian has a exclusive story that people living near wind farms face a greater risk of suffering health complaints ...
— 3AW, Breakfast with Ross and John, 21st January, 2015
Back in January The Australian headed its front page with an exclusive from Environment Editor Graham Lloyd , who told us excitedly in his opening paragraph:
PEOPLE living near wind farms face a greater risk of suffering health complaints caused by the low-frequency noise generated by turbines, a groundbreaking study has found.
— The Australian, 21st January, 2015
Mr Lloyd has been worried about wind farms for some time—and those yolkless eggs—so was he right to claim he’d at last found evidence that they damage your health?
Well, not according to several eminent scientists we talked to. And, remarkably, not according to Steven Cooper, the study’s author, who told Media Watch:
No, it’s not correct ... You can’t say that noise affects health from this study.
— Steven Cooper, Acoustic Engineer, 28th January, 2015
Read more:
the jones conundrum...
You have to give it to Alan Jones... He will pick and choose his battles as if well considered... But the battle against wind turbines is akin to Don Quixote fighting windmills... Meanwhile, Jones will fight against the CGS (Coal Gas Seam) exploitation, with good intentions... You could wonder why... Well Jones is well connected to farmers, since, I believe, he and some of his relatives own some sizeable lots of land in the Canberra region... I could be wrong... Add two and two and you can possibly see a bit of self-interest creeping in, while batting to protect the land from the vandalism of gas extraction, the destruction of water supplies by gas drilling and reducing the ability for farmers to plough the land by placing gas pumps everywhere...
On the wind turbine front, most are placed in positions that could not impinge on locals. Scientific studies have shown they have no more impact than not being there.