Friday 3rd of January 2025

good old aussie CONservative know-how to CONfuse, CONfound and deCONstruct australian industries...

aussie workers

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon says the Federal Government needs to come clean about whether it has decided to scale back the number of new submarines Australia will buy.

The Coalition made a pre-election commitment for 12 new submarines, but since then there have been indications that number could drop.

The Government has announced details of the tender process for designing and building the submarines, at an estimated cost of $50 billion.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott was fielding questions on the tender process yesterday when he nominated a smaller number of submarines.

"Sustainment alone, on the basis of an eight submarine, as opposed to a 12 submarine fleet, will produce an ongoing 500 additional jobs," he said.

Senator Xenophon said the government was sending confusing messages and needed to explain exactly what would be commissioned.

"That doesn't make sense," the South Australian senator said.

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Note that Kevin Andrews (depicted in the toon above) was one of the main instigator of the dreadful Work Choices under the Howard government in which Abbott was one of the disastrous minister. These CONservatives are back at destroying your chance of having a decent wage in a decent working environment, all for the glory of having Japanese built sub which will cost an increasing arm and a leg as the Aussie Dollar plummets due to the unemployment created by the CONservatives... Idiots...


should we try solar-powered tin-cans...?

The defence minister, David Johnston, opened the conference and stated clearly the difficulty Australia faces in considering its future submarine options. What we want, the minister admitted, is a conventional submarine (one powered by diesel-electric motors), with the power, speed and range of a nuclear submarine. Such a boat doesn’t exist. Nor, as the then chief of navy, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs, pointed out in his speech, has Australia even begun to acquire the infrastructure or invest in the training needed to support nuclear-powered submarines.

As a senior defence consultant told me, Australia has the only navy in the world that flogs its diesel submarines thousands of kilometres across the ocean – and then goes on patrol. Designers of conventional subs, such as the Swedes and Germans, have experience with shorter ranges: designing a sub for the Baltic Sea is like designing a sub to do laps around the Gulf of Carpentaria.


Having had first hand experience with U-Boots type IX, Gus would be well-placed to become a submarine expert to this flumberonning Turdy Government. But then the idea of solar powered subs might not appeal to the navy. It would be a bit like solar-powered cars in the planned idiotic WestCONnex tunnels of Sydney... The Canberranean boffins should try to build these submarines here. Even if the Aussie industries cannot build a canoe, they sure would be able to build something that is supposed to sink... Bunch of idiots running this turdy government... They know nofin'...

the party of loosing cash...


The exasperated letter from Liberal Party treasurer Philip Higginson shows a party that is deeply divided, dysfunctional and with serious governance and probity issues, writes Sydney bureau chief Ross Jones.

THE LIBERAL PARTY of Australia is in deep shit.

On 22 February 2015, the party’s honorary federal treasurer (HFT),Philip Higginson, told the Party's federal executive he’d had it up to here.

He also told them:

'… at play are different dynamics, much diminished brand, much poorer economy, leadership travails, lack of trust within our own major donor base (>$100,000), many observers predicting further challenges, and many commentators predicting ultimate defeat in 2016.'

 Philip’s not standing down because he wants to, but because:

'I am reliably informed that the new Federal President, Richard Alston AO, wants a new treasurer, and that’s the bottom line.'

Former Howard minister Alston was elected federal president (not to be confused with federal director) in June 2014.

Seven months later, in another Australia Day captain’s pick, but overshadowed by the farce of Sir Phil, Alston was appointed Officer of the Order of Australia for

'... distinguished service to Parliament, international relations through diplomatic roles, business development and the community.'

Higginson’s letter, which can be read here, makes sad reading.

Read more:,7417


Gus: The Liberal (CONservative) voters don't care much about the reality of the "Liberal (COnservative) party as long as they:

a) can bash workers

b) can make truck loads of cash by various "deregulated" fiddles

c) can claim global warming is crap and a communist plot

d) can denounce the concept of social equality as a communist plot

e) can destroy the planet as long as they can hide the damage

f) can idealise "free" markets as long as the playing field is slanted to benefit them

g) can destroy medicare, universal education and social welfare — all in favour of tax deductible charitable enterprises


thrashed by our own government...

The reputation of Australian-made submarines has been "trashed" overseas by the Government organisation responsible for securing the country's next fleet, independent senator Nick Xenophon says.

He said officials from the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) questioned Australia's capacity to build submarines during high-levels talks with Japanese and European manufacturers late last year.

"Apparently the overseas sub-makers were stunned by the comments made by our own DMO," Senator Xenophon said.

"Any such comments are disgraceful."

Senator Xenophon said the comments were interpreted by the manufacturers that the Government favoured building a fleet of up to 12 submarines overseas, despite having promised prior to the 2013 election to give the contract to Government ship-building company ASC in Adelaide.

obsolete before launch...

A key Pentagon advisor is warning Australia that its next submarine fleet purchase may be obsolete as a result of game-changing technology breakthroughs in drone warfare.

Despite the intense political debate over procurement of submarines in Australia, former US military naval advisor and submarine expert Bryan Clark said he had not been contacted by Government officials here.

The Federal Government is planning to build a fleet of 12 new submarines, thought to be worth tens of billions of dollars.

Mr Clark told Lateline the next class of submarines would arrive in the 2020s, and said he did not know whether the Government was looking at the new detection technologies being developed.

"It is something that should impact the design of the next class of [Australian] submarines," he said.

"I've certainly been in contact with the US government in terms of what it might imply for how the next generation of US submarines needs to evolve."

Mr Clark said new technologies, particularly developments in acoustic techniques, meant quiet submarines could be easily detected by the enemy, rendering them ineffective.

"New detection techniques are emerging that would allow you to find large man-made objects in the water more easily than in the past," he said.

Mr Clark said the United States has relied on its submarines being undetectable and being able to operate with impunity in areas close to other countries, but "that is probably going to be coming to an end in the next 10-20 years with these new detection technologies".

When this happens, unmanned undersea vehicles would be used instead, Mr Clark told the ABC.

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act of bastardry... what did you expect, mr X?...

The Federal Government has committed an "act of bastardry and deception" and must start over with the Future Frigates program tender process, South Australian senator Nick Xenophon has said.

Senator Xenophon said a leaked tender document had confirmed local workers were at risk of being excluded from the $35 billion project.

"The fact is the Defence Department and the Government have been resisting my freedom of information calls to have these documents released publicly — now that they've been leaked, I know why," he said.

"It basically says there is no requirement to use Australian shipbuilders and in fact excludes an Australian shipbuilder from managing the project here in Australia.

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