Monday 10th of March 2025

buying votes with a fridge, while selling goods they steal from you...

kitchen sink

Up to 60,000 households will get interest-free loans or discounts on new washing machines, fridges and water heaters under an ambitious $61.5-million election pledge by the Baird government to boost energy efficiency.

Under the policy, tradespeople will also be able to offer upfront discounts on the purchase and installation of energy-efficient air conditioners and heaters.

Environment Minister Rob Stokes said that, for the first time, gas appliances would be included in the energy savings scheme, recognising rising gas prices in NSW.

Almost half of the funds - $26.8 million - will go to help low-income households cut their power bills by purchasing expensive but very efficient whitegoods and major appliances.

Mr Baird said the plan would ensure these appliances were accessible to vulnerable households across NSW.

Previously, the NSW government had funded energy experts to go into homes and advise on how to cut power bills, for example with water-saving shower heads or by running their dishwashers outside the electricity peak.

But research showed the upfront cost of energy efficient appliances was a major barrier to households cutting their power bills.

"This is a big thing to do, but its very clear if we want to sell the benefits of energy efficiency we have to partner with people," said Mr Stokes.

The 60,000 households are projected to save $95 million in power costs over the lifetime of the appliances, which can range from 10 years for a washing machine to 20 years for a water heater.

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This could sound like man from heaven... But the bloke wants to sell YOUR assets... Especially the delivery of gas and Electricity... As soon as the deed is done, your bill for energy will go through the roof again, as governments have already golden the posts and wires to get more value out of ordinary poles and wires...

The buyers — I guess mostly rich friends of the sellers — not you, morons, I mean the Baird government is the seller because you're not the sellers but are the owners and you really don't want to sell what is a cash cow, but buyers want your cash cow so they can hit you more in the hip-pocket — will want to recoup their outlay within two years while usually governments recoup outlay in ten to twenty years by selling bonds for "investments" purposes...


the weedy sydney morning herald fudge...


But weeds grow when you don't keep an eye on the garden.

And Labor's response to the Coalition's WestConnex motorway only serves to highlight the need for more rigorous scrutiny of the projects that have been promised.

The WestConnex motorway is really three projects bundled into one. Labor would support the first two, new tunnels to extend the M4 from Homebush eastbound and new tunnels to duplicate the existing M5 East.

But – in an embarrassingly inadequate response – Labor will not be drawn on where those tunnels should emerge.

Refusing to engage on the detail is a fudge Sydney residents know too well.

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As you should know for now, according to Gus, the WestCONnex is a con... It is designed on old plans from the 1950s that were "improved" in 1980s. The plan from Baird to sell the energy assets to "pay" for the megathingster is a con as well. There is no need to sell anything. The fact is the the Liberals want to destroy the "old Sydney", in the same way as they are trying to de-Wran a lot of good things done by Labor in Sydney, including the ridiculous idea of selling off the PowerHouse Museum. RIDICULOUS. RIDICULOUS!

The WestCONnext part two is designed to give developers a clear run in coming as close to "Newtown" as possible and encroach on its unique character. For years, the people of St Peters and Newtown have taken care of the garden. There is no weed there, as the area has been revitalised into a vibrant hub of artistic delight. The GARDEN have no weeds. 

The Sydney Morning Herald is wanking as usual, claiming "Independence Always" but the SMH is on the side of Evil Roads and high rise developments. 

Most aspects that improved public transport in Sydney were LABOR initiatives, which came to fruition before the last elections (Metrobuses) or soon after (Opal card). The only Scheiße that Labor was guilty of WHICH THE LIBERALS (CONSERVATIVES) ARE ALSO GUILTY OF To the power of three (but this is being swept under the carped of journalistic opportunism) is CORRUPTION. In fact the celebrated causes of Labor corruption are MINIMAL compared to that of the Libs (CONservatives) in this state. 

I have tapes of Liberal (CONservative) hopefuls making promises of massive Barangaroo inquiries that of course the Libs killed off as soon as they got the gig. Many liberals (CONservatives) got elected fraudulently on moneys from developers (against the laws) by various secret devious schemes that ICAC took apart. 

NO, Mister Sydney Morning Herald, you CANNOT TAKE SIDE as you promise to be "independent, always"  and praise Baird for his ugly sell off. There is a good chance that this sell-off will be proven fraudulent and part of the destruction of the rich gardens of inner city which have presently NO FUCKING WEEDS and are well looked after by.  The weeds are in the Lib's (CONservative) mind, who think that increasing (more than doubling) traffic into dead ends is the way to solve congestion... Go and play in the middle of the street... Increasing traffic on Parramatta (via the Wes CONnex) road will only increase traffic several fold by increasing the number of inhabitant along the route by about 50,000 more people by towering developers delight. 

There are other ways to deal with Sydney's traffic. And Labor's solution is more modest but BETTER at this stage. Stop the WestCONnex madness which is planned to profit developers not the people of Sydney, especially not the people of inner Sydney. The Sydney Morning Herald is full of weeds... It should recant.


place liberal (CONservatives) LAST on your ballot papers...

Even the narrowest of Coalition victories would represent a mandate to privatise the state's electricity assets, NSW Premier Mike Baird says, rejecting suggestions a sizeable swing against the government would strip it of the right to push through the plan.

Both big parties have framed this month's state election as a referendum on the government's proposal to partially lease the state's electricity "poles and wires".

An estimated $20 billion in proceeds would be used to build significant infrastructure such as a second harbour rail crossing.

read  more:


DO NOT LET THEM SELL YOUR ASSETS. Once sold, the price of YOUR energy will go through the roof. Electricity in public hands brings nearly $2 billion to the state. In 8 years (including for inflation) that's the cost of selling these assets down the drain to "privateers". These privateers will want to recoup their outlay within 2 to 5 years max. Where do you think they will make the cash from: FROM YOUR POCKETS. Who would be privateers? Mostly people and institutions smelling the cash from a mile off. The concept of "improving" electricity supply from investing in "renewables" will not be the priorities of Investors because, that would demand more outlay and reducing their cash return on "old stuff".... 



Throw Baird and his band OUT...

no steak knives yet...

The latest from tooth-paste Baird is to "Pledge" a billion bux towards helping you, the little guy who is a first home buyer, buy a dump or a rabbit warren possibly with two bedrooms after having given you the fridge, the air conditioning and the water heater... Still no kitchen sink yet... nor a set of FREE steak knives...

One can sense some Baird desperation... He wants to sell YOUR assets to the "corporates"... so that he can move traffic jams from here to there while giving developers SOMEONE ELSE'S repossessed houses so they can build the rabbit warren stacks. So Bairdo ups the free offers... Everyone knows that most people who watch TV fall for the free steak knives offer... Eventually they fall on the steak knives and bleed...