Friday 3rd of January 2025

a sea change for the most insensitive dorky incompetent bullying costly prime minister ever in this fair country...



The Federal Opposition is demanding the Prime Minister apologise after he suggested it is a lifestyle choice to live in remote indigenous communities.

"Here he is saying that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be evicted from the lands on which they've lived for millenia," he said.

"He really is a disgrace and he really should apologise unreservedly for these comments.

"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have had more than 200 years of dispossession, dislocation and disadvantage and the Prime Minister wants to perpetuate this."

Mr Neumann said the Prime Minister was denying that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a connection to their land and accused him of having a "pre-Mabo" mentality on land rights.

West Australian Labor frontbencher - and Indigenous MP - Ben Wyatt said the Prime Minister's comments showed an "extraordinarily ill-informed view" of Aboriginal cultural heritage.

"Today's comments by Prime Minister Abbott seek to devalue and demean the one asset that Aboriginal people still own on their own terms, their heritage and culture," Mr Wyatt said in a statement.

"Mr Abbott has sought to portray the ancient cultural practices of Aboriginal Australians as nothing more than a sea change move, the equivalent of painting landscapes on one's veranda.


Kick this arsehole in the budgies and make sure he never comes back from a sea change....


an offensive dishonest crumb of a turdy primal monster...

Australian filmmaker Rolf de Heer has lashed out at Prime Minister Tony Abbott for saying that indigenous Australians live in remote communities because of "lifestyle choices".

Speaking after the Aboriginal drama Charlie's Country won best film and best director at the Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards in Sydney, the director of such acclaimed indigenous dramas as The Tracker and Ten Canoes described the comment as "offensive".

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Yes this turdy prime minister is a primal monster...

and if you wonder why tony defends his insensitivity...


Traditional owners in Western Australia are set to launch a class action lawsuit against the State Government over the deregistration of sacred Indigenous sites.

In the past year several culturally significant sites, including waterways in the Mid West, have had their protection withdrawn by the Government on the basis they no longer fit the definition of a sacred site.

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Peter Collier told Parliament late last year that for a place to be considered a sacred site, it must show it was devoted to religious use rather than just be a place of mythological story, song or belief.

The decision to deregister several sites was sparked by development applications from mining and exploration companies.


Yes, the white fella sometimes de-register old churches because he wants to turn them' sites into a supermarket... In the mind of white fellas this is not a sin, but a budget improvement....

In the mind of Aboriginal people, sacred sites are SACRED sites whether someone goes and performs a dance daily... To some extend, many sacred sites remain sacred because they are LEFT ALONE as mystical places. The Western Australian government is disingenuous and dangerous — and belittling the values of Aboriginal heritage.



a plea from most australians...


Aboriginal leader pleads for prime minister to give up Indigenous affairs...

Most Australians plead the PM to give up his PMship... "Get a real JOB, Tony wanker", I hear in the street... deafeningly...

Personally, I don't care if he has a job or not... But PLEASE TONY, do the right thing... Go away, GO AWAY ! 

Everything you touch becomes poison and shit...



This morning, Mr Abbott defended his use of the term, saying he was "stating a general principle".

But Indigenous leader Noel Pearson told the ABC remote Indigenous communities deserved an "extensive" explanation and not "off-the-cuff" comments.

"I think it's a very disappointing and hopeless statement by the Prime Minister, quite frankly," he told The World Today.

"I just think it's very disrespectful to cast fear into these communities through a kind of policy thought bubble rather than a considered position from the Commonwealth Government as to the future — the anxious future — of these remote communities.

"He has got no plan for the future of these communities in the event that they close down. And I'm just bitterly disappointed to hear this deranged debate go on in the substandard manner in which it's being conducted."

Chair of the Prime Minister's Indigenous Advisory Council Warren Mundine said it was not as "simple" as the Prime Minister had described.

"These people are actually living on their homelands and it affects a lot of things, it affects their cultural activities, it affects their native title, it affects a number of areas," he told Radio National.


The sad part here is that Abbott is oblivious to the fact his comments are insensitive, idiotic and to a great extend RUTHLESS. 

Please kick Baird out. Baird is Turdy's friend... and, despite his toothpaste smile, Baird think alike Turdy.


turdy — dangerously wrong about aboriginal lifestyle...


Tony Abbott is right, in one respect. It is a lifestyle choice for Aboriginal people to live in the country of their ancestors, a choice they have exercised for thousands of years because connection to country is part of their being.

It is also a lifestyle choice to live in small homeland communities that are safe, far away from the problems of substance abuse and family violence that afflict too many who live in poverty on the fringes of regional centres.

But it is not a lifestyle choice in the sense that most of us would understand it, like packing up and moving to Noosa, or working from home, or downsizing to buy a weekender.

Where the Prime Minister is dangerously wrong is to reduce a complex question to a glib sound bite – one that will make it all the more difficult to engage Indigenous Australians on the challenge of closing the gap, or anything else.

The surprise is that a politician who has immersed himself in remote Indigenous communities to the extent that Abbott has, and who is as committed to reconciliation and recognition as Abbott is, would resort to sloganeering on such a sensitive issue.


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"The surprise is that a politician who..."

It is not a surprise for Gus... Turdy will do whatever it takes to garner votes and APPEAR to be in tune with Aboriginal issues BEFORE AN ELECTION... After that, it's bully business as usual... Don't we all know it with the ABC, SBS, the Gonski report (Turdy: we're on the same page as Labor), Health and anything else that comes along. Instead of considering issues, Turdy swats them like flies and then wonder why people are upset... He NEVER WAS fit to Prime Minister. We knew that. The media knew that. But but with a stroke of Machiavellian Genius, Uncle Rupe decided to make us swallow the Turd... 

Get rid of Abbott before he does more damage to anything else... Everything he touches turns to poison and shit.

meanwhile, when your lifestyle is...

"They were told to go to the hospital, the hospital declined. And then they were told to go to the evac (evacuation) centre where they were also declined," said Shane Van Styn, the CEO of the Carnarvon Aboriginal Medical Service (CAMS).

Category three Severe Tropical Cyclone Olwyn was moving south towards the West Australian coastline north of Carnarvon on Thursday 12th March. Authorities had ordered the evacuation of the tourism community of Coral Bay, 240 kilometres north of the town, and this was the reason given to Mr Van Styn for denying entry to the five residents of Mungullah Aboriginal community.

"We were told by the volunteer there that they were under strict instruction that the evac centre was only for people from Coral Bay and that they won't be accepting our Aboriginal people from Mungullah Village," he said.

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destroying a lifestyle that is not a choice...


An Aboriginal group in central Queensland is attempting to prevent Australia’s largest mine from being established on its ancestral land, in what is shaping up to be an unprecedented test of the country’s native title laws.

Representatives for the Wangan and Jagalingou people have formally rejected an Indigenous land use agreement that would see Indian mining firm Adani develop its huge $16bn Carmichael mine in the coal-rich Galilee basin region.

However, Adani has turned to the national native title tribunal to override this objection, which would allow the state government to issue a lease for the mine.

Wangan and Jagalingou elder Adrian Burragubba has written to the Queensland premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, to uphold what he sees as the clan’s native title rights, warning that the mine would “tear the heart out of our country”.

Burragubba told Guardian Australia that a deal to consent to the mine was rejected at a Wangan and Jagalingou meeting in October, prompting Adani to turn to the tribunal.

“We don’t consent to this large coalmine on our homelands, we have made it very clear to Adani that no means no,” he said. “The mine will destroy the natural environment, it will damage our laws and customs beyond repair and further dispossess our people.

“If the Queensland government succumbs to pressure from companies like Adani, there’s no hope for Aboriginal people. All our rights will be overridden.”

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See turdy in the toon at top...


with the help of the merde-och press...

How three experienced Herald Sun reporters used deception and trickery to distort the critical closure of remote Aboriginal communities issue into a propaganda piece about ‘commuter chaos’. Mark Pearce reports.

ON SATURDAY 2 May 2015, an insert article on page 5 appeared in a Herald Sun double page spread, connected with front-page headlines concerning a protest rally against the closures of remote Aboriginal communities that shutdown Melbourne’s CBD.

In the age of media restructures and budget cuts, apparently it takes not one, not two, but three journalists to undertake the reporting and writing of a two-hour event.

Throughout the insert article 'Protest against WA government’s policy shuts Melbourne CBD again', we witness a plethora of heavy-handed right wing language, unofficial reporting, no fact checking and omitted information.

You might imagine that three qualified journalists writing a lead news story for Melbourne’s primary newspaper could have the capacity to pull together all their skills and write an in-depth discussion (with an educational or informative approach) depicting the real Australian Indigenous issues of today. None of this seemed to occur.  

read more:,7665

and while they want to recognise you they shoot you once more...

While Turdy and his team of hypocrites are making a song and dance about "Aboriginal recognition" in the constitution, they are deviously instituting the destruction of the Aboriginal culture with bulldozers, in the name of the god of cash. The frontier wars never ended:



In Western Australia, sacred doesn’t mean what it used to.

Two-and-a-half years ago the WA government invented a new set of guidelines to decide what should go on the state’s register of Aboriginal Heritage sites.

A Background Briefing investigation has found that using those new guidelines, 1,300 sites have been removed or blocked from the heritage register.

The new guidelines redefined Section 5 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act on what was sacred, saying sacred sites had to be ‘devoted to a religious use’, and not subject to ‘mythological belief’.

Lawyer Greg McIntyre SC says the basis of the argument is that ‘there has to be something which a whitefella can see’.

‘It's disappointing. You'd hope that we'd become a bit more sophisticated than that,’ he says.

‘[For] some of the less advantaged people in our society, it doesn't cost us that much to respect their culture and to not be wanting to dismiss it at the first opportunity.’

In April this year, in a landmark ruling the Supreme Court found that WA government's guidelines contradicted the meaning of the Aboriginal Heritage Act itself.

So why were those guidelines, known as the Section 5 guidelines, introduced?

Background Briefing has obtained documents and correspondence between the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and resources company Woodside, dated in the lead-up to the new Section 5 guidelines.

They discuss whether the company’s controversial $45 billion LNG project proposal at James Price Point would destroy a potential sacred site.

In July 2011 the Department of Aboriginal Affairs received an emergency call from traditional owners, saying Woodside contractors were about to burn and then bulldoze a potential heritage site.

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Turdy and his hypocrites minions, wherever they live, are a class apart. See toon at top... 

the knife in the back...

A national summit on Constitutional recognition for Indigenous Australians meets in Sydney today, however Natalie Cromb says First Australians have grave reservations about this Abbott Government initiative.

On 2 June 2015, the Aboriginal Medical Service of Western Sydney (AMSWS) broke the news on the ABC Lateline program that a key performance indicator of funding through the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) was demonstrable support for Recognise.

A month later comes the news that all Federal funding is ceasing and the AMSWS will be forced to close its doors to the 11,000 patients to whom it provides healthcare.

Coincidence? I don’t think so.

AMSWS has released the following statement [IA emphasis]:

The Aboriginal Medical Service Western Sydney (AMSWS), an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service based in Mt Druitt, is being forced to shut down operations after the Federal Government decided to stop its funding from the 1 July 2015.

Let it be known that all funds allocated to AMSWS have been used on the delivery of health services to the Aboriginal Community of Western Sydney.

The decision to cease all Federal funding effectively means that the services will have to wind down, and will leave many thousands of community members without access to essential services and put pressure on local hospital services and systems.

read more:,7904

turdy turdies around in a white turdy turd...


The innate conservatism of Tony Abbott and much of white Australia is steering the discussion of genuine Indigenous rights towards a minimalist and almost meaningless constitutional conclusion, says Jeff McMullen.

When most of the world recognises the uniqueness of Australia’s heritage, how tedious that our prime minister, as well as some public intellectuals and media voices, continue to wage a very careless and damaging war on Aboriginal culture.

Almost singlehandedly, Tony Abbott fanned the flames of the Culture Wars. First, he dismissed the Welcome to Country as “out of place tokenism”. He then hailed the arrival of the First Fleet as the defining moment in Australian history, without any appropriate admission of the devastation caused by invasion and dispossession. With a whiff of terra nullius the prime minister Australia was “nothing but bush” before the British arrived and then added his infamous insult that living on the homelands was a lifestyle choice.

You may see the prime minister’s litany of stupidity as merely a series of gaffes, but his words point to a more troubling insensitivity — a failure to comprehend the strengths of Aboriginal culture and the resilience displayed throughout the longer timelines of history. Consider Bill Gammage’s earth-science appraisal of Aboriginal "farming without fences" creating the sweet grasses that so delighted the English pastoralists. The mosaic of fire-stick farming and management of resources over many millennia is worthy of our admiration, not mere acknowledgement. The Aboriginal writer, Bruce Pascoe, in his essay, 'Bread'celebrates this custodianship as Aboriginal genius.

read more:,8049


See toon at top...


I beg to differ, annabel...

In a SMH column, Annabel Crabb dismisses her brush with a naughty tweet posted over her face while being on a Q&A session at the ABC... The tweet was of course in bad taste, but scornful satire sometimes has to be in bad taste to shake emotions, invite ripostes and stir the pot of brickbats... Nothing wrong with Annabel dismissive light view "of accompanying photo that seemed to suggest I had personally equated the Australian Prime Minister with an ordinarily private, southerly oriented part of the human anatomy."


But then she writes:

Now. No prime minister deserves that indignity, and I felt very sorry for the PM, whose annual week-long visit to an Indigenous community, a practice none of his predecessors has embraced, was absurdly disrupted by this stuff-up (and stuff-up it most assuredly was)...


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A practice none of his predecessors has embraced? Is two years in a row, a "tradition"? Hum, I don't know if I go along with that, though I remember if my memory is not insane, that some of them did similar trips, but did not do a TURDY MEDIA CIRCUS, chosing to do it privately... It may not have been PMs, but ministers... BUT, because there is a but, which definitely could be said to be a butt, or an arse, as described on the tweet.

Never ever before, have his predecessors tried to DESTROY the Aboriginal culture like Turdy. NEVER. They have dilly dallied about the cost of things as they tried to find solution that would improve the Aboriginal condition without destroying its value, though Turdy's CONservative predecessor, Rattus, tried to fudge it with his "intervention".

The point here is that Turdy (Tonylovesarse or whatever) is trying hard to dismantle everything the Aboriginal culture stands for. He is enforcing AND SUPPORTING the destruction of Aboriginal settlements by removing essential funding — as well as removing funding to most Aboriginal services such as legal and health support. He wants assimilation and vanishing...

Turdy's visit to Aboriginal communities is to be seen as a duplicitous exercise. On one hand he tells them "I love youse" on the other he kicks them below the belt in the gonads... He is an odious despicable dishonest character. And he had the audacity to call their way of life "a lifestyle choice" as if they all could be white and go to church on Sunday. Too many of his mates in the Liberal (CONservative) Party still secretly try to implement "the Tasmanian Solution"... If you don't know what this means Annabel, check it out...

So yes, Annabel, you were the unfortunate face behind the nasty tweet during transmission of Q&A. But do not make excuses for the turd that leads this fair Australia into becoming a crazy nasty country.

And whatever Peter Reith has written is a pack of lies.
No Aboriginal persons deserve the underlying indignity that the present PM, Turdy, has inflicted upon them, no matter how many times he visits them.


From Mungo Maccallum...


From Mungo Maccallum

...The 1993 Native Title Bill was brought into parliament by Paul Keating after a protracted negotiation in which the key player was the far-sighted CEO of the National Farmers Federation, Rick Farley; Farley spent much of his time hosing down farmers who were told by John Hewson and his Coalition supporters that the marauding Indigenes were set to take over not only their own properties, but the backyard of every white Australian.

The Libs and Nats opposed every clause of the bill every step of the way.   However, after a lot of hard graft Keating and Farley hammered out a formula acceptable to the major stakeholders. When it finally passed, there were cheers, tears and applause in the senate, but the euphoria did not last.

When Howard won government, he proposed what he called his Ten Point Plan, the aim of which was to gut the act and effectively extinguish native title altogether. He had, he announced, a covenant with the farmers of Australia – his Aboriginal constituents were regarded as irrelevant.

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we do not forget either...