Friday 3rd of January 2025

the liberal (CONservative) catholics that had infiltrated the Labor party piss on workers, once more...

stalwarts tell fibs...

When Martin Ferguson (left in the toon) retired from parliament, he was lauded by Tony Abbott with fond tears in his eyes, as "representing "old Catholic Labor" (which Tony Turdy contemplated with B A Santamaria's DLP) or such... Since then, Ferguson has joined the "corporates".

Ferguson is doing the bidding for big cash at the high end of town... In Labor's term this could be "treason"... As well, Rudd joins the pissing contest on who is going to dump most on unions and workers. This all to do with the poles and wires that the unions are defending for good reason. But we know that Rudd and Ferguson never learnt any "Labor" values despite being in that party... They used it to make a political career and when these finished , they opted to go to the hypocritical catholic cash cow mechanism... At this point in time of course, they are trying to sabotage the prospect of Labor winning the elections in New South Wales... They are doing the bidding for the Baird outfit which should be thrown out... 

WE all know that Tony Turdy is the hypocrite par excellence — the nasty, incompetent, dorky, dishonest, manipulative, bullying monster, who tries to appear nice but cannot. Baird is in the same vein, but he hides his demeanour very well. 

Get rid of Baird. Keep your assets. Whether the unions are thugs or not is irrelevant. They are protecting YOUR future by trying to stop Baird selling YOUR assets. Is this so bad?...

turncoats, traitors, agent provocateurs...

When Kevin Rudd and Martin Ferguson slam the unions for their campaign against the sales of YOUR assets by the Baird government, YOU KNOW that the unions are doing the right job... Martin Ferguson and Kevin Rudd are both turncoats, traitors and now self-proclaimed agents-provocateurs trying to do the bidding for the Baird government. Talk about hypocrisy...

We know why Rudd was dumped. He was never able to understand the working fraternity. Martin's reality is that he was always on the side of bosses and that's why he became a union boss...


Mr Ferguson, who is now on the board of British gas major BG Group and an executive at Seven Group Holdings, said he was "seriously worried" about the state of the debate over energy and said market reform in the sector was "seriously at risk". 

Read more:

But as someone pointed out:

"During the 70s and prior it was no sure thing that Mr Abbott was headed for the Liberal party. He was no leftie, but he was courted by the NSW Labor Right because so much of his philosophy conformed with what that used to mean: strongly Catholic, socially conservative, fiercely anti-communist, family values, self discipline, and fair pay for hard work."...

WE should know that ideally communism is (should be) "Christianity without a belief", while Catholicism in politics is a hypocritical leech, on the back of opportunistic capitalism, for which righteousness and confession are often used as excuses for ugly policies...


traitors, vandals and neo-fascists...

Money politics trumps party loyalty as Martin Ferguson enters the NSW anti-CSG election fray. Deputy editor, Sandi Keane, sets out to expose the truth behind his barrage of spin.

THE POWER of money over party loyalty is patently obvious with APPEA’s Chairman, Martin Ferguson, siding with NSW Liberals on behalf of their mining paymasters.

NSW Labor’s plan to cancel Santos’ coal seam gas project in the Pilliga State Forest has spawned a thunderous barrage of spin by Ferguson, who now holds several mining industry posts in addition to chairing the advisory board of the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA). So, no surprises here whose interests are paramount.

The “story” put out by the NSW government and Martin Ferguson that Santos’ coal seam gas project in the Pilliga will cost almost every job in the industry that uses gas was plucked straight from their arsenal of ready claptrap. “It’s beyond a joke”, said Wilderness Society Newcastle Campaign Manager, Naomi Hogan, who continued:

“The only economic analysis Santos has released showed that the project once operating would add only 16 additional full-time equivalent positions to the economy around Narrabri.

The Baird Government has been played for mugs by Santos. It’s burying its head in the sand over the Narrabri coal seam gas project.

read more:,7530

the rats should be expelled...


If it wasn't for a number of rats chewing out the Labor Party from within, the result of last weekend's NSW election could have been rather different, writes Peter Wicks from Wixxyleaks.

IT MAY BE HARD to understand, but there are some within the Labor Party that were hoping that Luke Foley would lose the NSW election over the weekend.

Clearly former Federal Minister Martin Ferguson was one of those and should be expelled from the Labor Party immediately for his attempts to derail the Labor campaign in NSW.

It is one thing to have a former Labor Party MP’s quote used on a Liberal Party commercial, but to be interviewed to appear in a Liberal Party advert is quite another. The commercial also failed to mention that Ferguson is currently a lobbyist for the energy sector. He took up the role as chair of peak oil and gas industry lobby group APPEA within six months of quitting as Labor's Federal resources and energy minister. Revolving door, much?

To follow that up with a campaign in the printed media about why Mike Baird and the Liberal’s plans to take the NSW power distribution network to the pawn shop is a good idea and why the campaign of Luke Foley has been a failure is an act of pure bastardry.

Former premier and retiring MP Nathan Rees put it best when he described the actions of Martin Ferguson – and similar actions from former NSW Labor Treasurer Michael Costa – like this:

“Not content with having made a living off their involvement with industrial Labor and then Parliamentary careers, both men sought to not just bite the hand that fed them, but savage the throat of its owner. Be very clear, holding different views isn't the issue here; it's the deliberate sabotage of the Labor campaign."

read more:,7541


See also  killing jesus...