Wednesday 8th of January 2025

these psychopaths are robbing your kids' future...


the smelly pollies...

Imagine... you're a politician addicted to cutting ribbons... A big new bridge going nowhere, a new tunnel with smelly chimney stack, a set of traffic lights, a roundabout, a new dam destroying a cyclone-prone landscape, a new ASIO headquarters, a new power station... Snip snip... A new dunny...

Suddenly most people that you used to rule royally by deceit and pomp, by terror fear and secrecy — those simpletons you impressed with your silver scissors and your top hat, now start to make their own energy, walk or cycle instead of drive, and store water in their own tanks... Some of them even grow their own veggies because they resent your mates Monsanto and the pharmaceuticals...
And they tell you to shove your big mining projects up your arse.
They prefer windmills to dangerous coal mines... It's healthier and CHEAPER. Same with the solar panels...

But you, the pollie with deep pockets to fill and slippery thinking like a pavement full of dog turds in the rain, YOU love the big "investors" who buy these big machines with the big tyres bigger than a house that make broom broom as they burn fossil fuels by the kilotons... You love being a narcissist macho in the big protective helmets and goggles that you wear like an expert — while you never did a honest day's work in your entire life... apart from fudging your upwardly mobile existence. 
These billionaires diggers — 10,000 times worse destroyers of landscapes than a low impact efficient and cheap windmill farm, who turn mountains into big holes — are your friends because they talk in billions and billions, and as a politician, you hope the smell of money and hot tar from fossil fuels might rub on you a little...
You need your Uncle Rupe to spruik the value of letting foreign alien countries to dig the PEOPLE'S beautiful Liverpool plains. You need the people, you see as morons and fodder to be plucked, to be dependent of the system until they die. Should they not be on the teat of energy supplies, they become free, freer... And we do not want this, do we?
Yes, as pollies, we love the smell of dirty cash and the perfume of debt, the debt that is burning the little people as they slave away...

PEOPLE OF AUSTRALIA! As Bruce Petty wrote about work a long time ago:" Remember if you really like making things, you may never make any money."
Yes, for anyone to make money, you need to dig it out of the ground, sell it to the Chinese and/or trade cash on the money market... and even then, some people loose their pants, especially the little investors who provide the losers to this grand game of gambling.

Some pollies smell worse than others. The present crop of Liberals (CONservatives) cannot mask the smell of shit despite sprinkling oodles of "Dunny Deodor", the old fragrance for the deceitful and hypocrite pollie...


turdy defends the stinking smell in his underpants...

Prime Minister Tony Abbott says it is "no secret" he wants the $10 billion Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) abolished, but while it is still in place it should be as useful as possible.

The Opposition and the Greens have accused the Government of trying to get rid of the taxpayer-funded authority by stealth, by issuing a new directive to stop the CEFC from investing in wind farms and household rooftop solar projects.

"The Parliament set up this corporation with a very expert board and very expert staff to make these decisions free of political interference," Opposition environment spokesman Mark Butler said.

"What we see now is Tony Abbott trying to nobble this corporation for his own ideological purposes."

But Mr Abbott says it is not useful for the CEFC to invest in established technologies that can easily attract private funding.

making no business sense whatsoever...

Turdy's views on the CEFC, resonated by his "business inclined" moronic troops, DOES NOT MAKE ANY BUSINESS SENSE. It's all about political petty minded rabid ultra right wing neo-nazi. In a capitalistic way it does not make any sense.


See, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation is not a grant organisation. It was specifically set up as a business loan lending organism. And it is profitable... Who, in their right mind, would try to destroy such a business by stopping them to provide cash for renewable energy... Only the mad men of Turdy. The religious idiots who think the planet should be raped, profitably...


All this makes my blood boil... They are beneath contempt.

this government is giving us the shits...

Australia’s solar power industry has vowed to expand its marginal-seats campaign against the Coalition and aims “to remove this government from office” after ministers directed the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) to avoid wind and small-scale solar investments.

The Australian Solar Council has previously targeted numerous marginal electorates in opposition to cuts to the 2020 renewable energy target (RET) but is now flagging a much larger campaign with a multimillion-dollar budget aimed directly at the prime minister, Tony Abbott.

“If the Abbott government is returned and has control of the Senate, our industry is finished,” the council’s chief executive, John Grimes, told Guardian Australia.

“Either the Abbott government changes its policy on this – and given all of the history and indications we assess that that will never happen – so the next step is we’ve got to remove this government from office.


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bastards in government...


The Coalition's nobbling of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation is the latest in a long series of actions designed to pay back their primary sponsors — the coal industry and other fossil fuel interests. Giles Parkinson from RenewEconomy reports.

THREE YEARS AGO, even before Prime Minister Tony Abbott was elected, Bernie Fraser, the former RBA governor and chair of the Climate Change Authority, warned that an Abbott government would be beholden to fossil fuel interests, particularly regarding the renewable energy industry.

“I think that that lobbying that is being made to us, and the views being expressed by the fossil fuel generators and some other groups, will be pretty powerfully directed towards the Coalition,”Fraser told RenewEconomy in an interview in December 2012.

The duly elected Abbott Government did not disappoint and now his team are at it again. Not content with putting the renewable energy industry on hold through an interminable review, and then cutting the large scale component by more than one third, and then declaring wind energy to be offensiveugly and unwelcome, the Coalition government has now decided to try and nobble the Clean Energy Finance Corporation.

Not for the first time. But the attempts by Treasurer Joe Hockey and finance minister Matthias Cormann to impose bizarre, contradictory and mystifying restrictions on the $10 billion institution are designed to achieve one outcome — to prolong the drought in large scale renewable energy and now to extend that drought to small scale renewables as well. And, of course, to stop a clean energy gorilla that the Government has tried unsuccessfully to close down from doing its job.

Much of the uproar over the last day or two has focused on the apparent targeting of wind technology and household solar — the two most successful renewable energy sectors in Australia to date.


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today's denialists are tomorrow's criminals...

Among the great crimes of the twentieth century, the most enduring will surely prove to be human disruption of the Earth's climate.

The effects of human-induced climate change are apparent now and will become severe this century, but the warming is expected to last thousands of years. That is so because extra carbon dioxide persists in the atmosphere for a very long time, but also because changes in the climate are triggering changes in the Earth System as a whole - changes that cannot be undone.

If it is a crime to transform the Earth into a hot and less habitable place, what are the offences committed by those responsible? A panel of eminent jurists this year published some principles to guide us. The Oslo Principles note that "all States and enterprises have an immediate moral and legal duty to prevent the deleterious effects of climate change."

Corporations causing harm to people through their emission of greenhouse gases may be subject to tort law and may be sued for damages. The Principles observe that States are obliged to protect human life and the integrity of the biosphere through an existing network of national and international obligations.

Looking back on the last two decades of denial, delay and obstruction, there have been perhaps two hundred individuals who should be held most culpable, if not by the courts then by history, for failing to prevent harm or of obstructing others from taking measures to prevent harm.

Above all, in denying the evidence or failing to take action commensurate with the known danger, these individuals have been violating their duty to the truth. When something of immense importance is at stake - and what could be more important than the survival of the most vulnerable of the Earth's citizens in the face of famine, flood and epidemic - we owe an absolute allegiance to the truth, and must put aside any ideological or financial discomfort that the truth may cause.

A new dispensation

Duty to the truth and the obligation to avoid actions that harm others are powerful principles firmly rooted in the universal framework of legal and ethical codes. Yet before the enormity of what humankind has now done, I cannot help feeling that these grand constructions are frail and almost pathetic. Let me explain why.

Although we must not give up on working hard, against resistance, to limit warming to 2oC, the truth is that few experts believe that the nations of the world will act with the urgency and decisiveness needed to achieve it.

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poverty cannot be solved by coal...

The Powering Up Against Poverty study argues the Australian government’s continued embrace of coal exports is out of step with an international shift towards clean energy and would do little to help the one in seven of the world’s population who do not have electricity to light their homes or cook food.

Abbott has said coal, a major export commodity for Australia, is the “foundation of prosperity” for the foreseeable future. The prime minister, along with the mining industry, has said the fossil fuel will raise living standards in developing countries while bolstering Australia’s economy.

“We are very concerned by this myopic focus on coal,” said Dr Simon Bradshaw, author of the Oxfam report. “Coal is the single biggest contributor to climate change, the impacts of which are most felt by poorer people through floods, drought, cyclones and changes to food patterns.

“We can clearly see in rural areas, and even rapidly growing urban populations, that renewable energy is a much more affordable and healthy solution for developing countries than coal.”

Decentralised energy systems, such as solar, can be deployed quicker and more cheaply than coal, when its cost to the climate and health are factored in, Oxfam said. Nearly 85% of people without electricity live in remote rural areas, separated from centralised coal-fired grid systems.

still "solving" global warming by burning more coal...


Opposition laughs at Abbott's recognition of climate change

The Federal Opposition says Mr Abbott should not be applauded for stating climate change is real, years after the rest of the world acknowledged the issue.

Mr Abbott told Liberal Party faithful in Adelaide the Government was serious about combating climate change, but would not hurt the economy in any action it took to address it.

"Climate change is real. We must take action because humanity does make a contribution," he said.

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen said Mr Abbott's comments were laughable.

"The Prime Minister once famously called climate change science complete crap, now he says he wants a pat on the back because he's worked out that it's real," he said.

But Mr Abbott said the Government's plan would not have the same adverse economic impact of the now-abolished carbon tax the Labor government implemented.

"Costs under us at between $3-5 billion a year in 2030 are well and truly manageable. The costs under Labor, should this ideological obsession of theirs be maintained, would be simply catastrophic," he said.

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said Australia was on track to meet and exceed Kyoto agreement targets and had set a credible and responsible target for the upcoming Paris conference.

"We are about in the middle of the pack, which is where we should be," he told Sky News.

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Of course Mathias does not have any idea what this all means but as the delivery of soft shit sounds good, it's the go in his mind... COALition economic figures, if studied closely, DO NOT MAKE SENSE. 

Turdy has had an epiphany: if the COALition continues the denial of global warming, they will get a hiding at the ballot box. So he makes a U-turn and drives backwards in the same denialist direction. The COALition is plucking figures that are more elastic than an accordion sandwich, from a turd-pie in the sky. The COALition "calculations" are based on slogans while burning more coal than on any understanding of the reality. If they were "genuine" they would instantly place a lid on all new coal mines and phase out the old ones. 

The "middle of the pack" is actually very poor, because even the major leaders of the pack are promising half-shit sandwiches. But under the COALition, "the middle of the pack" is a euphemism for "careless truant". 

As for Ms Bishop (the other one — Julie), she adds gravy (er, sorry gravitas) to this complete COALition idiocy on the subject, mostly to distract from the other COALition debacle on same sex marriages... and other gigantic Turdy disasters.


a "corrupt" scientist...

An expert who has likened the wind industry's tactics to Hitler and claims the Australian Medical Association's support for wind power is "corrupt" is among those that Senate crossbenchers want appointed as government advisers on wind power. 

The office of Environment Minister Greg Hunt has confirmed he still intends to appoint a scientific committee to advise on the alleged impact of wind turbines on human health, despite the government's new embrace of renewable energy under Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

The government will also soon announce who will fill the role of national wind farm commissioner to investigate complaints about wind turbines, despite refusing to appoint a full-time disability commissioner.

The government struck a deal with crossbench senators in June to address "community concerns about wind farms", including establishing the scientific committee and consulting anti-wind senators when choosing its members.   

Senator David Leyonhjelm has suggested a number of candidates including Bruce Rapley, a New Zealand-based scientific consultant who strongly believes wind turbines negatively affect human health.

Dr Rapley's position is at odds with findings by the National Health and Medical Research Council that there is no reliable or consistent evidence that wind farms directly cause health problems.

In a submission to a Senate inquiry on wind farms, Dr Rapley said the AMA's support for the industry was "yet one more example of how corrupt the system has become".

"It is hard to understand how a group of highly qualified medical professionals could act in such an unprofessional way," he wrote.

Dr Rapley cited Adolf Hitler as saying "strength lies not in defence but in attack", and described such beliefs as "evident in the wind industry's modus operandi as they continue to attack anyone who would question their viewpoint".

Senator Leyonhjelm said he was not opposed to wind turbines in principle, but believed they were poorly regulated and are "making people sick".

He said Dr Rapley was a suitable candidate for the committee because as a New Zealander he "has been out of the Australian environment", has extensively studied impacts of infrasound on human health "and is a genuine scientist".

A spokeswoman for Mr Hunt said the government was committed to the deal it made with the crossbench, including the scientific committee, and would announce the wind commissioner "in the next couple of weeks". Fairfax Media has sought a response on whether Dr Rapley is being considered for the committee.

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