Monday 10th of March 2025

morally rorting the democratic system...



The Sydney Traditionalists describe themselves as an “association of ‘old school’ conservative, traditionalist and paleoconservative individuals”.

The film shown on the night, Agenda: Grinding America Down, is described as revealing the influence of communism on modern American life.

“Though the word communism isn’t used anymore, this film will show the ideas behind it are alive and well,” a plot summary said. “Join [Idaho legislator Curtis] Bowers for a fascinating look at the people and groups that have successfully targeted America’s morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down.”

The Sydney Traditionalists offered a further description of the film: “Whereas orthodox communism waged war against the west in an openly violent manner, today’s ‘progressives’ continue to undermine its traditions through cultural deconstruction, sexual identity politics, militant atheism, the denial of normative values and the celebration (and increasingly, the encouragement) of perversity.”

The group said Bernardi – who had “shown the courage of his convictions by refusing to buckle to the expected leftist condemnation of anyone who steps out of the ‘politically correct’ line” – was presented with a copy of Kenneth Minogue’s book The Servile Mind: How Democracy Erodes the Moral Life.

Guardian Australia was unable to find any media releases or other reporting which would suggest Bernardi had any other reason to be in Sydney and Brisbane on these dates. He was given the opportunity to provide details of any other commitments.

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Paleoconservatives = living fossils (includes the dead ones, the brain dead and the scientifically illiterate).

weather vane...


If the carbon emissions target that the federal government is about to announce is connected to climate science, it's by coincidence. 

The Howard government's foreign affairs minister, Alexander Downer, once told a dinner audience in New Zealand that the Australian government was blocking NZ apple imports based on the science. 

Pause. "Political science!" he wisecracked. The point was too real and too painful for the frustrated Kiwis to appreciate the humour.

Similarly, this government doesn't make its big decisions based on science, economics, markets, or any value other than politics. So let's set aside the pretence that this is really about climate change.

As we know, Tony Abbott once described himself as a "weather vane" on climate change; the winds that blow him about are political. 

Otherwise why would he classify coal as good and wind farms as bad? Do rocks and wind turbines have moral qualities?

This is not about an open minded examination of energy markets. Like all of this government's big decisions, it's about ideology and politics.

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And as I have said many times on this website, POLITICAL SCIENCE IS NOT A SCIENCE but an art form, which involves lying.