Sunday 9th of March 2025


cheers !

Some nice words from Mike


Some nice words from Mike Baird

NSW Premier Mike Baird has made another of his heartfelt social media posts. 

This time, the subject matter is Tony Abbott

"Politics can be brutal," it begins. 

"Many of those throwing stones don't see the heart behind the man who has spent decades volunteering at the local surf club or working a shift with the Rural Fire Service… not for political gain, but for the simple reason that he loves his community."

Read more:
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Being a part-time firie (some of them are pyromaniacs) or surfie-clubie is not unique to Tony Abbott. What is unique to Tony Abbott is his demolition derby of the Australian economy as well as making about 1285 embarrassing fucups (about two a day) as PM of this fair country. Good for Tony being a surf club volunteers... Carry on, don't stop, but a PM these activities do not make...


meanwhile at the shooting gallery...


THERE WILL BE A LOT of commentary regarding Malcolm Turnbull’s ascension. I rely on one photograph (right), taken on the evening of the spill.

On the left is Wyatt Roy (red tie), next head Arthur Sinodinis (ICAC), then Mr Broadband, then our old mate Mal Brough and, next to him, a bloke I should know but don't [Ed: Assistant Social Services Minister Senator Mitch Fifield]. He seems to have a pink tie.

This is a photograph of the inside of a hand grenade.

When Arthur gave his evidence regarding Liberal fundraising fraud he responded with nervous twitches and convenient memory loss. He looked awfully like a man with a lot to hide. This matter is not over by a long way.

Roy and Brough were deeply involved in the Ashbygate scandal.

Roy was the go-between for James Ashby and Christopher Pyne.

Brough colluded with News Ltd.

This matter is not over by a long way either.

Then there is Broadband himself.

His nation-building project is a fiasco. Way over budget, way under delivery. A patchwork of fibre, copper wire and duct tape.

And then there's the fact that Broadband is so full of himself it’s ridiculous.

So full of himself, he allowed himself to be tricked out of the leadership by Eric Abetz and Godwin Grech in 2009.

So full of himself, he spent $10 million in 2007 trying to seed the clouds to make it rain, just weeks before an election.


Read more:,8163


The Telecrap has dirt file galore on Turnbull... See when the boffins there press the button...


the coup capital of the planet...


By Nick Bryant
BBC NewsWith five prime ministers in as many years, Canberra has solidified its reputation as the coup capital of the democratic world.
A quarter century of Australian reform under Bob Hawke, Paul Keating and John Howard has been followed by an era of revenge.
Malcolm Turnbull, the new prime minister, was once knifed by the leader he deposed, Tony Abbott.
Kevin Rudd was ousted by Julia Gillard but then exacted vengeance by overthrowing her.
It is now over a decade since an Australian prime minister managed to serve out his or her first term.

Sure but the weather is fantastic today... about 7 above average... Global warming is in full swing...
Meanwhile, a massive dead weight has gone from the shoulders of this fair nation... Since Tony Abbott got into politics, he was the shit-stirrer by excellence... He has been responsible for the fall of John Howard, Kevin Rudd (twice), Julia Gillard and now himself in the Prime ministership department and countless others in the State Premiers department, including Newman who was not doing a bad job at shooting himself in the head.... 

Hopefully Tony Abbott will get out of politics and leave us alone... Hopefully, someone with less acrimonious views, less deceitful ways and proper understanding on how the planet works, will take over his seat of North Shore... But this could be hoping for the moon to turn blue.  

It is my view that at least 95 per cent of changes to leadership in Australia since 2000 — all these coups, luckily bloodless but mentally bruising — have been due to Tony Abbott presence in the political arena and his supporter Mr Murdoch hugging the media by the balls. Tragic:
Australia's political rollercoaster: 13 years, 66 changes


missed on the record...

On September 14, 2015, the federal Liberal Party replaced leader Tony Abbott with Malcolm Turnbull in a party room ballot.

Mr Turnbull was sworn in as Australia's 29th Prime Minister the following day.

Mr Abbott's term came to a close with a total duration of one year and 361 days, making him the 10th shortest serving prime minister in Australia's history.

ABC Fact Check takes a look back at the nine prime ministers who served even less time.

read more:



There is a rumour that Tony Abbott missed on some nifty perks by being ousted FOUR DAYS before he could be entitled to them... I don't know the reality on this. But according to some floating fluffs and dry dust in the air, he would have been entitled to a desk, an office and a secretary, like most former PMs have been after lasting the distance for two years minimum... He missed out. Bugger that...

That is a saving of about $400,000 a year on the federal coffers.

Straight away, Malcolm proves he is making savings...