Monday 10th of March 2025




Fox Television has been cut to the bone by accusations the network cheated stars out of millions. 

Author Kathy Reichs has joined Bones stars Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz's claim Fox Television has cheated them out of tens of millions of profits from the show.

Hollywood industry "bible" Variety magazine reports that the trio filed a lawsuit in the Los Angeles Superior Court on Monday, claiming that the television studio "has engaged in a systematic and pervasive effort to cheat" them out of profits from the long running drama, which airs in Australia on Seven.


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Now you could wonder what a "fait divers" like this one is doing on this reputable website. Easy. Capitalism stinks. The scam is not new and "profits" can easily be twiddle with by clever accounting. Extraordinary expenses can be added in the mix, future investments and squandering the squillions in legit various items is part and parcel of "profit" making. I've seen the same "scam" practised in the 1970s in this country and nothing has changed. Add discounts and special deals and suddenly a product that is turning over billions is not making a cent of profit. There is of course a limit as to how far the scam can be taken, but I have seen people with "share of profits" having to fork out money back to the "firm"...


The trick is to share in the gross revenues... or get "flat" fees. This usually make the "firms" tighten their arse... but in the end, the "firms" win anyhow...

profit minimisation schemes...

One of the unsung practice in the business world is the "profit minimisation scheme". We all hear of the tax minimisation schemes but rarely about the PMS... This relates to ways companies fiddle expenses and other extraordinary items in order to minimise taxes and pay out zero in "royalties", while enjoying a healthy growth.

This is a call to Greg Jericho to investigate if he has not done already.