Sunday 9th of March 2025

malcolm's techmucklogy and scientific inshittation — TURNBULL GONE MAD !


Yesterday afternoon news broke of further job cuts to Australia’s premier scientific institution, the CSIRO. The area most affected? Climate science.

"Climate will all be gone, basically" one senior scientist told Fairfax media.

Climate Councillor Professor Will Steffen shares his thoughts on this devastating blow for climate science:

As a Climate Councillor I’ve had the privilege of working with CSIRO scientists for many years, and can say that this is a devastating blow. We are sad and angry that we are losing some of our best and brightest scientific minds, particularly from the Marine and Atmospheric Research divisions - the heart of CSIRO climate science. CSIRO has built an international reputation for world-class research through decades of hard work.

These job losses are just the latest in a series of harmful cuts to science. Just over two years ago, the Climate Commission was abolished by the Australian Government, and thanks to your overwhelming support, we were able to create the Climate Council. However it's impossible to replace such a large part of Australia's climate research capability and 175 CSIRO staff.

The loss of this scientific expertise deals a body-blow to Australia's capacity to understand climate change. Our firefighters, our emergency services, and our community will be less prepared for climate risks including bushfires, heatwaves, and extreme weather. It’s that simple. Cuts like these make our work harder. Our reports and media work are based on the world-class science produced here in Australia, especially by experts like those losing their jobs at CSIRO.

It is so important that the wider community understands the seriousness of these ongoing attacks on science - and we must put pressure on our leaders so that they know we strongly oppose these decisions. I've been doing many media interviews since the news broke yesterday, and will continue to speak strongly on behalf of the Climate Council community against these continuing attacks on science.

Our aim when we launched the Climate Council: to ensure that climate science couldn’t be silenced by Government cuts. Together, we’ve done just that, creating a team of scientists and communicators who are reaching tens of millions of people a year. Our work helps farmers, firefighters, doctors and defence forces tackle climate impacts — and pushes forward the national discussion on climate solutions. Thanks for being part of it, and for helping us to keep going on days like this.


Prof. Will Steffen - The Climate Council

P.S. While we might not be able to stop these cuts, we can - and will - redouble our work. Because there has never been a more important time for it.  Please consider chipping in what you can so we can keep going.




Dr Larry Marshall is Chief Executive of CSIRO, Australia's national science agency and one of the most multidisciplinary research organisations in the world.

CSIRO shapes the future by using science to solve real issues. Our research makes a difference to industry, people and the planet. We play a vital role in enhancing collaboration within the Australian national innovation system, and as a trusted advisor to government, industry and the community.

Dr Marshall was born in Sydney and he received both his undergraduate and postgraduate education at Macquarie University. He was a cadet scientist at the Defence Science and Technology Organisation and began his career as an engineer with a PhD in Physics.

He is a scientist, technology innovator and business leader with a wealth of experience in developing and applying science.

Dr Marshall has 25 years' experience as an international technology entrepreneur, holds 20 patents, and has founded six successful United States companies in biotechnology, photonics, telecommunications and semiconductors.

He became Chief Executive of CSIRO in January 2015.


DR Larry Marshall should be SACKED.  Malcolm Turnbull should be ashamed. He's become an EMBARRASSMENT.

The biggest issue facing the planet and THEY CUT ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PROGRAM AT THE CSIRO, under the pretence that the issue of global warming is settled. 




a dog! a dog for his kingdom of a dog!...

Malcolm Turnbull has moved to end a messy 24 hours of self-imposed policy confusion around capital gains tax by putting an increase of some kind firmly back on the agenda, while also slamming Labor for its economy-destroying tax policies.

But his attempts to resume control of a debate surrendered to the opposition, have caused further problems, including unflattering comparisons with the unpopular Tony Abbott, and new fears that the government plans to crimp CGT discounts for superannuation funds rather than for individuals.

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To be fair, there was no way any flesh-and-blood politician could have lived up to the unrealistic expectations we had for him. And Turnbull does fit the bill in one important respect: he speaks and looks and acts like a prime minister should. He has gravitas.

But the closer we get to the pointy end of the Coalition government's first term, the more possibilities for improvement are being taken off the table to leave the second-term work program awaiting the voters' approval, the more Turnbull seems to be shrinking to the size of his stunted predecessors.

Just in the past week or so we've Scott Morrison doing Joe Hockey impressions, and Turnbull resorting to the same cheap tactics as the man he overthrew.

I'm not prepared to condemn Turnbull for failing to slash and burn government spending at a time when the economy is still not fully back on its feet.

But when you remember all the Coalition's carry-on over the "budget emergency", the insouciance with which Turnbull and Morrison have consigned the budget deficit to the too-hard basket is breathtaking.

I've been happy to defend Turnbull against the unthinking notion that increasing the goods and services tax and channelling the proceeds to foreign investors and people on the top personal tax rate is the be-all-and-end-all of tax reform.

Fail to deliver for big business and you're utterly lacking in courage.

Nonsense. The four tax subsidies to which the tax reform spotlight has turned – superannuation tax concessions, work-related deductions, negative gearing and the concessional taxing of capital gains – carry plenty of potential for changes that make the tax system both a lot fairer and more economically efficient, that is, less distorting of the choices individuals and businesses make.

One of my fears has been that the success of Abbott's unrelentingly destructive attack on the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd government would leave us with a Labor opposition committed to nothing more than getting its own back.

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See toon at top and: neo-con, repackaged with elegance... at 19 Sep 2015 - 7:08am. We had VERY LITTLE  hope...