Sunday 9th of March 2025

is the daily telegraph playing a double game?

double cross wedging?

In this article of the Daily Telegraph Saturday 6th February 2016, the front page present us with a reason why mergers of NSW Councils could become a massive RORT... Is this a double-cross information wedging preparation in favour of our little emperor Bairdus who of course could magnanimously intervene and protect the former councils' assets?



smells rotten...

Some people think the Daily Telegraph has felt some backlash for supporting Bairdus' Council mergers. So the paper is presenting us with "a step" against Council mergers to show some balance... But I'm not so sure.


See, The Daily Telecrap and Emperor Bairdus are in bed together. So the more I think about it, this front page is to give a platform for Bairdus to du something about "protecting" the "Heritage"... But knowing the way, the Bairdus government is doing fire sales of most important heritage government buildings in Sydney, including historic houses in the rocks, I can see Bairdus placing "a moratorium" on the sales of Council assets, I can see the DailyMerdocrap congratulating itself and I can see the sales going on in the background because of "budget balance unfortunately" but we got the best price for it sort of joke in our backyards.. Be prepared for the twists and turns on this one...