Friday 10th of January 2025

school's out for the derelict backsliders in parliament

school's out

Question Time live: Prime Minister warns all MPs to 'choose their words carefully' as Safe Schools debate ignites

The internal debate within the Government over the Safe Schools gender diversity program is escalating, with Tony Abbott signing a petition against it despite introducing the program as prime minister.

The Prime Minister has told Question Time that all members of parliament should be aware of the how the debate is impacting on young people.

read more:


no toilet breaks?...

Senators have hurled insults at each other as a marathon debate continues in Federal Parliament over Senate voting changes.

The Upper House has spent the night in an intractable debate about the contentious overhaul of voting laws, with the Federal Government ruling that Parliament will not rise until the bill is passed.

The bill is set to pass, with the Government to gain the support of the Greens and independent senator Nick Xenophon.

But the Coalition does not have the numbers to gag debate and bring on a vote.


The Turnbull government is trying to destroy democracy... It will succeed by destroying whatever Turnbull grace had left and he will start looking like a miniature Hitler on a molehill...

christensen farts in our general direction...



Just while the Dorothy Dixer happens, here’s the Christensen exchange on acting or not acting on your urges, via Shalailah Medhora.

Q: Do you think [sexuality] is a choice?

George Christensen:

Obviously it’s a choice... Or they can be born that way. They can choose it.

Q: Well which one is it?

George Christensen:

Whatever it is. If the person is born gay, then they’re gay. If someone makes the choice that they’re going to have homosexual sex, that’s up to them.

It’s a free world.

Q: If you think being gay is a choice -

George Christensen:

I didn’t say it was a choice. I said people could choose if they want. So I’m not saying it’s a choice people have, that they’re not born gay... You can choose to enter into homosexual relationships if you want to. It’s a free society.

Q: What’s the difference?

George Christensen:

There’s no difference... There’s no difference in the act. If you’ve chosen it of if you’re born with it. The act is the act.