Sunday 9th of March 2025

we must resist malcolm's bullshit...

respect except

There is a comment by our wisdom-ish Prime Minister, Malcolm Becalmed, in the Sydney Morning Herald. Here we are feted to a flurry of headlines in order to capture maximum SMH readers unawares.


The first headline is in the print edition:


Terrorism is designed to make us turn on each other, but we must resist


Then there is the catch line on the general online page

European governments are confronted by a perfect storm


And finally there is the online article which tells us:

Secure borders and a respectful society are our best weapons against terrorism


What a lot of designed bullshit all around

seeding a cloud of bullshit...


From our captain, Malcolm Becalmed:


While more attacks in Europe and elsewhere seem inevitable, the genesis of many of the current issues lies in Syria. We must continue working with our allies and military partners to seek a military and political solution. Defeating IS at its source will significantly constrain IS's reach into the West.

No government can guarantee the absolute absence of terrorism (the terror threat level has been at "probable" since September 2014), but Australia is better placed than many of our European counterparts in dealing with the threat because of the strength of our intelligence and security agencies, our secure borders and our successful multicultural society; one that manages to be both secure and free.

It is also why the government has reformed our national security legislation to ensure our agencies have the powers they need to mitigate the terror threat. Our allies regard our national security laws as among the world's best.

The advantage of our island geography, and our effective border protection systems and counter-terrorism agencies, means we have confidence in who arrives.

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Yes, we are also lucky about the weather... Turnbullshit spreads the bullshit in your bullshit brains. The strength of "intelligence" is far better in Europe than in Australia. I know.

Our luck is that we are more or less a very small nation of 24 millions. Europe has about 753 millions people. Europe has to deal with a multitude of threats. Some economic and financial threats coming from the US and borders than are not secure due to its geography. As well most of the conflicts we, the Westerners including the Downunderers, impose on the planet are staged very near Europe, in the middle east and Africa.

Australia's luck is that most people don't know where it is. They still think we're Austria... Let's keep it that way. 


sucking on the teat of "we're better than them"...



an open letter to the Sydney Morning Herald.

Malcolm Turnbull, like Tony Abbott, sucks the terror lollipop...


It is quite ludicrous. So far I have not seen any Australian journalists debating the PM's statement criticising Europe for having dropped its guards ( It seems as if our journalists have not seen the baited hook of fear with a statement that means nothing because they are asleep. Malcolm's comment on Europe is erroneous and stupid. He appears he has no idea on how the system works over there. My guess is that in Europe Turnbull could not rise above railway stationmaster and he would suck at it, lying about the trains timetable. 

Not only our journalists appear to have left the wheel of the "investigator", but the mediocre media has let the drunk captain take over (see article above).

Even with the most stringent detention alla Manus in Europe, IT WOULD NOT STOP THE KIND OF TERRORISM as seen in Brussels, Paris et al. Europe is always on the lookout for "terrorists" — home grown and imported. Most (all) of its airports, railways stations, etc. have police and army patrols armed to the teeth. 

And refugees are not the problem per se. 
Imagine camps like Nauru in Europe? Housing the population of a city like Sydney? They would make the Nazi concentration camps pale into average. 

About 2000 extra refugees land on Greek shores daily. 

Anyway, the Europeans and the Turks have made a 6 billion Euro deal to prevent more influx of refugees pass Turkey. 

These refugees to say the least come from "our" helping "moderate" (think: not as bad as ISIS, but still related to Al Qaeda) rebels in Syria. one would have to be deluded to blame Assad entirely for crackdown on "peaceful demonstrations" against him. The peaceful demonstrations were stirred by foreign agents provocateurs, some of whom shot at police, during those "peaceful" rallies, organised by the forceful Sunni Muslims of Syria who want to take over Syria, exclusively. 

To place things into perspective, Assad is in the way — not of democracy: Syria has free education and free health care — but of Western interests in oil and gas. 

Assad runs a semi-despotic socialist country, in which MOST of the people enjoy freedoms, not seen anywhere else in the Arab world. The real reason of the war in Syria is, you've guessed it since I pointed at it — gas and oil. What's new?

The Obama administration under the cover of "humanitarian" warfare wants to get rid of Assad. In the Western media, Assad is thus painted as a bad man — worse than Saddam, because though Assad does not have any WMDs apart from "gas", he has been blamed for crossing the red line of "gassing his own people". There is no proof of such, and to the contrary there is plenty of proof that the "moderate" rebels have used gas as a weapon. But the Western media has ignored all this in its slanted analysis of the conflict. 

So, what is the purpose of the war in Syria?

ISIS as secretly aided by Saudi Arabia (Wahhabi "royalists") is a strong avant-garde to get rid of Assad, so Saudi Arabia can build a pipeline through Syria to supply gas from Saudi Arabia into Europe via Turkey — and control Syria. ISIS has of course gone too far in its presence, including its invasion of Iraq (from within, which the Saudis don't mind, since Iraq now is run by its nemesis the Shiites). The Saudis want ISIS to win despite making noises to the contrary.

The "moderate" rebels are somewhat related to the Muslim Brotherhood (Wahhabi "socialists") and supported by Qatar trying to prevent ISIS taking over Syria, but still trying to get rid of Assad — in order to run a pipeline from the Qatari gas-fields into Turkey, through, you've guessed correctly, Syria. 

Assad is staying put and got the Russians to be involved because, you've guessed correctly again, the Russians are supplying gas to Europe. The Saudi or Qatari pipelines would be another economic threat to the Russians. The Russians have more or less stopped the "moderate" rebels who have had to agree to a cease-fire long demanded by Russia, Assad and the UN, under "various conditions". These rebels are now kept in check by the Syrian army with other government sympathising militias — and though you may not know, the Russians have continued to bomb ISIS positions. Apparently, ISIS is in tactical retreat in Syria. Putin's job is done — for now. 

Meanwhile Turkey has been caught out for helping ISIS, such as buying ISIS oil and fighting against the Kurds who have themselves pushed ISIS back.

This is the unfortunate reality of the matter. Oil and Gas... 

And Europe is doing 100 times more to combat terrorism than the Australian government would ever know. I know.

Malcolm says things he knows nothing about, especially about "terror in Europe". His diatribe was a cheap shot and he should be canned for it... 


belgium's ambassador rebuffs malcolm...

Belgium's Ambassador to Australia says it is "dangerous" for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to link the European refugee crisis with this week's deadly attacks in Brussels.

Key points:

  • Turnbull: Islamic State using refugee crisis to send terrorists to Europe
  • Ambassador rejects claims, says attackers are 'European'
  • Authorities confirm one Brussels bomber sent back from Syrian border

Mr Turnbull used a speech at the Lowy Institute last night to warn the Islamic State terrorist group is using the Syrian refugee situation to get extremists into Europe.

"The attacks in Brussels are an unfortunate reminder of how Islamist extremism appears to have reached a crisis point in Europe," he said.

"Governments are confronted by a perfect storm of failed or neglected integration, foreign fighters returning from Iraq and Syria, porous borders and intelligence and security apparatus, struggling to keep pace with the scope and breadth of the threat.

"For all intents and purposes there are no internal borders in Europe ... and the external borders are difficult to manage.

"Recent intelligence indicates ISIL is using the refugee crisis to send operatives into Europe."

But Belgium's Ambassador to Australia Jean-Luc Bodson has cautioned against linking the issue with the deadly attacks in his homeland this week.

"It's dangerous because it's precisely what ISIS wants — that we would make a confusion between terrorism and migrants and between terrorism and Islam," he said.

read more:

refugees changing destination...


The smugglers intended to start transporting refugees via the new Italian route in the first week of April, according to the Sunday edition of the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" newspaper.

They would reportedly use small cargo vessels and fishing ships to ferry their customers from the seaside resort Antalya in Turkey, the Turkish city of Mersin near the Syrian border, and the Greek capital Athens.

According to the paper, the price for such trip is between 3,000 and 5,000 euros ($3,400 -$5,600), which is much more expensive than traveling the usual route from Turkish shores to one of the Greek islands.

However, refugees face growing obstacles attempting to reach Western Europe through Greece, with several countries along the Balkan route closing their borders to migrants. Last week, the EU also forged an agreement with Ankara about shipping migrants back to Turkey, slowing the influx to a trickle.



sucking on the teat of "we're better than them"...