Sunday 9th of March 2025

exclusive: Gus is so lazy, he borrows a cartoon from the terrorgraph, on easter sunday...

ST cartoon...

Quite funny really... The Daily Telegraph, aka, the Sunday Telegraph, does its best to promote Tony Abbott today and every day... Everywhere it's the "Tony Abbott is Great" show. Everywhere it's Malcolm stinks and the Left is a bunch of bastards. Glory, glory to Abbott Tony... Pitiful attitude, but that's what the merde-och press is still pushing like a barrow of turd... as if Tony Abbott would pull off a miracle and lead this country again — into oblivion and more misery, but with greater arsitude, this time around...

meanwhile at devine's delusional headquarters...

devine delusions...

Always blaming the ABC and its "leftists" and the left in general, Devine gives us a smorgasbord of ideas that are far superior to whatever I've read about in the last 15 years. Of course she does not go into the details of what oil is greasing her carburettor nor that the sins of her church are buried by cash given to victims of sexual abuses. But she can tell us without laughing that Christians are the easy AND ONLY targets of vilification... 

MP to andrews: "just fuck off..."


Former defence minister Kevin Andrews has sparked a fresh outbreak of Liberal Party disunity after suggesting he was prepared to challenge Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, and then claiming to have been taken out of context in an interview with his local paper.

But even as he played down the report in the Manningham Leader, Mr Andrews, a key supporter of former prime minister Tony Abbott, raised eyebrows in Liberal ranks as he declared "at the present time, Mr Turnbull is the prime minister".

With an election in prospect as soon as July 2 and amid regular outbreaks of Coalition disunity, the comments infuriated some Liberals, with one cabinet minister describing them as "truly bizarre", and another MP declaring Mr Andrews should "just f--- off".

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Oh... and by the way should we include all the dead in the Iraqi war — as terrorism related (US state sanctioned terrorism by default following the invasion of a sovereign country) the proportion that Miranda Devine (read above comment) questions of death in western country goes down quite a lot. It even goes much further down should we include all the dead on both sides of the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, which was fought on the instigation of the West and in which both sides lost about 1 million men (all on our behalf).