Sunday 9th of March 2025

tony does Easter ...

tony does Easter ...

surfing at the cost to the taxpayers?...

The former PM's next move, however, was not so epic. Mr Abbott broke one of surfing's unwritten Ten Commandments.

Ms Thomas wrote on her Instagram that Mr Abbott dropped in on her wave — the ultimate surfing sin.

"It was such a bizarre situation to be put in," she said.

But Ms Thomas said she was not upset by his move.

"I was paddling for this wave, and I kind of stood up and he stood up as well and in the photo it looks like I am so not into it and I was so negative about it but I wasn't, I just didn't know how to react.

"He smiled at me and realised that he'd dropped in on me, but I didn't really mind."

Ms Thomas said had forgiven the ex-prime minister for his surfing folly.

"I'm not going to hold it against him — I'd had plenty of waves," Ms Thomas said.

"It was good to see that he's just a normal person."

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A normal person?... go fetch a stick. If Tony was a normal person, he would never had become a Primal Minister. He is a liar, a dishonest and an opportunistic person... Er... yes he is an ordinary person unfortunately... who got thrown into extraordinary circumstances, like a plastic duck into a hurricane...