Saturday 11th of January 2025

problem solved... the spiritual has been replaced by spirits...

drinking and gambling...
Tonight as I watched the story of Rome, the first Empire — an episode on Tiberius Gracchus and his dealings with the senate in regard to land ownership and the way Rome was about to descend into a more violent society after his assassination — I was musing on my youth, when barely in first year of secondary school we would be forced to learn about the Greeks and the Romans history. 

In those days, the lectures sounded more like blah blah blah, as we were more interested in our own street gang fights than about the glory of political system past which mostly relied on slavery to survive and prosper. But we did learn titbits, enough to get a pass to the next level. I must say, to me, Larry Lamb, the actor, has a great narrative and oration style for this story of Rome, which I had totally forgotten, but this was not what really attracted my attention. 

During the commercial break, an advert for something like Gambling Anonymous was followed straight away by an advert for Ladbrokes betting online, with a shaven head actor telling you how simple it is to place and track your bets. So here we are, conflicted by the call of greed in the land where the senate is about to be decimated by a petulant Malcolmus Turnbullus for his personal political gain, rather than for the petty people who are held slaves to their debts. Nothing changes much over millennium to the land where gambling has now infiltrated all forms of activities, including ALL sports and watching two flies crawl on a wall. 

It was in 1958, that the preacher Billy Graham had a rousing reception in Sydney. His religious bullcrap-manship was simple and grand populist demagogy. In those days, Graham was more popular than slice bread, anywhere he chose to go in the English speaking world. In 1958, Billy promised to 'study" the problem of gambling and drinking in this sin city. 

I have good news for him (he is still alive at 98), gambling and drinking in this furiously joyful sin city of Sydney have gone in leaps and bounds. We drink more hard stuff and wine than ever for longer, our liquor laws are far laxer than when you were here, even in the CBD where lock out is enforced after 3.00 AM — and gambling is now organised/sponsored/blessed by the state, run by a catholic mafia, at all social echelons, from lotteries to chook raffles. 

Glorious Sydney is also about to get its second mega-casino, a tall phallus symbol by the side of the Harbour with more gaming tables than Macao, Hong Kong and Las Vegas altogether. Both casinos are massive and not only that, all the pubs and clubs in town have massive rooms with poker machines which are not allowed to be advertised, but can be called VIP sections. 

I will blame the Romans for the present alcohol intake in Sydney, though a lot of Sydney's fortune were made by governor and soldiers selling Rum in the early days of the colony. 

The Romans in Tiberius' times were cultivating vines in Tuscany and apparently this is what drew Tiberius' ire — not so much that the rich people were employing a lot of slave labour and turning Rome into a city of alcoholics, but that the public land had been "acquired" (stolen from the republic) by these rich farmers with connections to the powerful Roman Senate. Not only this, the veterans soldiers of the glorious roman wars were left destitute, had to fend for themselves, survived by mostly begging, and were living in squalor at more than 20 plus families in insalubrious small rooms. New news anyone?

As Tiberius tried to change all this, he was assassinated, his death leading the rise of Caesar. We know the rest, don't we? 
Sydney is a bit like Rome in its hay day...


liquor before the fist fights era...


As one can see in this picture, Roman women and unshaven Roman men brought the vino tradition from Italy to this city. (from a 1963 SMH....)

and billy, did I mention our national growth industry?

Exposing corporate tax dodging has been illuminating and has stunned both Parliament and the nation. But will greater transparency alone change things? It's unlikely, writes Ian Verrender.

It is simply titled, Gaming the System.

Within the 44 page document, tabled last Friday in the Senate, is a litany of crimes against the nation. Sorry, correct that to "mostly legal ways to evade paying tax."

For almost a year, a Senate committee has trawled the murky waters of tax avoidance by large corporations and wealthy private Australians and what it has uncovered has stunned the Parliament and the nation.

Exactly how to combat the insidious nature of tax avoidance is an altogether different matter. For while the revelations have been enlightening and the improved transparency over tax matters helpful, it is unlikely there will be any serious reform; at least in the short term.

For years, the OECD has been toiling away on a system to help stamp out what is known in the trade as Base Erosion and Profit Shifting. In the wake of the financial crisis that left most developed nations short of revenue, the G20, in which Australia is a key member, labelled it priority.

Achieving anything substantial, however, remains at best elusive. The main problem is that multinational corporations operate within a global marketplace while tax laws are set within national boundaries by governments run by politicians that can be, well, let's just say easily persuaded.

Many global corporations are richer and more powerful than the countries in which they operate. Even in highly developed countries, the pendulum has swung so far in favour of major corporations that few politicians have the gumption to take a stand on matters tax.

Once upon a time multinationals used to run fully accountable subsidiaries in their global networks that filed annual reports, had local boards of directors and paid the full rate of local tax.

That's no longer the case, at least here in Australia. They employ the bare minimum number of often nominal directors who answer directly to head office, or to an entity located on a balmy tropical island that charges no tax.

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the drunks and the gamblers of australia remember...

World-famous evangelist Billy Graham died early Wednesday at the age of 99 in his mountain home in Montreat, North Carolina. But unlike most headlines today dealing with religion and conservatism and figures famous for both, the news of his death did not draw the usual hyper-partisan carping from the media or the chattering class. In fact today, he’s being called “America’s Pastor.”


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In Australia, the drunks saw the bottled spirit and the gamblers saw the jackpot light.... Alleluyah!!!!

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changed address...

In a statement to The Christian Post, Will Graham, the grandson of Billy Graham (whose full name is William Franklin Graham Jr.) and the son of Franklin Graham, said:

"My grandfather once said, 'One day you'll hear that Billy Graham has died. Don't you believe it. On that day I'll be more alive than ever before! I've just changed addresses.' My friends, today my grandfather moved from the land of the dead to the land of the living," Will Graham declared.

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billy's gone

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no TV, nor internet, just threadbare sandals in the desert...

"The Billy Graham that the world saw on television, the Billy Graham that the world saw in the big stadiums, was the same Billy Graham that we saw at home. There weren't two Billy Grahams," eldest son Franklin Graham told the funeral congregation.

Franklin Graham's funeral message followed shorter remarks by his siblings in a service that lasted just over an hour before an invitation-only crowd of approximately 2,000.

"I believe, from Heaven's perspective, that my father's death is as significant as his life. And his life was very significant. But I think when he died, that was something very strategic from Heaven's point of view," said his daughter Anne Graham Lotz.

"I believe God is saying: 'Wake up church! Wake up world!'"

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I believe that Billy Graham died. Nothing more.

Ah, had TV, intagram and Youtube been available at the time of Jesus !.... "Is this me" (ugly saying) or has humility turned into a hypocritical form of fame, as most of us crave exposure? Even preachers? 

Gus is a fierce atheist.


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conservative bullshitting jesus at the white house...

As recounted in “The Preacher and the Presidents: Billy Graham in the White House,” by Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy, Graham had more of an issue with Eisenhower’s “salty language” than his lack of religious belief. In fact, once Eisenhower agreed to run, he openly sought Graham’s help in selling himself as a man of faith; he told Graham that the country would never elect a non-churchgoing candidate. 

Eisenhower, a lapsed Presbyterian, asked for Bible quotes to cite in stump speeches and for churches Graham could recommend. A 1953 photo-op shows Graham and Eisenhower reading the Bible together — a photo Graham later reproduced in his own literature.

Just before the election, Graham issued a press release. “Mr. Graham is not taking sides in the political campaign,” it read. “He is remaining neutral.”

Despite lifelong claims that he was uninterested in power and profit, Graham was gravitationally drawn to both.

In 1960, Graham mobilized evangelicals against John F. Kennedy, maintaining Kennedy’s Catholicism rendered him unfit. (The irony!) Lyndon Johnson reportedly wanted Graham to join his Cabinet.

“I almost used the White House as a hotel when Johnson was president,” Graham told his biographer Marshall Frady. “He was always trying to keep me there. He just never wanted me to leave.”

Graham was also close to Richard Nixon — so close that Graham took it upon himself to draft a secret 13-page plan to bomb North Vietnam. In his book “The Golden Age Is In Us: Journeys and Encounters,” Alexander Cockburn cites a declassified 1969 memo Graham wrote after meeting with missionaries in Bangkok. Graham’s plan, he wrote to Nixon, “could overnight destroy the economy of North Vietnam.”

Had Nixon followed through, that strike could have killed an estimated million people.

A recorded 1972 Oval Office conversation between Nixon and Graham, released by the National Archives in 2002, revealed Graham made multiple anti-Semitic remarks.

Graham called Jews “Satanic.” He agreed with Nixon that they controlled the national media. “They’re the ones putting out all the pornographic stuff,” Graham said, and their “stranglehold has got to be broken or the country’s going down the drain.”

But not to worry, Graham told Nixon — Jews had no idea what he truly believed. “I go and keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know,” Graham said. “And all — I mean not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine. They swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know I’m friendly with Israel. But they don’t know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country.”

Graham strongly denied ever having such a conversation in 1994, nor holding such views, but upon the tape’s release in 2002 issued an apology.

“I don’t ever recall having those feelings about any group, especially the Jews, and I certainly do not have them now,” Graham said. “I humbly ask the Jewish community to reflect on my actions on behalf of Jews over the years that contradict my words in the Oval Office that day.”

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he had a bigger audience than jesus...

A petition calling for the creation of a national holiday honoring the Rev. Billy Graham has garnered over 100,000 signatures in a week.

Posted to by a Kyle Siler and addressed to President Donald Trump, Congress, and a few other elected officials, the petition passed the 100,000-signature mark early Wednesday morning.

"Mr. Graham preached the Gospel to more people in live audiences than anyone else in history — nearly 215 million people in more than 185 countries and territories — through various meetings, including Mission World and Global Mission," reads the petition.

"Hundreds of millions more have been reached through television, video, film, and webcasts. Mr. Graham's counsel was sought by presidents, and his appeal in both the secular and religious arenas is evidenced by the wide range of groups that have honored him, including numerous honorary doctorates from many institutions in the U.S. and abroad."


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As an atheist, Gus can only marvel at the size of the BS the Christians are indulging in, to make noises about their bible-bashing oracles like Billy Graham, a guy who who had more listeners and more Christmases than Jesus. Amazing. Now they want a special holiday to commemorate Billy. Jesus has got two main ones, Christmas and Easter, and a few small ones, including lent which is a good occasion to celebrate Sydney's LGBTi with a Mardis Gras parade.

Which will it be for Billy? His birth, his death or the last preaching crusade in Sydney? Read from top...


boycotting the visit...


Michael Bird is Academic Dean and Lecturer in Theology at Ridley College, Melbourne. 


He writes:

Rev. Franklin Graham, son of the famous American Evangelist Billy Graham, will be touring Australia next year.

But despite the fact that Franklin comes from good evangelical stock and is a celebrity Christian leader, I won't be going to hear him speak.

It was 60 years ago, in 1959, when Billy Graham toured Australia. His tour had a seismic effect on Australia's religious landscape.

Billy Graham died earlier this year, at the age of 99. He is fondly remembered for his Christian witness, philanthropic work and global influence.

Graham had a relationship with American presidents from Harry Truman to George W. Bush. He played golf with John F. Kennedy, skinny-dipped in the White House pool with Lyndon Johnson, counselled the Clintons after the Monica Lewinsky affair, and prayed with Barack Obama.

Graham was interviewed by the likes of Woody Allen and Diane Sawyer; he was the man that presidents wanted to be seen beside because he was widely respected for his religious devotion and proprietary. Graham opposed segregation and openly supported Martin Luther King, Jr. Graham generally put himself above partisan politics - with the exception of his support for Nixon, which he later said he regretted.

Unlike his father, however, Franklin Graham, the CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, has not avoided political partisanship - in fact, he has embraced it with gusto. Franklin Graham has been a fervent supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump from the beginning. He has even described Trump in quasi-messianic terms, portraying him as a God-sent saviour to America.

Franklin Graham wrote in the Wall Street Journal in 1998 that President Bill Clinton should consider resigning from the White House because of his affair with Monica Lewinski:

"Clinton's months-long extramarital sexual behavior in the Oval Office now concerns him and the rest of the world, not just his immediate family. If he will lie to or mislead his wife and daughter, those with whom he is most intimate, what will prevent him from doing the same to the American public?"

This same Graham has urged Christian voters to overlook Trump's crude "p***y-grabbing" remarks. He has claimed that "God has for some reason put [Trump in the White House] for a purpose." Concerning Trump's affair with porn star Stormy Daniels, Graham has gone on record as saying that it happened twelve years ago, before Trump was president, and that it is "nobody's business." The reason being that nominations for the Supreme Court are on the line. Of course, this level of hypocrisy - castigating Clinton for his behaviour with an intern while mitigating Trump's behaviour with a porn star - has not gone unnoticed, and many have called Graham out for it.

To his credit, Franklin Graham did forcefully oppose the Trump administration's decision to separate families at the U.S.-Mexican border, but that represented a brief interruption in an otherwise steady stream of unreserved support and enthusiasm for the president. The fact is that Franklin Graham has tethered himself to the Trump administration, and he has used Christianity as a political prop to sanitize Trump for some Christian voters - despite Trump's egregiously non-Christian character and the dubious moral quality of many of Trump's policies.

The problem with Franklin Graham is, as Southern Baptist leader Russell Moore put it: "The Religious Right turns out to be the people the Religious Right warned us about."

So I will not be attending the Franklin Graham events in Australia in 2019, and I will be urging friends and churches to do the same.


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pay day for the liberty sinner...


Since he wasn’t formally accused of or admitted to any wrongdoing, former Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. said he will walk away with a severance package totaling $10.5 million after his resignation Monday night in the wake of a sex scandal.

Falwell, 58, told The Washington Post that he’ll get $2.5 million over the next 24 months plus another $8 million after that period in retirement benefits per a contract he signed with Liberty University in July 2019.

“The board was gracious not to challenge that,” Falwell explained. “There wasn’t any cause. I haven’t done anything.”

The Board of Trustees of Liberty University, one of the largest evangelical Christian universities in the world, announced Tuesday that they had accepted Falwell’s  resignation “effective immediately” after he and his wife, Rebecca, were implicated in a sex scandal Monday.

The resignation comes after a tumultuous weekend for Falwell, during which it was first revealed on Sunday that his wife had an affair with former “pool boy” Giancarlo Granda, 29, which began eight years ago. Granda allegedly later attempted to blackmail the couple. Falwell said he was shocked to learn about his wife’s affair, but Granda contradicted that claim Monday when he said he had engaged in the affair with Falwell’s knowledge and provided audio he said is evidence supporting his claim.

“Becki and I developed an intimate relationship and Jerry enjoyed watching from the corner of the room,” Granda told Reuters.

He claimed his liaisons with Rebecca Falwell were frequent — happening “multiple times per year” — noting that they would meet at hotels in Miami, New York, and the Falwells’ home in Virginia.

In a statement he published on Twitter Tuesday night, Granda further slammed Falwell and his wife as liars, noting that Falwell abused his position of authority at the Christian university and even sent him a photo of a female Liberty University student exposing herself.


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a divided graham family...


Granddaughters of the late evangelist Billy Graham voiced differing opinions about President Donald Trump Tuesday, with one praising the president during a Republican National Convention speech hours after the other published an op-ed critical of Trump's evangelical supporters. 

Cissie Graham Lynch, the daughter of the outspoken conservative Franklin Graham, offered brief remarks in Washington, D.C.  on the second night of the RNC. 

Her speech came just hours after an op-ed written by her cousin, Jerushah Duford, was published in USA Today accusing evangelicals of “failing the Gospel” for supporting Trump.

In her speech, the 34-year-old Lynch wasted little time in explaining why evangelicals shouldn’t support the Biden-Harris ticket or the Democratic Party. 

She criticized the Obama administration for its “attack” on First Amendment rights and for putting “little girls at risk” through enacting pro-transgender policies.

She went as far as to accuse the Biden-Harris vision for America of “leaving no room for people of faith.” 

Lynch, who serves with both BGEA and the evangelical humanitarian organization Samaritan’s Purse, said America’s Founding Fathers “fought to ensure that voices of faith are always welcomed, not silenced, not bullied.”

“But during the Obama-Biden administration, these freedoms were under attack,” she warned. “Democrats tried to make faith organizations pay for abortion-inducing drugs. Democrats tried to force adoption agencies to violate their deeply held beliefs. Democrats pressured schools to allow boys to compete in girls’ sports and use girls’ locker rooms.”

“Those are the facts. But then, we the people elected Donald Trump,” Lynch, who also serves on President Trump’s Faith Advisory Council, continued. 

Lynch asserted that after Trump’s election, people of faith had a “fierce advocate” in the White House who appointed judges who “respect the First Amendment.” 

Lynch noted how the Trump administration has supported Christians facing legal discrimination challenges related to their religious beliefs on sexuality and marriage in court. She said the Trump administration has “ensured religious ministries would not be forced to violate their beliefs.” 

“He withdrew the policies that placed our little girls at risk,” Lynch said, most likely referring to Trump’s reversal of the Obama administration’s guidance instructing school districts nationwide to allow male students to use girls' restrooms, showers and locker rooms if they identify as female, and vice-versa.  

Lynch also praised Trump for talking about the importance of religious freedom at the United Nations last year.

“In America, we have not faced physical persecution, even though the left has tried to silence us,” she said. ”Even during the pandemic, we saw how quickly life can change. Some Democratic leaders tried to ban church services while marijuana shops and abortion clinics were declared ‘essential.’ But do you know what truly is essential, our right to worship freely and live our faith in every aspect of life.” 

The author and speaker went on to assert that a “Biden-Harris vision for America leaves no room for people of faith, whether you are a baker, or a florist or a football coach.”

“They will force the choice between being obedient to God or to Cesar,” she added. “Because the radical left’s God is government power. So in the words of my grandfather Billy Graham, let us stand for political freedom, moral freedom, religious freedom, and the rights of all Americans, and let’s never give in to those who would attempt to take it from us.” 

In her USA Today op-ed, Duford describes herself as the “granddaughter of the man largely credited for beginning the evangelical movement.”

Duford, an evangelical author, speaker and member the NeverTrump Republican group Lincoln Project, decried evangelical support for Trump as exit polls from 2016 showed about eight in 10 white evangelical voters voted for Trump. 

She called for “Christian women [to] step up where our church leaders won't.”

“I have spent my entire life in the church, with every big decision guided by my faith. But now, I feel homeless. Like so many others, I feel disoriented as I watch the church I have always served turn their eyes away from everything it teaches,” Duford wrote. “I hear from Christian women on a daily basis who all describe the same thing: a tug at their spirit.”

Duford said most of those women walked into voting booths in November 2016 and were forced to vote for Trump as a “lesser of two evils.” 

But she said that there is a “tug” that some women are feeling regarding Trump. 

“I feel it every time our president talks about government housing having no place in America’s suburbs,” she said. “Jesus said repeatedly to defend the poor and show kindness and compassion to those in need. Our president continues to perpetuate an us-versus-them narrative, yet almost all of our church leaders say nothing.”


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Read from top. I am pointing these family differences and the former Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.'s affair as they are the little things likely to influence the choice people will make at the ballot box... The next big thing is to see that Murdoch is going 120 per cent behind Trump...




israel’s attack dog.....


America's Church: The Invention of the Evangelical Christian Movement     



One of the most sociologically unique aspects of the United States is the everlasting prominence of Evangelical, or Born-Again, Christians. The group is known for its literal interpretation of the Bible, espousal of Whig individualism on both spiritual and economic matters, and their rabid Zionist posture on foreign policy matters, often rationalized through end-of-the-world prophecies and a largely one-way devotion to the interests of modern day Jews and the Jewish state.

The hay day of Evangelicals appears to be behind them, but they remain the largest Christian sect in all of America (24%), only being narrowly edged out in 2022 by those who checked the generic no religion box. The main institution where their influence can be seen is the Republican Party, where they form an important constituency and play the role of zealous activists.

But Christian Zionist dominance and the contemporary religious right are relatively new. Prior to the Second World War, Evangelicals were a small, poorly received sect operating on the fringes of the American Protestant landscape. Despite lacking theology respected among rival Protestants of their time and being widely perceived as con artists and gladhanders, Evangelicals were able to triumph over their competitors and critics to become contenders for the title of America’s church.


Dwight Eisenhower’s “Judeo-Christian” Nation

In 1952, Allied General Dwight Eisenhower won a landslide victory over Democrat Adlai Stevenson on a platform promising to halt the expansion of the Soviet Union and the spread of its ideas.

Jews had traditionally been most influential within the Democratic party, but Ike was different. He was able to distinguish himself from old money WASP oriented Republican primary challengers by forming politically and financially profitable alliances with prominent Jewish figures who would later play important roles in his two administrations, such as political power broker Jacob Javits, Standard Oil oligarch Jacob Blaustein (a known Democrat), Maxwell Rabb (Eisenhower’s top advisor), and Simon Sobeloff (the Solicitor General who played a central role in overturning segregated schools in the Brown v. Board case, as well as protecting Jews during the “red scare”). These contacts, established over promises to advance the interests of American Jewry and support the recently created state of Israel, gave Eisenhower a formidable edge in press coverage and big business support during the ‘52 trouncing of Stevenson.

Mobilizing the American people in support of new foreign interventions (such as the Korean War) so soon after a massive war was a top priority for the Eisenhower administration. The problem for policy makers at the time was that America did not have a cogent state ideology capable of sustaining the planned global democracy crusade. The Eisenhower government was acutely aware of this vulnerability, since the American state, through structures such as the Dickstein Committee (later the House of Un-American Activities), spent much of the first half of the 20th century desperately trying to contain what they perceived as domestic threats: communists, socialists, isolationists, nativists, and even an incident where a German immigrant held a Third Reich-style mass rally in Madison Square Garden.

The vacuum created by the lack of an official, well-articulated counter to communism during the Great Depression was filled by the rise of anti-Jewish and anti-establishment populism, which thrived in both urban and heartland America thanks to figures such as Henry Ford, Gerald LK Smith, the America First movement, Huey Long, Father Charles C. Coughlin, and even an explicitly Fascist shirt movement led by William Dudley Pelley. Many of these figures looked to Mussolini and Hitler for answers, which horrified the FDR administration and spurred it into frenzied political crackdowns. A number of these anti-communist dissidents and populist firebrands even put aside their religious differences to promote the broadly secular, socialistic and nationalist Share Our Wealth movement (led by Long, Smith and Coughlin), which then transformed into a campaign against FDR’s plan to enter World War II. These powerful orators and skilled organizers found many supporters through easily understood and intuitive arguments emphasizing the lack of an American interest in a new European conflict, while also making the case that the US government’s support for the Soviet Union against Germany and Italy was evidence that Washington was compromised by Judeo-communist sympathizers and spies. Pre-war anti-communism in America was rife with authoritarian, collectivist, anti-interventionist, anti-Jewish and at times racialist ideas that figures such as Eisenhower and Javits saw as national security threats.

For Eisenhower the values and discourse of Long, Coughlin, Smith and so on were unacceptable and anti-American, not to mention frightening to his Jewish associates. Eisenhower, with strong input from representatives of organized Jewry, would go on to author a new response to the Soviet Union’s promise of heaven on earth, one that championed a vision of a racially egalitarian, individualistic, militarily aggressive, and most importantly, Jewish-friendly but loudly Christian United States.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first president to refer to America as a “Judeo-Christian” nation, at times in a defensive tone when responding to “anti-Semitic” critics, but the strange and ahistorical portmanteau only became common parlance during the Eisenhower years.

A month before his inauguration in December 1952, Eisenhower outlined the worldview America would take into the Cold War:

And this is how they [the Founding Fathers] explained those: “we hold that all men are endowed by their Creator…” not by the accident of their birth, not by the color of their skins or by anything else, but “all men are endowed by their Creator”. In other words, our form of government has no sense unless it is founded in a deeply felt religious faith, and I don’t care what it is. Of course, it is the Judeo-Christian concept, but it must be a religion with all men being created equal.”

The main barrier for implementing this doctrine was that Americans were not particularly religious. In 1945, only around 65% of Americans self-identified with a church denomination, a figure that’s lower than present-day religiosity.

As the 1950s progressed, the US government and its private sector allies began propagating the new Judeo-Christian doctrine, saturating the radio airwaves with ideological programming, inserting “Under God” in the pledge of allegiance, establishing the National Prayer Breakfast, and creating organizations with the task of re-orienting American civic life around churches. Individuals such as conservative businessman and FBI asset J. Howard Pew bankrolled influential Judeo-Christian Evangelical publications, such as Christianity Today, where he would feed J. Edgar Hoover editorials to the American tabula rasa.

One thing that was retained from pre-war America was the psychological marketing logic behind the concept of the celebrity. The elite needed a Judeo-Christian superstar.


Billy Graham, The Father of Evangelical Christianity

As millions of Americans embraced the television medium, the potential for influencing public opinion enjoyed a massive growth spurt. Suddenly, the Jewish owners of the three major broadcasting companies — ABC (Leonard Goldenson), CBS (William Samuel Palley) and NBC (David Sarnoff) — found themselves in possession of a monopoly over the American people’s mind.

These men would go on to manufacture the Pope of Judeo-Christianity: Billy Graham. By the end of his storied career, Graham was indeed only second to the Pope in terms of his influence on 20th century world Christendom.

Billy Graham was an obscure preacher operating in the Carolinas prior to being discovered by William Randolph Hearst. Hearst, a lapsed Catholic, witnessed Graham attract a crowd in Los Angeles during a 1949 circus tent revival, where the young Southern man with Matinee idol looks burned through fiery sermons damning communists to hell while carefully avoiding racial or anti-Jewish inferences.

Understanding his potential to aid the mission of President Eisenhower —Hearst’s personal friend — the media mogul began furnishing Graham with favorable coverage, calling on his editors to “puff Graham!” Graham would go on to claim that he never met Hearst, but he quickly noticed the attention the publisher was generating for him and began politically calibrating the content of his sermons to maximize positive press.

A year later, the Jewish controlled (Adolph Zukor and Barney Balaban) film studio Paramount invited Graham for a meeting, offering him a role in the Judeo-centric, Zionist remake of the 1923 Christian silent film, The Ten Commandments. Graham turned down the film role, but it was at this luncheon that he was persuaded by ABC’s Jewish head Leonard Goldenson to pursue a different type of stardom.

Thus, incubated in the mind of Jewish atheist Goldenson, the first ever “Televangelist” program was born: The Hour Of Decision, starring the thespian and energetic Carolina Son. In 1951, the show premiered on ABC, and Graham’s addresses, which combined Judeo-Christian Revivalist theology and pro-Eisenhower propaganda within the structure of a variety show, were beamed into the homes of millions of Americans.

In the 1991 book Beating the Odds: The Untold Story Behind the Rise of ABC, a collection of anecdotes dedicated to Goldenson, Graham described the genesis of The Hour of Decision,

“Shortly after Leonard bought ABC, he asked me to go on television every Sunday night at 8. I did that for two years, either having a little religious skit or interviewing important leaders like senators and congressmen. I believe we were the first religious program on national television.”

By 1954, ABC was forced to cancel the Hour of Decision due to its abysmal ratings, but neither Graham or his Jewish sponsors gave up on spreading Evangelical Christianity. Graham’s new strategy would be to turn his live broadcasted “crusades” into high energy, entertaining mass gatherings as a draw to Hour of Decision listeners by holding them in major American venues with celebrity guests, including then Vice President Richard Nixon and later British pop sensation Cliff Richard. Graham’s staff was able to astroturf the crowds that filled stadiums to the brim by working with churches to organize buses of small-town parishioners — many of them not Evangelicals or interested in converting — to visit famous landmarks like the Hollywood Bowl, Yankee Stadium, and Madison Square Garden free of charge.

According to Graham’s autobiography, Just As I Am, his 1954 network television setback was balanced out by syndication of his crusades and a less glamorous version of his show sent across the country over the radio airwaves. The Hour of Decision continued to be broadcast nationally through his association with Jewish businessman Jack Lewis, who introduced him to NBC’s David Sarnoff in 1953,

“NBC had a policy against selling time for religious broadcasting, but the network made an exception through the personal interest of NBC’s founder and president, General David Sarnoff.

When we were on the ship returning us from Japan and Korea in early 1953, we met a Jewish businessman named Jack Lewis. He invited us to a party he was giving, during which a woman performed a hula dance. […] General Sarnoff and his wife were there, and afterward they offered to take me back to the hotel. On the way, the general asked, “Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Yes, sir.” I could tell he was surprised by my quick answer. “I’d like to go on NBC with my radio program.”

I’ll see what I can do,” he said.

Apparently true to his word, we soon were on NBC every Sunday evening.

Often we broadcasted live from various places where we were holding Crusades, from the frontlines during the Korean War to the Hollywood Bowl.”

In 1957, Graham finally managed to breakthrough with his blockbuster Madison Square Garden Crusade, which his old boss at ABC, Goldenson, contracted him to broadcast on live television. There was one condition, the Jews offering Graham this massive platform wanted Martin Luther King to open the event in prayer.

Graham had already began drawing the ire of Southern Baptists and his overwhelmingly white fanbase, but this was a new pinnacle. At the time of Graham presenting King at the New York City crusade as America’s moral authority, King had been organizing the Montgomery Bus Boycott which was instigating racial chaos in Alabama. The purpose of this spectacle was not to win over blacks, which Graham never was able to do despite his contentions. The real motive, at least from the point of view of Graham’s ABC sponsors, appears to have been the utilization of a conservative seeming preacher by giving him the social proof (through being on TV) to morally undermine white Southerners resisting the forced integration project.

In 1950s America, white parents feared that sending their children to school with blacks would put them at risk of interracial violence and lower general academic standards. Following the landmark 1954 decision, Brown v. Board, which outlawed racially separate schools based on dubious social science financed by the American Jewish Committee, the Eisenhower government decided that Southern schools were not integrating fast enough.

Three months after Graham’s televised crusade, Eisenhower deployed the 101st Airborne to Little Rock, Arkansas, where shocking images of US soldiers marching white teenagers to black schools at bayonet point stirred anger and anti-government resentment throughout the South.

Graham and King were strange bedfellows — an alliance of convenience. Graham supported King’s racial politics throughout his activist career and both of them were fiercely pro-Israel, but aside from these superficial similarities, the two men promoted diametrically opposed political and religious programs on everything else. In King’s theology, Social Gospel, Christian fulfillment was to be obtained through socio-political activism, while Graham promoted to whites the primacy of individual salvation. Graham was a fanatical supporter of the Vietnam war and an ally of big business, while King opposed the war and promoted left-wing economic policies. Both figures encountered immense controversy among their respective audiences for collaborating, especially Graham whose increasingly inflammatory anti-white sermons caused Southern Governors like George Bell Timmerman to ban his crusades through the strategic use of laws separating church and state. The only connective tissue uniting King and Graham, who saw the Civil Rights movement through for its entire duration together, was New York Jewish media and money.

By 1965, Graham intensified his campaign to support King’s project, even cancelling a tour in Europe to target Alabama. There, he implored to his white followers to embrace the Civil Rights Act and racially integrate with grace. This seldom translated into formal action from Graham’s fans in support of the Civil Rights movement, but it did sharply weaken their will to fight back.


Israel’s Attack Dog

By the mid to late 1960s, Billy Graham was a household name, having used his fame and elite backing to take over the Southern Baptist Convention and frequently being promoted as a guest on television programs as far out as The Woody Allen show. He took his patented crusades spreading the Judeo-Christian dogma all over the world, usually with ample financial and media support from the CIA, the Israeli state, and the organized Jewish community in America. Every continent now had Evangelical missionaries that not only sought to convert natives, but also who served the American and Israeli intelligence services as covert spies and subversives, especially throughout Latin America and the Middle East.

On the home front, recruitment to the new marketing-driven fandom-cum-church was booming. From 1965 to 1975, Evangelicals were always on offer on the television and radio, allowing the movement to gain waves of followers and become the largest Protestant denomination in the country.

As Arab-Israeli wars broke out throughout the 1960s and 70s, both the Israeli government and American Jews began relying heavily on Graham to promote the Zionist cause to America’s Christians. At the time of these conflicts, American Protestants were heavily polarized on the question, with a significant number of clergy members expressing solidarity for the Arabs — who counted many fellow Christians among them — over the atheist Jews they saw persecuting them.

Important Christian bodies that had previously worked with Jews on other political projects, such as the National Council of Churches, adamantly refused to take a position on the ‘67 war. A prominent “interfaith” coordinator at the time, Rabbi Balfour Brickner, even remarked on “the spectacle of nearly total absence of visible support for the State of Israel during her hour of need.”

That is when Billy Graham came to push Christians off the fence. Graham’s response to the ethical problems many Christians saw in supporting Israel’s violent expulsions of Arabs and expansionism was to warn his followers that the Bible proclaimed Jews God’s Chosen People, and thus those who criticized the Zionist project were damned to fry in hell.

Graham’s 1970 movie, His Land, a Zionist propaganda musical featuring over-the-hill British pop sensation Cliff Richards’ (whose record label was owned by Leonard Goldenson) religious odyssey through Israel was a landmark event in fighting Christian reluctance. Both Graham and the American Jewish Committee sponsored screenings of the film throughout houses of worship in all 50 states as part of a broader multimedia push that included Zionist Dispensionalist Hal Lindsey’s bestselling pro-Israel doomsday book The Late Great Planet Earth (related is the fact that Lindsey’s consulting firm was staffed with Israeli military officials) to change the American people’s minds on how the country should approach the Middle East.

The tension between Graham’s Jewish handlers and the very theology he preached came to a collision at the ‘73 Key campaign. Graham’s rank-and-file supporters were highly motivated by the prospect of saving non-Christians with the word of Jesus Christ, especially the Jews who they believed they had to convert to hasten Christ’s return. This concerned Graham’s Jewish associates, leading to him, in full violation of his own teachings, to issue a decree to an exasperated and dismayed audience that they were now strictly prohibited from trying to Evangelize any Jews. Clearly, the salvation of individual souls was not Graham’s only concern.

Graham continued to play the role of the Jewish community’s shepherd of Christians all the way to his death in 2018. Throughout his life, he was repaid with money, awards, protection from bad press, access to both Democrat and Republican presidents, and even a tacky star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Graham would go on to spawn countless imitators searching for fame and gold, such as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Pastor John Hagee.

What motivated one of the most pro-Jewish and pro-Zionist Christian figures to have ever lived?

We have evidence that questions the sincerity of his public persona thanks to the 1972 Nixon tapes.

Recorded at the height of Billy Graham’s pro-Jewish and pro-Israel activism, the private oval office conversation between America’s most powerful Christian leader and the President of the United States reveals two seemingly impotent, embittered and Janus-faced men.

In the secretly recorded conversation, Nixon and Graham both identify America’s Jewish community as a corrosive and dangerous force, “This stranglehold has got to be broken or the country’s going down the drain.” Graham follows up his declaration by outright referring to Jews as “The Synagogue of Satan.”

In one remarkable segment, Graham even tells Nixon he wishes he could fight the Jews,

”I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (A.M. Rosenthal) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all — I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I’m friendly with Israel. But they don’t know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.”

Upon hearing this sentiment, a panicked Nixon responds, “You must not let them know!”

The most confounding aspect of the Nixon-Graham tapes is that just one year later during the Yom Kippur war, Nixon dynamited the American economy and caused his public support to erode after unilaterally deciding to organize the largest airlift in US history just to save the Israeli military from defeat. Billy Graham? He spent the conflict acting on orders from Tel Aviv to bring calm to white Christians infuriated about the fact that their government’s support for Israel caused there to be no gas at the gas station.

We can only speculate whether Graham was gathering intelligence on his old friend Dick on behalf of organized Jewry, or if he was confiding his deeply held beliefs.

Either way, one can soundly conclude that the founding father of Evangelical Christianity was a high-functioning and cynical sociopath, just like the Christian Zionist leaders who followed in his footsteps.






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