Saturday 11th of January 2025

tony and tomato joyce...

tony and tomato joyce

Tony Abbott's former chief of staff Peta Credlin has rubbished claims her old boss wants his job back, labelling deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce's comments "horse s--t".

The Nationals leader, a political ally of Mr Abbott, on Tuesday said he believed the former PM still harboured leadership ambitions but would realise a comeback wasn't possible.

"He will want to, but he'll realise he can't," Mr Joyce told AAP. "To say that he doesn't have a desire is ridiculous - to say that he can't overcome that desire by the reality that's just not going to happen [is another]."

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Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce isn't offended at Peta Credlin's colourful comments about him.

Tony Abbott's former chief of staff hit back at comments the Nationals leader made about the ex-prime minister's ambitions.

Mr Joyce yesterday said Mr Abbott still harbours leadership ambitions, and to say he doesn't have a desire to return to the job is ridiculous.

Ms Credlin insists her old boss has no plans to return to the Liberal leadership.

'I think that's absolute rubbish. I was going to say horse shit but I don't know if I can say that on TV,' she told Sky News.

'Honestly Barnaby, get back on the Wombat Trail...Tony's made it absolutely clear that the Abbott years are over and no-one can look at his performance in this campaign and see that he's anything other than a team player.'

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horseshit 2

There is about 80 per cent chances that Turnbull and Abbott made a secret deal (stupid Gus thinks 100 per cent). As the electorate was going off stinking turdy Abbott, the CONservatives decided to place the more acceptable charming smiling sweet taking packaging up front — Turdball. But the political hubris in the ranks of the rank Liberals (CONservatives) stayed the same, apart from some of the biggest fucups like dames and knights being rescinded to give Turnbull some cred — which to say the "conspirational least", might have been designed to provide Turdball with something to do.... The deal is that Turnbull takes the CONservatives to victory (Abbott would have been defeated big time) at the next elections, then Abbott resumes his position of leader of fucups, SNAFUs and crap as glorious Prime Minister — carrying his destructive policies as before, designed to profit the rich and bury the poor, you and me. This is why Turnbull did nothing about the decimation of the CSIRO and let the NBN fester while tooting innovations of a better toilet brush, and carried on with a policy of "direct action" on climate change which he knows is working against reducing emissions but is actually filling the coffers of rich blokes (or guys).

why apopogise when you are correct? tony is a lunatic...

Malcolm Turnbull's father-in-law, former attorney-general Tom Hughes, called Tony Abbott a "lunatic" and urged Mr Turnbull to stay in politics after losing the Liberal leadership in 2009, predicting the party's "folly" would pass.

In a letter to his brother, prominent art critic Robert Hughes, the giant of the Australian legal fraternity said making Mr Abbott leader was akin to putting "the principal lunatic in charge of the asylum" and predicted it would be a "potentially catastrophic decision".

In a separate note to Mr Turnbull, who married Mr Hughes' businesswoman daughter Lucy 36 years ago, he said "there is room only for improvement and the party's present folly will pass".
The Prime Minister said on Friday afternoon that Mr Hughes had apologised to Mr Abbott for the revelations contained in a new biography of him by historian Ian Hancock, called Tom Hughes QC: A Cab on the Rank, to be published this week.

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But please read above: horseshit 2

from the madam lash who controlled turdy...


Today, Peta Credlin tells us in the Sunday Tele:

"THE government continues to struggle with its superannuation changes.

From my time in government, I know how..."

Hang on, Madam, you NEVER were IN government. You NEVER were elected. Sure, you were working for Turdy Abbott (Tony was actually working for you, pissing in his pants should he do "something wrong" and you had to mop up) but this is beside the point. You were working as a control freak against the government. THIS IS WHY YOU AND TONY GOT BOOTED OUT — don't you forget it. 


So stop pissing on us with "your time in government"... Oh, I see the Sunday Telegraph gave you a column space, like those of the other mad hatters Miranda an Piers... Talk about super doozy, you're one of a kind taking the cake as if the government never functioned before you came on the scene and never functioned ever after. 

Then you say "one of most solemn act of government is committing troops to war". I don't mind you telling both our leaders of for not being present when soldiers' bodies from war are returned 40 years after their death, but I object to the word "solemn". Say STUPID, that would do. WAR IS STUPID. Capiche?

squandering the "wonderful victory of 2013"...


A furious Peta Credlin has launched an excoriating attack on the "hapless set of bedwetters" she says plotted to oust her former boss Tony Abbott as prime minister and squander the "wonderful victory of 2013" by giving Malcolm Turnbull poor advice.

Speaking on Sky News in her capacity as a paid political commentator, Ms Credlin homed in on the Liberals who plotted Mr Turnbull's leadership coup in September last year on the basis that Tony Abbott was performing badly in the polls. "At least he won an election," she said of Mr Abbott.

Ms Credlin's attack came amid reports Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull iced Sky News during the campaign. 

Investigative reporter Pamela Williams reported in News Corp on Tuesday that a senior member of Mr Turnbull's office told political editor David Speers that the prime minister would not appear in any more leaders' forums or debates for as long as Ms Credlin remained on the payroll.

Sky News has been contacted for comment but sources have previously told Fairfax Media Ms Credlin's role with Sky had triggered prime ministerial payback.

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What La Credlin does not want to admit is that had it been Tony Abbott going to the electorate with whatever three-word slogans, he would have lost his trousers, his socks and his underpants — and Madam Credlin would not have had the luxury on commenting on the MASSIVE defeat. I know Senator Abetz and others in the Liberal (CONservative) Party did not want to comment on this outcome, but after 30 polls showing that Tony Abbott was trailing Labor 47 to 53 when Turnbull took over, the disaster would have been like an atomic bomb in the liberal ranks. The polls would have continued south for the turdish lying thug Abbott. to some extend 50-50 is a reasonable result for Turnbull. Another month of electioneering and he would have lost a few more seats.



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