Monday 10th of March 2025

long smoko for a man who looks he's never used a power tool in his life and speaks like a vaucluse politician...


A new Liberal Party advertisement that features a tradesman defending big banks and negative gearing has come under fire on social media.

The television advertisement, which went to air yesterday, features a man dressed in a high-visibility vest on a work site urging people to "stick with the current mob".

"Let me get this right," he says in the ad. "Mr Shorten wants to go to war with my bank, he wants to go to war with miners.

"Bill Shorten even wants to go to war with someone like me, who wants to get ahead with an investment property.

"Well, I'll tell you what happens when you get a war going on the economy — people like me lose their jobs.

"So I reckon we should just see it through and stick with the current mob for a while."

But it didn't take long before the Twittersphere erupted over the 30-second advertisement, with the hashtag#faketradie trending for most of Sunday night.'fake-tradie'-liberal-party-advertising-under-fire/7525090


Yep, he took a far too long smoko... The mug is cold... 

visibility vest...

he just wants a fair go dinki di VB cricket shannon noll BBQ crack at negatively gearing his 5th home #faketradie

— The AMWU (@theamwu) June 19, 2016

If the director had done their job properly, the poor #faketradie actor would not be having such a terrible day today. I feel sorry for him.

— Nathan Little (@mrnathanlittle) June 19, 2016

Look lads. I'm just a knock around bloke who likes a beer, a punt and a diversified stock portfolio. Go easy! #FakeTradie

— Fake Tradie (@realfaketradie) June 19, 2016

Amateur auteurs on social media were quick to chastise the Liberal tradie's delivery and unlikely script, particularly his defence of the big banks.

It was not just the content but the poor production values that prompted ridicule: the tradie flubs his opening line, and his microphone is visibly peeking out of his shirt.

Peter Chen, senior lecturer in media and communications at the University of Sydney, said the ad "probably misses" its mark but did serve its purpose on negative gearing.


read more:


I hope someone makes a video of the ad replacing the head of fake tradie with fake politician head, Malcolm's...


eddie is phishing to be insulted...

Election Live: Julie Bishop suggests Eddie McGuire reaction over the top; Bill Shorten cancels interview

Deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop has suggested some of the reactions to Eddie McGuire's "drowning" comments have been over the top, and we can't "take offence at every silly, offhand remark".

Meanwhile, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has cancelled a scheduled interview with the Collingwood president, saying it would be "inappropriate.



Yes we can't take offence at silly comments... But Eddie is an expert, like Bolt, as saying a lot of idiotic crap designed to hurt the wrong people that is unbecoming of someone in his position. Gus says a lot of educated crap on this site and it's 99 per cent truth for the benefit of society I hope and mostly against lying politicians. I have the feeling that Eddie wants to be called names like a fat-arsed idiotic red-neck, but I won't.