Monday 10th of March 2025

you can't beat a trump...


cruz's last card...

In a primetime address to the Republican National Convention Wednesday, Ted Cruz compared GOP efforts to restrict immigration to the civil rights movement's fight against Jim Crow laws. But the Texas senator was loudly booed by Donald Trump supporters in the convention hall when it became clear that he was not going to endorse the man who beat him for the Republican presidential nomination. Instead, Cruz encouraged his audience to "vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution."

"We deserve leaders who stand for principle, unite us all behind shared values, cast aside anger for love," Cruz said, in what many considered the first campaign speech of his likely 2020 presidential campaign. "That is the standard we should expect, from everybody."

Rather than directly back Trump—who mocked his wife Heidi's looks during the primary campaign and once suggested Cruz's dad was complicit in the Kennedy assassination—Cruz used his prime-time slot to outline his vision of freedom.

"Freedom means free speech, not politically correct safe spaces," he said, taking a shot at progressive college campus activists. He rattled off a series of other bullet points—religious freedom, the right to bear arms, school vouchers, and repealing Obamacare. Each of those freedoms are typical conservative talking points that the party's nominee rarely mentions. Although Cruz's speech focused less on social conservative issues than it might have in years past, he included a call for Washington to stay out of defining issues like marriage.

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"philanthropy" from the despots...



Claim: Hillary Clinton Took Money from Saudi Government

Rating: Misleading. The Clinton Foundation has received donations from the Saudi government, but Hillary Clinton has not taken that money.

Background: Newt Gingrich said, “So when you hear about Hillary’s dishonesty, of the emails, or taking millions from the Saudis and other Middle Eastern dictatorships--remember: this is not about politics.”

Republicans have pointed to donations that the Clinton Foundation received from the Saudi government to imply that Hillary Clinton personally benefited from the donations. Politifact did a thorough analysis of the claim after Donald Trump posted on Facebook that the foundation had received over $25 million from the Saudi government.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has given a total of between $10 million and $25 million, since the foundation started back in 1997, according to its website. However, Hillary Clinton became a board member of the foundation only after she left government office in 2013. According to Politifact, the foundation did not 

ABC (America) News

Ivanka Trump Reacts to GOP Leaders Not Attending the Republican National Convention


This of course does not account for the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS that were given by the US (republicans and democrats) to the Saudis for them to buy US armament.


the aristocracy’s favorite crime family...


To be sure, the GOP won the White House in both the 2000 and 2004 elections, though it lost the popular vote in 2000 and won it only narrowly in 2004. One suspects that if not for the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and what seemed at the time to be the president’s successful military and intelligence campaigns against international terrorism, it is unlikely that George W. Bush would have won reelection. The deep fissures within the party, its unwillingness to learn from the successes of the Reagan Revolution, and its inability to articulate anything remotely resembling a coherent and attractive vision of American governance further alienated many Americans from the GOP.

What we have today is a party in total disarray. After losing the last two elections to an intelligent and attractive though deeply flawed Democrat, it has nominated for president what appears to many as a walking, talking stereotype of what conservatism’s enemies want you to believe it really stands for: crude, racist, sexist, unintelligent, xenophobic, ill-informed megalomania. For the vice presidency, the party’s nominee is a Midwestern governor who in 2015 folded under the pressure of the corporate interests that disapproved of a religious-liberty statute he had signed into law.

That statute, which the governor and legislature rescinded only weeks after its passage, sought to protect religious business owners from being coerced to participate in what they believe are the faux sacraments of the sexual revolution. And yet 80 percent of white Evangelicals—many of whom were uneasy for theological reasons about voting for the morally upright and accomplished Mormon Mitt Romney—say they will be voting Trump-Pence in 2016.

This ticket is all that stands in the way of the unpopular matriarch of the aristocracy’s favorite crime family as she attempts to become president of the United States. As if the GOP had for the past four years meticulously planned to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, it now provides us with yet another reason it has come to be known, even by its many friends and supporters, as the Stupid Party.


Francis J. Beckwith is the 2016-2017 visiting professor of conservative thought and policy at the University of Colorado, Boulder, as well as professor of philosophy and church-state studies at Baylor University. His most recent book is Taking Rites Seriously: Law, Politics and the Reasonableness of Faith.


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Although these days, the ratings of Bush Dubya and Billy Clinton are on par, Clinton was a bit more intelligent that Bush Junior. Bush Junior did untold damage to the GOP that as we say in Australia, "a drover's dog would have won the elections". But most of the voting public has short memory. The only things that matter are comfort (no fear) and a well-padded hip-pocket. Bush Junior should be in prison for crime against humanity. See toon at top.


dealing with trauma trump...


From the Washington Post

CLEVELAND — A traumatized Republican Party came here hoping for an arena-size group therapy session.

The GOP at large would talk through its differences, remind itself of what it shares, then head into the fall election and beyond with a renewed sense of who it is.

Instead, the week laid bare the fact that the party has become a collection of warring tribes, with no coherent set of principles beyond a burning desire to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House.


Gus: Here we must laugh. "A therapy session" with Trump?

A treatment of hot and cold high pressure water jet from a loose hose in a loony bin asylum, would be more like it. The air kisses have replaced the Hitlerian salute, but the maddest inmate is running the show.

See toon at top...