Monday 10th of March 2025

world war two never happened...


World War II never happened and according to some loonies it was a false-flag event... Just kidding. 


What has also been described as a false flag event is the Holocaust. "It never happened"...

This is part of a sore point that is presently dividing the Greens in Canada and it appears that some people in the alternative media are taking the side of the deniers. I wish it could be otherwise. 

The Jewish question has hanged about for centuries in Europe.

Way before the Holocaust took place in Germany, there had already been some mass-murder of European Jews going back to the crusades. It was Charlemagne who actually stopped some of these persecutions. In Charlemagne's days, the Catholic church forbade Catholics to lend money, thus Charlemagne gave the Jews the rights to become lenders and collectors of cash, while he took his own cut through taxes. 

These money rights might have been at the source of the Jews' next troubles over the following centuries. 

Saying that the Holocaust did not happen is like saying WWI and WWII did not happen — or that both were false-flag events designed to... do what? Sure these wars were based on hot tempers, on lies, on flimsy excuses and mostly due to our masters breaking up the world for profit. The Balkans, the Ottoman Empire, The English Empire and the present US hegemony are all part of the continuum of this bullshit, for control and making cash.

So the article in the American Herald Tribune is somewhat disturbing. There are of course many events that are "manipulated" as well as "seeded" as false-flag events, especially during conflicts and wars. We know most of them, but the Holocaust is not one of them. 
The Antisemitism did not stop after WWII, and in Russia Jews were persecuted way before WWI. This persecution led in part to the rise of the Bolsheviks towards socialism. After the death of Lenin (a Jew), there were two main factions in the Bolshevik movement: The Jewish part and the Stalinists. Stalin, soon after, started to persecute the Jews in Russia once more. Antisemitism still exists in Russia, despite Brezhnev calling for the end of it in 1981.

So, according the AHT, in Canada, one of the founder of the Green Movement, Monika Shaeffer, of German descent, in 2015 resigned from the party with a strange letter to the leader of the Greens, which ends thus:

Elizabeth May, I have enjoyed our friendship. I have had such deep respect for your wisdom and intelligence. However, I am extremely disappointed that you have allowed political expediency to compromise your integrity and cloud your vision, when you were always the one who said you would speak truth to power, uncompromisingly. 

9/11 is the litmus test. It is the defining event of our times. It is what triggered the fraudulent War on Terror. It was a false-flag event! If you (and all the other MPs) are not able or willing to talk about it, then that proves that you (and all the other MPs) are controlled by the very cabal of people that brought us that event. 

The frequency of subsequent false flag events is increasing. London, Bali, Madrid, Boston, Ottawa, and Paris. These events are always followed by a ratcheting-up of restrictions on freedoms and rights. Bill C-51 is a case in point. 

The Zionist New World Order agenda does not bode well for the future of our species let alone all life on this beautiful Mother Earth. If we truly want to implement the Green Vision which you and I both care about so deeply, we need to get to the root of who is in control of our media, our banks and our governments. We need to expose and bring down the criminal cabal now in charge in order to take back our future…

Best wishes,

Monika Schaefer

Jasper, Alberta



I can say here that Monika is mostly on the money. 


Yes, there are questions hanging on the 9/11 event. Yes we know that both wars on Iraq were set-ups. Yes we know that most (90 %) terrorist groups in the world (Salafists, Wahhabis) presently are allied to the Saudis and that the Saudis are aligned with the Americans who are also aligned with the Jews... all against the Russians and the Iranians... So where does this leave us?


Terror is self-seeding, like weeds or a barrel of black powder... George Bush lit the fuse...


Are the Jews trying to control the human population of the planet, and for what purpose?


The point is that most of us are psychopath. We all have in our mind the seeds to become sadists. This has been clinically tested. We all do our best to control these nefarious abilities but we all have our "limit" of endurance, under pressure and threats — whether we are religious or not. I guess the most resistant to the bug could be the humanists, but I don't really know. We all can invent excuses or reasons to kill, including self-defence.

But one of Monika's argument in a video which seems to have taken the world by storm is that when she asked her parents, who migrated from Germany in the 1950s to Canada, why they did nothing to stop the Holocaust, her parents answered that they "knew" nothing about it, until after the event. 

So Monika decided that it never "happened" because she wants to apologise to her parents for having erroneously claimed that they had "done nothing" because they did not see anything and knew nothing. Thus the Holocaust never happened. 


Monika's parents were not the only one kept in the dark in Germany. The news in Germany were state controlled by Goebbels' apparatus to glorify the New" Germany and to say the least, before WWII, life improved a million times for the Germans soon after Hitler took over. They all had jobs, the militarisation and industrialisation had brought prosperity as Hitler had decided that the government of Germany would default on the ridiculous debts imposed by the Versailles Treaty. The Germans built massive machines like the Hindenburg. Those were glorious times with autobhans, cars for all, holidays, social activities and to say the least, some social freedom.

In the spirit of defaulting, Hitler started to round the Jews, as a means to collect cash and gold as well as "solving the Jewish problem" in Europe. Time for the collectors to pay up.

And it did happen, Monika. The death camps victims were named and catalogued by the Germans themselves. And contrarily to what you say in your video, the "hospitals" in those death camps were there a) to make sure the healthy Jews (and other prisoners) could carry on working long hours b) to develop wholesale efficient killing methods and c) to do medical experiments. 

That your parents never knew that this was happening in their country is not new nor surprising. The cleansing process was swift, compartmented, profitable and deadly.

I have met a few survivors of Auschwitz. All were in their early teens when they were interned. They saw what happened... The tragedies and the horror of having to operate the gas chambers and the ovens. They survived because they were determined to survive like animals and often behave such. They were healthy and useful slaves in the factories, while the German men were fighting at the fronts. Some prisoners survived the long marches as they were moved from one camp to another, as the retreating Germans still needed workmen (and women) in factories, as the allied troops (Russians) approached. The prisoners who could not walk anymore and fell were shot on the spot.

The Jews were not the only victims of these death camps.

The tally is as follows:

Jews 5.93 million Jews

Soviet POWs  2.5 millions (minimum)

Ethnic Poles  1.9 million

Serbs    400,000

Disabled 250,000

Roma     around  150,000

Freemasons 120,000

Slovenes   20,000

Homosexuals   10,000

Jehovah's Witnesses     4,000

Spanish Republicans      7,000


The breakdown of the Jewish deaths shows that most came from Poland (3 million).

Some Jews escaped the Holocaust by fleeing overseas, before the full-on onslaught, as by 1936, the pureness of the Aryan was being promoted, and victimisation of Jews had already started. Many German/Austrian "Jews" were incarcerated during the length of the war in the countries they had fled to. Nothing new. We incarcerate "boat people" in the most cruel of manner under criteria which debase our own humanity. 

So my dear Monika, the Holocaust did happen. In many occupied countries, people denounced the Jews to the Authorities. Entire families of neighbours disappeared. Never came back. The lucky ones who managed to escape did so as if signing the immediate death warrant for their family. I knew a few escapees, long dead now.

I have many German friends in Germany and in Australia. The war is a heavy burden for all. How can this ever happened, including the American destruction of the entire Dresden population by carpet bombing amongst others, a method which was also used on the Japanese population, until the "gadget" was exploded. 

The "gadget" did you ask? The gadget was the name given to the first atomic bomb blown up in the Nevada Desert. 

This of course never happened...

The next is worrisome, sure.


of military gadgets...


The October 1918 issue of Notes and Queries contains a multi-article entry on the word "gadget" (12 S. iv. 187). H. Tapley-Soper of The City Library, Exeter, writes:

A discussion arose at the Plymouth meeting of the Devonshire Association in 1916 when it was suggested that this word should be recorded in the list of local verbal provincialisms. Several members dissented from its inclusion on the ground that it is in common use throughout the country; and a naval officer who was present said that it has for years been a popular expression in the service for a tool or implement, the exact name of which is unknown or has for the moment been forgotten. I have also frequently heard it applied by motor-cycle friends to the collection of fitments to be seen on motor cycles. 'His handle-bars are smothered in gadgets' refers to such things as speedometers, mirrors, levers, badges, mascots, &c., attached to the steering handles. The 'jigger' or short-rest used in billiards is also often called a 'gadget'; and the name has been applied by local platelayers to the 'gauge' used to test the accuracy of their work. In fact, to borrow from present-day Army slang, 'gadget' is applied to 'any old thing.'

The usage of the term in military parlance extended beyond the navy. In the book "Above the Battle" by Vivian Drake, published in 1918 by D. Appleton & Co., of New York and London, being the memoirs of a pilot in the British Royal Flying Corps, there is the following passage: "Our ennui was occasionally relieved by new gadgets—"gadget" is the Flying Corps slang for invention! Some gadgets were good, some comic and some extraordinary."

By the second half of the twentieth century, the term "gadget" had taken on the connotations of compactness and mobility. In the 1965 essay "The Great Gizmo" (a term used interchangeably with "gadget" throughout the essay), the architectural and design critic Reyner Banham defines the item as:

A characteristic class of US products––perhaps the most characteristic––is a small self-contained unit of high performance in relation to its size and cost, whose function is to transform some undifferentiated set of circumstances to a condition nearer human desires. The minimum of skills is required in its installation and use, and it is independent of any physical or social infrastructure beyond that by which it may be ordered from catalogue and delivered to its prospective user. A class of servants to human needs, these clip-on devices, these portable gadgets, have coloured American thought and action far more deeply––I suspect––than is commonly understood.

Other uses

The first atomic bomb was nicknamed the gadget by the scientists of the Manhattan Project, tested at the Trinity site.


dutton is a nazi...

Last night (25/7/16) on ABC TV (Australia) there were two stories about how "we" can become psychopaths, like Nazis.

The second story was about how young people were treated in a youth detention centre. The were subjected to abuse, torture and humiliation worse that can be imagined. Apparently, the government "did not know" that this was happening. So now, barely 9 hours later, the government, including the Prime Minister — me moi myself Malcolm — is promising a "royal commission" into the abuse. Here of course one could estimate that the abuses were committed by sociopath/psychopaths ot a localised level, in a discreet environment.

The first story was the opposite. Far more disturbing. It was softly exposing abuse on a government scale. It was about a young "boat" woman who, after having been released in the community while her status was being assessed by the "authorities" (read the government and that awful idiot Dutton), she went to high school, got married to a lovely guy — and was sent back to detention because her case did not fit the criteria of "refugees". She finished her high school certificate (in English) while being escorted by guards to the school. Imagine the idiocy of such a set-up.

Here the young woman, a Baha'i, was fleeing persecution from the males, including father (?) in her family in Iran. She had been raped and her only option in Iran was to "marry her rapist". 

Her only option now is detention forever or return to Iran where there are great chances she will be killed. Honour killing and all that...

Now in this regard, the whole of this Australian community that we call Australia, is sociopathic. We voted back a government (and an opposition) that indulges in incarceration of refugees with rotten criteria and excuses, that amount to a form of abuse of human rights. We're all guilty. This is like being Nazi. We "know" it's happening but we don't want to know. Rise Dame Hanson.

This young woman is our responsibility. She should be released forthwith. Dutton is a Nazi. And we are asleep...


war on war...

Then shall the world, at long last, say its farewell to arms? That unrealized vision, I know, is as old as arms themselves. Is it necessary to add that today, too, the obstacles are mountainous; that the temptations of violence, including the longing for revenge, power, or loot – or, for that matter, visions of heaven on earth or of mere safety – still grip the imagination; that the quandaries facing the peacemakers confound the best minds; that as old forms of violence exit the historical scene new ones enter; that in many parts of the world growing scarcity and ecological ruin add new desperation to the ancient war of all against all; that one day’s progress unravels the next day; that while in some places nonviolence advances, in others barbarism, including genocide, is unleashed with new vigor and ferocity; that both terror and counterterror are escalating; that the callousness of the rich incites the fury of the poor; that the dream of dominion has fresh allure in the counsels of the powerful; and that hardly a single step toward peace takes place without almost superhuman tenacity and sacrifice, including the supreme sacrifice, made by such heroes as Gandhi, King, Jan Palach, Anwar Sadat, and Yitzhak Rabin, to mention just a few? In downtown Grozny, the Congo jungles, Sierra Leone, Kashmir, Jenin, or Jerusalem, it is difficult to make out, even in the distance, the outlines of a world at peace. I shall contend, nevertheless, that quiet but deep changes, both in the world’s grand architecture and in its molecular processes, have expanded the boundaries of the possible. Arms and man have both changed in ways that, even as they imperil the world as never before, have created a chance for peace that is greater than ever before...

of nudity and war...


Censorship of political views by a private company like Facebook can undermine media freedom, the head of the International Federation of Journalists warned after the page of RT’s digital content project, Redfish, was deleted. 

Redfish’s account on Facebook, which had over 830,000 followers, was targeted earlier on Friday over posts that supposedly violated the platform’s community standards.

One of the publications in question marked the defeat of fascism in Italy, while the other commemorated the Holocaust, featuring photos of the Auschwitz death camp inmates, some of whom were semi-naked. Those images were flagged by Facebook as violating rules on “nudity and sexual activity.”

“If pictures of prisoners detained by the Nazis during World War II are removed because they allegedly breach nudity guidelines then Facebook’s algorithms are not fit for purpose,” Anthony Bellanger, the general secretary of the International Federation of Journalists, told RT. “Journalism is about context,”he pointed out.


But, according to Bellanger, the more worrisome scenario is that Redfish could’ve faced restrictions for“political reasons.” 

“There are grave concerns that an unaccountable private corporation like Facebook can decide, which political views it allows and which it decides to censor,” he said.

That is a dangerous path to go down and can undermine media freedom.

Later on Friday, Russian media regulator Roscomnadzor demanded that Facebook swiftly lift all restrictions on Redfish’s account. The actions of the US social media platform “violate key principles of free distribution of information” and constitute “an act of censorship against the Russian media,” the watchdog pointed out. Facebook could face fines for ignoring warnings about violations of the rights of Russian citizens and companies online, it warned.

The ban on Redfish’s account on Facebook has become yet another chapter in the recent social media clampdown on RT.

Only a week ago, YouTube slapped RT’s English channel with a seven-day ban against launching live broadcasts. The ‘strike’ was issued over older clips that had been uploaded on the page weeks and even months ago. The platform claimed that the videos violated its policies on “medical misinformation”and “spam, deceptive practices and scams.”


Last year, RT’s Twitter account was marked as Russian state-affiliated media, which means that its tweets aren’t being promoted or suggested for further reading by the microblogging platform.



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