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global warming urgency for a dilettanti...
From Professor Clive Hamilton of Charles Sturt University and Professor David Karoly of the University of Melbourne — Members of the Climate Change Authority. Their report can be viewed at
For three years, good climate change policies in Australia have been eviscerated by those who would prefer to do nothing. This is happening at a time when the urgency to act has never been greater and the rest of the world is pursuing a bolder and more determined path. All of the evidence shows that most Australians want much stronger action from the government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and hasten the transition to a clean energy economy. Which is why it's so disappointing that the latest report from the Climate Change Authority on how Australia should meet its international climate commitments seems to be responding to those who do not accept the science of climate change. The Climate Change Authority was set up in 2012 as an independent body charged with providing the Australian Government and the Parliament with evidence-based advice on the nation's climate change policy options. Introducing the bill to establish the authority the minister said: "The authority will be independent from government … This means that climate change policy will be directed by evidence and facts, rather than fear and political opportunism. It will take the politics out of the debate." As we see it, last week's report from the authority is a recipe for further delay in responding to the urgent need to reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions. That's why we are today publishing a minority report. One simple fact underlies our criticisms and our alternative recommendations. If Australia is to meet its international legal obligations and contribute its fair share to global efforts to keep warming below 2 degrees then there is an upper limit to the amount of greenhouse gas emissions we can emit into the atmosphere over coming decades. This is our "carbon budget". As with all budgets, the more we spend in the near future the less is left for later. And Australia has been spending its carbon budget so quickly that there are not too many years left before it runs out. We have to start cutting down our spending fast. The current government's emission reduction target (set during the Abbott years) is to reduce our emissions by 26 to 28 per cent by 2030. This is nowhere near fast enough. If that is all we do, then in 2030 we will have used up 90 per cent of our total carbon budget. To meet our international obligations – endorsed once again by Mr Turnbull at the Paris climate conference last year – we would then have to crash our emissions to zero in five years. That would be impossible. And so Australia would renege on its commitments and free ride on the efforts of the rest of the world, including poor countries. They would be carrying us. And yet the Climate Change Authority's report accepts this manifestly inadequate target and builds its recommendations around it. This is despite the fact that a year ago (when Bernie Fraser was still the chair) the authority itself warned the government that our budget is rapidly running out and much stronger action is needed without delay. Yet the majority report argues that the best way forward is to build on the current Direct Action program, including a huge expansion of the flawed Emissions Reduction Fund under which the government pays polluters to reduce emissions. Apart from anything else, this would put a huge strain on the federal budget and make climate policy hostage to the battle over fiscal policy. Carbon emissions from land clearing have been a major source of Australia's emissions. State government restrictions on land clearing have been very effective at reducing them in recent years. But now state governments are loosening those restrictions and emissions are growing. The authority's majority report recognises that restrictions are the best policy but says that they do not enjoy "universal support". Farmers' organisations are complaining. That's enough for the authority to withdraw support for land clearing restrictions and suggest we begin looking for an "alternative". No policy ever enjoys universal support, and bad policy results when the national interest is sacrificed to sectional interests. The unduly narrow focus of the majority report, seemingly based on a reading from a political crystal ball, has ruled out policies that have a proven capacity to respond most effectively to the nation's climate change goals. In short, the recommendations of the majority report lack credibility. We have been members of the authority from its formation and have signed on to all of its prior reports. But we felt that in good conscience we could not put our names to this one. We could have just resigned – and we've been strongly urged to do so! But Australia's climate future matters too much for us to just slip quietly back into our university offices. Professor Clive Hamilton of Charles Sturt University and Professor David Karoly of the University of Melbourne are Members of the Climate Change Authority. Their report can be viewed at
One could say that so far, our glorious himself, him, thy Malcolm Turnbull has only behaved as an amateur Prime Minister. Plenty of panache with little understanding. Lots of hubris and glorious management of bullshit election result, but really he is pissing in our swimming pool — the future is bleak.
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The Government's main
The Government's main climate change advisory body has split, with two board members calling for tougher action to reduce emissions.
Last week, the Climate Change Authority published a report calling for the Government to introduce an emissions trading scheme.
But two of the authority's board members, climate scientist David Karoly and economist Clive Hamilton, have since issued a dissenting minority report calling for stronger measures to reduce emissions.
Professor Karoly said the recommendations in the majority report were inadequate.
"The target that is being used is the current Government targets, which are only 26 to 28 per cent emission reductions by 2030, but in fact that means that Australia would not be contributing its fair share to global action," he said.
"Australia is the highest per capita emitter of greenhouse gases of all countries in the world.
"Therefore Australia should be doing more, because it is contributing more to climate change growth, to global warming around the world."
Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg brushed off the dissenting report, saying the vast majority of board members had signed on.
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Why Frydo did not say is most of the other board members are climate change sceptics...
a greater moral duty...
Cutting carbon emissions remains one of the key challenges of our time. Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd described it as "the greatest moral challenge of our generation" and Barack Obama has stated "we will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations".
Between 2012 and 2016, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) supported 254 renewable energy projects across a range of technologies including new storage technology, ocean energy, solar thermal, and solar PV or enabling technologies. These projects have advanced clean technologies and brought the benefit of thousands of new jobs to every Australian state and territory.
Yet the future of ARENA is currently seriously imperilled. Scott Morrison's Budget Savings (omnibus) bill, currently before the parliament, includes a cut of $1.3 billion to ARENA, which effectively would mean the end of ARENA.
Right now, ARENA has 135 new renewable energy projects in the pipeline -- representing $3.5 billion worth of new clean energy developments. Each of these, whether they support new storage technology, ocean energy, solar thermal, solar PV or enabling technologies, represent future jobs and opportunities that are at risk if the budget cut to ARENA currently being mooted under Scott Morrison's Omnibus Bill is advanced.
The Prime Minister has stated that budget repair is a "moral challenge". Yet surely the future of the planet poses an even greater moral challenge. Renewable energy is one of the best solutions to our greenhouse pollution -- as well as a solution for regions that need jobs. ARENA has a critical role to play in Australia's renewable energy future and needs to be pulled off the chopping block.
As well as generating meaningful employment, often in regional areas, ARENA has helped sustain domestic researchers that are making world-leading discoveries in their fields of science and renewable technology.This is surely a great example of the Prime Minister's much-vaulted agile and innovative vision for Australia.
Take, for example, the Carnegie Wave project in WA, which is the world's first array of wave power generators connected to a grid. Or the RayGen central receiver system in Victoria, which is the world's first pre-commercial pilot of concentrated solar PV technology.
More recently, an ARENA-backed project saw scientists at the Australian National University (ANU) set a new world record of 97 percent efficiency for converting sunlight into steam. This new design alone could result in a 10 percent reduction in the cost of solar thermal electricity and help to provide power at night without fossil fuel power stations.
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And let's hope that the broadening horizons of Cory Bernardi make him understand GLOBAL WARMING...
Next week Bernardi will fly to New York for a three-month secondment at the United Nations.
As well as the UN's climate change and economic work, the seasoned culture warrior says he is keen to learn about peacekeeping operations. The UN's Special Committee on Decolonisation has also caught his eye.
In the past, Bernardi has been a fierce critic of the UN, describing it as a "fiscal black hole of bureaucracy" and an "unelected and unaccountable body".
"This is a huge opportunity to broaden my horizons," he says.
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I am not holding my breath. It is more likely that Cory will try to collect UN converts to his ridiculous "global warming is crap" religious mantra...