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and the "why-bother" is a vaucluse decaf with skim milk specialty...
In assessing Donald Trump's presidential victory, Americans continue to look away from this election's most alarming story: the successful effort by a hostile foreign power to manipulate public opinion before the vote. US intelligence agencies determined that the Russian government actively interfered in our elections. Russian state propaganda gave little doubt that this was done to support President-elect Trump, who repeatedly praised Vladimir Putin and excused the Russian president's foreign aggression and domestic repression. Most significantly, US intelligence agencies have affirmed that the Russian government directed the illegal hacking of private email accounts of the Democratic National Committee and prominent individuals. The emails were then released by WikiLeaks, which has benefited financially from a Russian state propaganda arm, used Russian operatives for security and made clear an intent to harm the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. read more: I have news for you: The US administration of President Obama interefered with the Ukrainian elections. The USA are masters of deception. How come the US are now vulnerable to cyber inflitration from Russia? Here is the news: Russia did not interfere with the US Presidentil elections. Some annoyed boffin in the Hillary/Democratic party has fed the Hillary's emails to Wikileaks in a brown paper bag. There is no way that the US electronic system could be hacked in the way described, unless the FBI, the CIA themselves were allowing it to be. There is no way that the Russians can interefere with the "voting machines". Whether the system is reliable or not is a question for Diebold or the machine makers. This is obviously an incontinent furphy debate promoted by sore losers. And in regard to US intelligence we know how they invented the "weapons of mass destruction" to satisfy the rabid aministration of G W Bush. When you read that "US intelligence agencies determined that the Russian government actively interfered in our elections... " be prepared for a downpour of bullshit like the one that led to the war on Saddam Hussein.
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the smell of rancour...
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign was superior to Donald Trump’s in almost every way. But Trump won because he had a stronger, more emotive and relevant narrative.
Trump’s campaign borrowed its narrative strategy from the story shaped by conservatives in the United States over the past couple of decades. It’s called the “latte libel”. Despite having had a profound effect on public discourse in the US and here in Australia, the latte libel is poorly understood. But conservative strategists get it, and they love it. Tony Abbott’s Liberals used it with similar vigour in their campaign against Australia’s first female prime minister, Julia Gillard. It has proved a very effective tool in attacking women in politics.
don't bother reading more of this crap
If the "Latte Libel" had worked before, Obama would not have gained the presidency. The point that should be made is that Hillary and the Democrats lied and that they were in the corporate pockets, something that Sanders, the good man, was trying to put an end to. He got shafted by the organisation of his party, not by the people. One of the major problem for Hillary was "history". The presidency of Obama did not solve the rampant degradation of employment in the USA and increased the sauce on the war front. Hillary wanted to crank this one a few more notches up. Trump wanted to make peace with Russia. Whether he will or not is another matter... But peace with Russia is regarded as a sin by all the warmongers who want to destroy that country through a variety of ways. Ninety nine per cent of terrorism in the world comes from Sunni Wahhabi but the US wants to be friend with the source of this terrorism rather than recognise "Houston, we've got a problem" as noted by the President of the European Union who admits having to befriend unsavoury characters like the Saudi for commercial favours...
In Australia, the Latte Libel was not a real issue. The issue was that Mr Murdoch wanted to get rid of Labor and promote his protégé Anthony Abbott. He used all the tricks in the book, including creating divisions, exploiting divisions within the Labor Party, who at the time had no idea what was going on apart from a couple of people. Nothing to do with policies and emotions. IT WAS ALL ABOUT promoting LIES from the CONservatives. And Guess what... Mr Murdoch is still promoting Abbott who would have lost the last elections by a mile for the CONservative party. Abbott was replaced by Turnbull who we knew (on this site: neo-con, repackaged with elegance...) was only the same turdy package presented with more elegance. But the voters bought Malcolm and his "why-bother" from Vaucluse.
Now Malcolm is "worth zero" according the SMH... His cabinet is full of the same idiots, dorks and thieves who were there under Abbott.
And one factor that ALL commnetators have pushed under the carpet in relation to Trump's election is :
doing enough...loosing it...
One of Hillary Clinton’s biggest supporters throughout the election cycle, New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman, is now claiming that FBI Director James Comey and Russian President Vladimir Putin “installed” Donald Trump.
Ever since it became clear that Trump would be the next President of the United States, Krugman has been lashing out in a big way on Twitter. His latest claims may be his most far fetched to date. On Sunday, Krugman tweeted a screenshot of Trump stating that if you deducted the millions of people who voted illegally, he would have won the popular vote, in addition to winning the Electoral College. The tweet was a portion of a twitter rant by the President-elect regarding the recount efforts of the Green Party. “So Comey and Putin installed a crazy, vindictive can't-handle-the-truth person in the White House. Scary,” Krugman tweeted with the screenshot.
Essentially, Krugman is implying that Trump is a crazy conspiracy theorist, while sharing the unhinged theory that the FBI is collaborating with the Russian government. Naturally, Twitter users, particularly other journalists, were quick to point out the hypocrisy.
Newsweek’s Eichenwald Doubles Down on Debunked Conspiracy Theory, Loses It on Twitter This is not the first time since the election that Krugman made headlines for spouting crazy conspiracy theories about how the US Presidency was stolen from Clinton by Russia. It is not even the first time in the past week.
Last Tuesday, Krugman went into a twitter-storm rant about Russians hacking into the US voting systems. In a thoughtful analysis for the Federalist, Daniel Payne wrote about the “damaged psyches of the left,” based on Krugman’s unhinged rant. Payne notes that the economist is starting to “sound like a tinfoil-hat-wearing neighborhood crank." “Krugman’s flip-flop—from a denigrator of ‘crazy conspiracy theories’ to an eager promoter of them—exposes perhaps just how fragile the political psyche of modern American liberalism is,” Payne wrote.
The article discussed how Clinton was all but ordained, and when it all came crashing down to hit smug progressive pundits, including Krugman, the reality was too much to accept. “The election of Donald Trump—not merely an earthquake but an extinction-level asteroid event—brought it all crashing down. And you can see that in the behavior of Paul Krugman, a man who has been confronted with, and is struggling mightily to accept, the way the world is,” Payne said. “Really, this wake-up call has kind of been a long time coming: there are few columnists on the scene today more intellectually closed and pompous than Krugman, a fellow who once wrote about a particular policy debate, ‘I…have been right about everything.’ Even when you’re right about everything, you don’t write, ‘I have been right about everything.’ Unless you’re Paul Krugman, that is.”
Maybe next Krugman will accuse US President Barack Obama of also working with the Kremlin, since on Friday he stated in no uncertain terms that the election results “accurately reflect the will of the American people."
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in the latte of the night...
In an email release on Tuesday, WikiLeaks revealed that The Colbert Report was colluding with the Clinton Global Initiative, years before Hillary Clinton’s campaign was officially launched.
In an email from Craig Minassian of the Clinton Global Initiative to John Podesta, the former asserts that the show aired two episodes that he “had them do.” The episodes focused on presenting the Clinton Foundation in a positive light.
On Wednesday’s episode of Stephen Colbert’s new gig at CBS’s The Late Show, the host addressed the email, by jokingly saying that “she can’t afford me.”
“A conspiracy is what villains do. An agreement is what adults do,” Colbert said. He then asserted, “WikiLeaks, Alex Jones, and the subreddit sub-geniuses––and I mean this in the nicest way possible––grow the f*ck up.”
With the use of curses, a rarity for the popular performer, it appears as though the disclosure may have gotten under his skin.
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Meanwhile in coockooland:
On Tuesday, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop announced to the joint party room that agreements with the Foundation previously set up by the Rudd-Gillard government had not been renewed.
“[Former Prime Minister Julia] Gillard also donated $300 million of our money to the Clinton-affiliated Global Partnership for Education,” Australian newspaper the Herald Sun wrote in an October article titled, “Why have we donated to Clinton’s foundation?”
The Foundation, set up by the former first family of the United States, has received large amounts in donations from foreign governments, leading many to question whether it was part of a pay-to-play scheme during the former first lady’s tenure as US Secretary of State.
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a pizza tragedy... the cheese was fake...
She made a rare public appearance on Thursday to address the Pizzagate tragedy that unfolded over the weekend because of fake news.
A man opened fire in a DC pizzeria after reading a terrifying yet false story online. It claimed that the restaurant's holding children as part of a sex slavery ring… run by Clinton. Fortunately, nobody was hurt in the shooting. Hillary Clinton, whose 2016 presidential campaign was often accused of generating fake news, called to immediate action in her speech.
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As if anyone thought that pizzagate was real... like the Russian interfering with voting machines in the USA... Idiot.
trumpism versus the clintonians...
What they did buy into was the argument that this was a “binary choice.” No matter how bad Mr. Trump was, my listeners argued, he could not possibly be as bad as Mrs. Clinton. You simply cannot overstate this as a factor in the final outcome. As our politics have become more polarized, the essential loyalties shift from ideas, to parties, to tribes, to individuals. Nothing else ultimately matters.
In this binary tribal world, where everything is at stake, everything is in play, there is no room for quibbles about character, or truth, or principles. If everything — the Supreme Court, the fate of Western civilization, the survival of the planet — depends on tribal victory, then neither individuals nor ideas can be determinative. I watched this play out in real time, as conservatives who fully understood the threat that Mr. Trump posed succumbed to the argument about the Supreme Court. As even Mr. Ryan discovered, neutrality was not acceptable; if you were not for Mr. Trump, then you were for Mrs. Clinton.
read more of Charlie Sykes at :
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the harder they fall...
My how the mighty have fallen.
Hillary Clinton, Anthony Weiner and Tim Kaine have been named to GQ’s “Least Influential People Of 2016” list, the men’s magazine announced Thursday.
Clinton, of course, won the popular vote in the presidential election, receiving the support of more than 65 million Americans. But the Democratic pol was honored for her status as a historic loser in the Electoral College to Donald Trump.
“When you lose an election to Donald Trump, you belong on this list,” GQ writer Drew Magary said Clinton.
“How do you f— that up??” the indignant scribe queried.
For Weiner, an explanation wasn’t even necessary. The author didn’t even bother describing how the former New York congressman may have altered the course of history by allegedly sexting an underage girl, circuitously leading to FBI Director James Comey sending a late-October letter to Clinton saying her own FBI investigation had been re-opened.
Instead, the GQ scribe writes, “You idiot. You breathtaking, unbelievable idiot. … Even Woody Allen was never this destructively horny. You a–hole.”
As for Kaine, Clinton’s VP running mate, the author wants to know, “Does he still exist?”
Also on the list are Peyton Manning, Matt Lauer, Harambe, Alex Rodriguez, Ted Cruz, Billy Bush, Jeb Bush, and Ryan Lochte.
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unethically speaking...
The Trump presidency is only days old and already there are serious moves to have him forced out of office, and the man leading the charge is from the President's own political party.
Richard Painter is a lawyer who advised former president George W Bush on ethics. He could not bring himself to vote for Donald Trump, admitting he supported instead Mr Trump's Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.
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At this level, the man that Richard Painter advised on "ethics", George W Bush, should be behind bars for war crimes. So Richard Painter should have no respect nor values from our ABC. Richard Painter should be in prison as well should he have made the War on Saddam "ethical" in El Busho's mind... Why is "their" ABC getting people like Painter to say their two bob's worth?
Please note that I am not supporting Trump but I hate the hypocrisy coming from the former and present bullshit artists being tooted on our public boradcaster. Should they be on Foxtel or Sky, fair enough.