Monday 10th of March 2025

ugly and lazy policies of one nation...

lazy and ugly politicians

One Nation's candidate for the seat of Pilbara in the West Australian election is standing by an article he wrote saying taxpayers should not support single mums who are "too lazy" to attract and hold a mate.

In the wake of former prime minister Tony Abbott's 2015 comment suggesting living in remote Indigenous communities was a "lifestyle choice", David Archibald wrote a Quadrant article nominating "lifestyle choices that could be defunded".

"The first that springs to mind is single motherhood," Mr Archibald wrote.

"These are women too lazy to attract and hold a mate, undoing the work of possibly 3 million years of evolutionary pressure.

"This will result in a rapid rise in the portion of the population that is lazy and ugly.

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the ugly naked truth at one nation...

Peter Rogers, who was contesting the seat of Mulgrave in far north Queensland, said he was dumped at the weekend over an article published on his website two weeks ago.

He said he did not write the article, which claimed images of a toddler's body washed up on a Turkish beach in 2015 were fabricated, along with the Port Arthur massacre in 1996.

Former candidate Shan Ju Lin was sacked earlier this month for anti-gay comments, while Andy Semple withdrew his nomination after people within the party raised concerns about inappropriate comments he had made on Twitter.

Meanwhile, the party's candidate for the WA seat of Dawesville, Lawrence Shave, advertised on Facebook in July 2015 for young women to work as bikini baristas, serving coffee while clad only in swimwear.

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a fine character raised by a single mother...


Even at the last election and the one before that, Uncle Rupe supported Albo... So here you are:


Federal Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese is calling for one of Pauline Hanson's WA election candidates to be dumped for calling single mothers "lazy".

Key points:
  • David Archibald said single motherhood was a "lifestyle choice"
  • "I regard his comments as incredibly personally offensive," Anthony Albanese said
  • Voters in Archibald's electorate called his views "antiquates, archaic"

In a 2015 Quadrant article One Nation candidate David Archibald described single mothers as "too lazy to attract and hold a mate, undoing the work of possibly 3 million years of evolutionary pressure".

"This will result in a rapid rise in the portion of the population that is lazy and ugly," he said.

He also said support payments for single mothers should be axed and described single motherhood as a "lifestyle choice".

Senior Labor frontbencher Mr Albanese, who is campaigning in Perth and was raised by a single mother, said Mr Archibald should be sacked.

"I had an enormous amount of love and I have nothing but respect for my late mum, and I regard his comments as incredibly personally offensive but more importantly offensive towards all those single parents out there," he said.

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malcolm — sleeping with pauline...

Turnbull told us he was in favour of more continuous disclosure of political donations – except apparently his own, to the Liberal party, during the election.

That one will be disclosed in accordance with the law he’d just said he’d like to change, which, in the real world, means close to two years after the fact.

You are either in favour of continuous disclosure sufficiently to lead by example, or you aren’t, in which case what are you are talking about?

Theoretical continuous disclosure. By someone else.

Then there was the vexed matter of the “political opportunists” who wanted to turn Australia inward – people “doing nothing more than playing on the fears and hardships of those in our community who feel they have not shared in the benefits of globalisation and technological change”.

Turnbull thought these people needed to be resisted and it was clear he believed what he said. It was a rousing piece of truth telling in a time where truth telling is distinctly out of fashion in politics.

Except when it came to actually walking the walk.

Turnbull was asked whether the West Australian Liberals should preference One Nation in the forthcoming state election.

The journalist asking the question pointed out if the WA Liberals preferenced One Nation this would be the first time since 2001 that any division of the Liberal party had not put Pauline Hanson last.

It will be a consequential act, in other words.

If the state vote goes the way the polls suggest, it will bring a micro party very much into the political mainstream. Quite apart from the obvious matter of whether preferencing One Nation is the right thing to do, it will make life harder for the National party. It will make life harder for regional Liberal MPs who are at the frontline of the backlash against major party politics.

The journalist asked Turnbull: “Could you outline for us how [Pauline Hanson’s] views might have evolved in the last 15 years that make her any less offensive when she was when John Howard put her last? And if you should be spared to lead the Liberal party at the next election, where will Senator Hanson be on your how to vote cards?”

Well the prime minister couldn’t outline that, actually, because he’s not a commentator, and preference deals are a matter for state divisions.

The prime minister was a void. A no comment. 

Last May, Pauline Hanson was, according to Malcolm Turnbull, “not a welcome presence on the Australian political scene.

Presumably that’s a true expression of his actual view.

But realpolitik means you have to mute your values.

Once again, at the podium, at the opening of the political year, with the nation watching on, we encounter the incredible shrinking prime minister.

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too late for pauline...

Pauline Hanson has reportedly claimed that women will get pregnant to access paid parental leave in comments indicating that major changes will be needed to the government’s omnibus welfare bill for it to win One Nation support.

The government faces an increasingly difficult task appeasing Nick Xenophon, who said last week that welfare cuts come at too high a cost, and Hanson, who this week opposed pension cuts but warned that paid parental leave cuts were not deep enough.

On Thursday the Australian reported that Hanson had said there were “some parts” of the omnibus bill she could not support and singled out paid parental leave for criticism.

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Poor Pauline... She's too old to join the young ugly and lazy women mentioned in the toon at top...

blaming others for her own ineptitude...

Pauline Hanson has blamed incompetent office workers for One Nation’s breaches of electoral laws in Queensland.

Hanson says her party’s Queensland branch hired office staff who were not up to the job of making sure it satisfied the state’s political disclosure laws.

Those workers have since been sacked and systems improved, she said on Thursday.

Breaches included failing to properly disclose party spending, lodge returns on time, and notify donors of their disclosure requirements, according to documents obtained by the ABC under freedom of information.

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a honest sex-shop owner for parliament...


Pauline Hanson says she will not disendorse a One Nation candidate after jokes about domestic violence were found on the Facebook page of his sex shop.

Key points:
  • One Nation candidate owns a sex shop that has jokes about domestic violence on its Facebook page
  • Pauline Hanson found out about the posts at a press conference
  • Senator Hanson refuses to disendorse him, despite DV advocates saying it is "unacceptable"


Mark Thornton, the candidate for Thuringowa, owns the Cupids Cabin Adult Shop in Townsville, which has a number of explicit posts on its Facebook page.

One post by the business reads: "Good sex should be in the gray area between tickle fight and domestic violence."

Others make crude jokes about oral sex.

When asked about the posts, Mr Thornton said his partner ran the Facebook page.

"I haven't seen that mate, but it probably comes back to your 50 Shades of Grey type," he told journalists.


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Read the shades of grey from top...