Friday 7th of March 2025

ban the falafel...

the quest...

The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah spoke about the widespread protests that have cropped up after Trump’s decision to restrict travel from a number of Muslim-majority countries.

“Do you understand how insane this is?” he said. “People in the airport were pissed and it’s not because they’re at the airport. Welcome to Trump’s America.” He then added: “No matter how bad the situation you’re in, Donald Trump can always make it worse.”

Noah also took aim at the apparent incompetence that accompanied the ban, with officials not receiving the proper briefing, saying Trump had “put this thing together with all the consideration of a drunken Vegas wedding”.

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here in stralya we are used to demolitions without laughs...

Watching all the comedy at the Late Night Live or whatever is very similar to ... Well there has been no comedy show about our in-house Trumps... Say Turdball and Baird who have worked their arse off to destroy anything that was coming good in this country... Even today, without showing a twist of lemon on his lips, Malcolm mentioned the glorious Australian technology of cleanly burning carbon (coal) as the best in the world — because Aussieland is the biggest exporter of coal in the friggin solar system...

Sure he had some banking firm designated to dish out cash in electricity "storage" of which water pumping in huge dams was a major investment. No mention of actually helping consumer getting their own storage systems and managing to get off the costly grid, the rent of hich is killing pensioners more than the consumption. Energy self-storage of course woud be the best option from miles of electrical cabling. AND IT'S POSSIBLE but the big suppliers of electricitad don't want you to know.

Yes, we had no comedy shows in the last few years that puked real crap at our crappy pollies... The ABC is being decimated and the commercial TV cannot poke sharp fun at whom is paying the bill — the advertisers. Ah humanity, you are a worry...

more demolitions in the pipelines...

A former navy recruit-turned-investment-banker-turned-filmmaker, he [Bannon — see toon at top] has certainly had a varied career.

But his time as head of Breitbart News is where he attracted attention, including admiration from Mr Trump.

Detractors describe the online news service as the mouthpiece of the "alt-right" and it has certainly offered unwavering support for Mr Trump.

It has also been accused by critics of spreading racism, sexism and even white supremacy.

What is not contested is long ago, Mr Bannon lost faith in both major political parties' abilities to solve the nation's problems.

And he is a prime pusher of Mr Trump's view of Washington being an intractable swamp that needs to be drained.

Apart from his current boss, the only president he respected in recent times was Ronald Reagan.

In fact, he made a movie about him.

What worries many is Mr Bannon is fast emerging as the most influential advisor in Mr Trump's White House.

He is behind the controversial immigration orders.

He will have access and influence over foreign and defence policy and actions — and all with little or no experience — in vital areas that will shape America's place in the world.

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We're stuffed. Those with "experience" in previous US administrations were treating us like fools as well...  Stuffed is a mild word for the caca we're in, would have been in... and will be in...

Hopefully we can track on our own... But with the present mob in Krambra, we're looking at more caca.

Hopefully Yourp will wake up from its Brussels torpor...

Meanwhile, Russia and China are cruising...

By the way "ban the falafel" is one of the option appearing on Trump's wheel of fortune in the Fallon sketch and Bannon wrote a piece about "Trump voters being working-class Hobbits" to the despair of Stephen Colbert who claims to be a Hobbit expert and says that there is no such thing as a working-class Hobbit. The best line from Colbert could be that Trump made an offer to refugees "get out or marry me"... Olala...And by the way, WE HAVE BEEN  on the case of the Breitbart news outlet for longer than the "liberal press" which is awakening to the dude.