Friday 14th of March 2025

the psychopathy of the US government had not improved from the previous administrations...


US Defense Secretary James Mattis claims last week's US missile strike on a Syrian airbase damaged or destroyed 20 percent of the country's air force.

He also warned Syria against using chemical weapons, an allegation Damascus denies.
The sudden pivot by President Trump on the Syrian conflict appears to break a campaign promise many of his supporters once praised him for: namely, abstaining from routine military intervention abroad.

RT: The White House has said Washington could take further military action in Syria. What can we expect to see happen?

Richard Black: We need to look at what occurred. We know with absolute certainty that Syria did not drop poison gas - because there has to be a motive. There was no motive. Syria was advancing and defeating the jihadists on every front. Why would President Assad enrage the world and order to kill a handful of civilians? If for some reason, he decided to use poison gas, why would he use it against heavily entrenched terrorists instead of killing a gaggle of women and children? The whole thing is totally irrational; a child should be able to see through it. Now what we do know for a fact is that CNN reported on September 13, 2016, - just five months ago - that US B-52 attacked a major ISIS poison gas facility in Mosul. Where did that poison gas go? Where did the sarin gas and so forth that they produced go? It WENT INTO artillery shells, and it was distributed to warehouses. I believe the Syrian air force did drop bombs on a warehouse. Why do I know that? Because under the protocols that were established Syria notified the US so that they could de-conflict aviation going over there. My guess is that what happened is that they bombed a warehouse, it had poison gas belonging to the terrorists and some of those shells were damaged in the attack and that was the cause of the release. It gets back to this point. I was a prosecutor in the Pentagon; I was the top criminal justice authority in the Pentagon. You always look to the motive. There was absolutely no motive. And I defy anyone to come up with a satisfactory motive why President Assad would incur the wrath of the world over just to kill a handful of women and children walking down the street. It is utterly ludicrous; there is no possibility that it occurred.

Trump’s decision to hit Syrian airfield was outside UN framework – Belgian foreign minister

— RT (@RT_com) April 10, 2017

RT: Was there any justification for the US attacking the Syrian air base? Some say it played into the hands of ISIS fighters. What are your thoughts?

RB: I think it was a terrible thing to do. Shortly after the attack was launched, ISIS launched a ground attack. We don’t know how they knew about the missile attack, someone apparently informed them, and they launched an attack immediately afterward. There was no justification; it was a rash, impulsive decision, at best. At worst, it was a very carefully orchestrated pre-planned occurrence that was done in conjunction with covert intelligence agencies. We know they’ve done this before. It happened in 2013 with the false-flag attack in Damascus, and they know that when they do this, and they pretend that the civilians are killed - sometimes civilians are killed. I don’t deny that - but when they claim the Syrian government does it, all of the media in unison conclude absolutely they have to be guilty. Even though there is not a shred of evidence...

RT: Tillerson is due in Moscow on Tuesday, what do you think we can expect from this meeting? Is there any hope left for anti-terror co-operation between Russia and the US?

RB: I hope so. I think Rex Tillerson would like to cooperate with Russia. There is a lot of pressure within the Trump administration. When they got rid of Michael Flynn, he was truly the adult in the room, he was a well-informed individual, and WE’RE beginning to see the Trump administration eliminate the most coherent and most intelligent members, the most experienced members and replace them with neocons who simply respond to the global oligarchs, who make their money on war, oil, and drugs. I would hope that Rex Tillerson can bring a positive message. I know that Boris Johnson said that "we should show a united front to President Putin." I don’t think that this is the case. I think that the President of the US should talk with the President of Russia and they should coordinate. We don’t need any of these unified groups, these gaggles of people who are simply there to do propaganda. We need to talk government to government.

RT: Former President Obama repeatedly vowed that there would be no "boots on the ground" in Syria and Iraq, but didn’t keep his word. This tradition of hypocrisy isn’t a recent thing though. “He kept us out of war,” was the slogan for Woodrow Wilson campaign; he then got the US involved in WWI. Peace candidate Lyndon Johnson got the US into the Vietnam War. Now, Trump has dropped his campaign promise to curb US intervention in Syria. What are your thoughts on that?

RB: The President is coming under the influence of some people who are not seeking peace in the world. The President looks around the table, and all he has got are these warmongers, their bread is buttered on violence. They are connected with the war industry, and so they block the President from getting really good people placed into office. It is a major problem; it is part of the way our government works. But it is not a good thing; it is very bad thing.

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the US administration still tries to justify bombing...


WASHINGTON — The White House accused Russia on Tuesday of engaging in a cover-up of the Syrian government’s role in a chemical weapons attack last week, saying that United States intelligence had confirmed that the Assad regime used sarin gas on its own people.

four-page report drawn up by the National Security Council contains declassified United States intelligence on the attack and a rebuttal of Moscow’s claim that insurgents unleashed the gas to frame the Syrian government. Instead, the White House asserted that Damascus and Moscow had released “false narratives” to mislead the world.

The document also urges international condemnation of Syria’s use of chemical weapons and harshly criticizes Russia for “shielding” an ally that has used weapons of mass destruction.

The release of the dossier at a White House briefing on Tuesday marked a striking shift by President Trump, who entered office praising President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia but now appears bent on pressuring him. The accusations came as Rex W. Tillerson, the secretary of state, was preparing for meetings in Moscow on Wednesday, and as Congress and the F.B.I. are investigating potential ties between Mr. Trump’s campaign and Russia.

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As more and more people point to the absurdity of Trump bombing of a Syrian base, under the cover of "little babies" argument which does not stop him to bomb other places where there are "little babies", more reasonable doubt comes up to challenge the assumption that "Assad used gas on his people" once more. The explanation that Assad bombs hit a rebel  depot of gas makes more and more sense, politically, strategically and realistically. These three criteria fit the bill, while the accusations of Assad "having gassed his people" does not make any sense on all fronts.

The Lame Donald is now afraid he could have made a blunder by believing his "intelligence" which is presently more crappy than that given to G W Bush on Saddam's WMDs. So he is going to defend his blunder to the media which suddenly has fallen in love with him, because he went BOOM-BOOM in his diplomatic underpants. Here Trump will be blaming everyone else, especially the Russians for telling the possibly inconvenient truth. Donald NEVER LIKED THE TRUTH... That's why his cabinet resurrected the "Alternative Facts" bullshit of 1984...

Meanwhile at the "aternative facts" department:

The Anne Frank Center has demanded US press secretary Sean Spicer be fired after he claimed Adolf Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons” in a comment overlooking Nazi Germany’s use of gas chambers during World War II.

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Apparently, Idiot Spicer as apologised since... He still should be sacked...


a comment from the expert...

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie has questioned whether Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime was responsible for last week's chemical weapons attack on civilians that prompted US missile strikes.

Key points:
  • Andrew Wilkie formerly worked as a senior intelligence analyst
  • Mr Wilkie says he does not trust the Trump administration
  • He says "Australians should be cautious…and not too quick to automatically endorse US claims"


Mr Wilkie, a former senior intelligence analyst, said there was no doubt the attack occurred but Australia should not blindly accept assurances from US authorities.

His comments come after US Defence Secretary James Mattis said "there is no doubt" the Assad regime was responsible for planning and orchestrating the deadly attack.

"Frankly, I just don't trust the Trump administration," Mr Wilkie told Sky News.

"It would make a lot of sense for them to beat the drums of war again when they are under so much pressure domestically."



Not that I can place words in Wilkie's mouth, he is an expert who saw how false flag event of the Iraq War magnitude originate and play out. I believe his bullshit detector can sense some turdy Trump shoes wadding in the CIA manufactured intelligence pig-shit. Andrew has been there before. 

In this regard Bush, Blair and Howard should be behind bars for war crimes. In regard to Trump, even if "little children" had been gassed by Assad which is most unlikely, TRUMP SHOULD NOT HAVE BOMBED SYRIA a) without proofs and b) he shoud stop bombing anywhere else where "little Children" are being killed, including Yemen and Mosul.

bobble heads...

Commenting on the recent US cruise missile attack on a Syrian airbase, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday there's no evidence that Damascus used chemical weapons, but there's clear evidence of international law violation by Washington.

On April 6, 59 US Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired at a Syrian government airbase. US President Trump said that the strikes were carried out in a response to a chemical attack on civilians in Idlib that killed over 80 people.


Speaking on the issue in an interview with Mir 24 TV channel, the Russian leader said that despite there is no evidence that the Syrian government used chemical weapons in Idlib, there is evidence that the international law was violated by Washington.

"Where is evidence that the Syrian troops used chemical weapons? No evidence. And what about violation of the international law? It is an obvious fact," Putin stated.

As for NATO member-states' reaction to the US strikes, Putin compared it to the nodding of bobble heads.

"What was the reaction of the NATO allies? All of them are nodding like bobble heads," Putin added.

Earlier in the day, US Defense Secretary James Mattis spoke on the attack at press briefing at the Defense Department, stressing he had personally reviewed the intelligence on the chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib province and the Syrian government was undoubtedly the culprit. However, he didn't present any evidence to support his claims.

The Syrian government has denied the allegations and a Syrian army source told Sputnik the country’s military did not possess chemical weapons.

Above all, in January 2016 the Organization for the prevention of Chemical Weapons said it had destroyed Syria’s entire chemical weapons arsenal as per an earlier agreement with the Syrian government.

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trump is the only one who needs the gas story...

The Syrian Army has no chemical weapons and has “no need” to use any such arms, as it has already been conducting a successful offensive on militant positions, a Russian General Staff official has said.

Militants “are suffering one defeat after another and are leaving the territories they once controlled. Under such circumstances, the government of Bashar Assad has no need to use chemical weapons. Moreover, the Syrian Army does not have any [chemical agents],” Colonel General Sergey Rudskoy, the chief of the Russian General Staff’s operations department, told journalists during a news briefing.


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Trump is the only dude to "profit" from a fake "Assad gassed his people" story... Without it he would still be minced meat in the media in regard to the other silly relationship with Russia. Trump is a mad megalomaniac in search of glory at any cost to reality. His administration is also full of rich megalomaniacs and former glory-seeking psychopaths retired from the United Sates armed forces...

big bomb or big boobs?... a booboo...


On Thursday, US President Donald Trump declined to take responsibility for the use of the Pentagon's "mother of all bombs" that is said to be its most powerful non-nuclear weapon.

Trump skirted a reporter's question concerning whether Trump himself authorized the strike. He pivoted by saying, "everybody knows what happened."

He followed up by stating that "what I do is authorize my military." 

The GRU-43/B is a conventional warhead weighing 22,600 pounds (10,300 kg) designed during the Iraq War. 

Trump said he was "very, very proud of the military" for it's "successful event." 


"We have given them total authorization…that's why they've been so successful lately," Trump added. 

"If you look at what's happened over the last eight weeks versus what's happened over the last eight years," he continued, "you'll see there's a tremendous difference." 

He concluded by saying "we have incredible leaders in the military, and we have an incredible military, and we are very proud of them" and that MOABs deployment in Afghanistan was a "successful mission." 

Here is a video of a test run at a base in Florida of the bomb showing how MOAB works and what it could have looked like when it landed in Naganhar province in Afghanistan on Thursday. 

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No kids nor little babies were hurt in this "event"? Here we could not see their little "heads with no faces". Possibly just blown to smithereens in little bits wherever that is in god's banquet...

Yes these military leaders are incredible -- meaning loonies and beyond psychopathy...



wrong target...

WASHINGTON — An airstrike by the American-led coalition fighting the Islamic State killed 18 Syrian fighters allied with the United States, the military said on Thursday.

The strike, on Tuesday in Tabqah, Syria, was the third time in a month that American-led airstrikes may have killed civilians or allies, and it comes even as the Pentagon is investigating two previous airstrikes that killed or wounded scores of civilians in a mosque complex in Syria and in a building in the west of Mosul, Iraq.

Tuesday’s strike was requested by coalition allies who were on the ground near Tabqah, the United States Central Command, which oversees combat operations in the Middle East, said in a statement. The fighters had called in the airstrikes and “identified the target location as an ISIS fighting position,” it said, using another name for the Islamic State.

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