Sunday 9th of March 2025

biting the hands that feed...

feeding terror

Really? Did we finance the rise of Bin Laden as a side-show by helping the Mujehadeens fight the communists? Did we finance some terrorist organisations to prevent socialism overtaking some countries? Are those terrorists now giving us a taste of what we have paid for? YES.

Is our media so dumb as not to see that the rabid dogs we have fed with cash and weaponry are now biting our hand? NO.

Is our Western media profiting from our ignorance of the truth? YES.

Is it a small to price to pay for having fun? NO.

Is it true that the US installed a King in Iran in the 1950s? YES. 

Is it true that the US hate the Iranians for throwing out “their” King in 1979 and replace it with a religious democratic government? YES.

Is it true that the Saudi Arabian government is the most despotic government in the Middle east -- possibly in the world? YES.

Is it true that the US helped Iraq and Iran fight each other in the 1980s? YES.

Is it true that the US helped the Mujehadeens in Afghanistan "defeat" the Russians? YES.

Is is true that the US “let” Saddam invade Kuwait to give the US a pretext to invade Iraq in 1990. YES. 

Is it true that the US let Saddam in power after this first Gulf War in Iraq because the alternative would have been Iraq falling in the hands of the Shiites (friends of Iran)? YES.

Is it true that the US has supported the Saudis (Wahhabis, Sunnis, Salafists) unconditionally? YES.

Is it true that this support is designed for the Saudis to impede the Shiites of Iran and the Russians? YES.

Is it true that the motive for this support is for a certainty in the price of oil - in dollars? YES.

Is is true that the US sponsored Muslims extremists (Sunnis) in Chechnya? YES.

Is it true that the US sponsored right-wing rebels in Nicaragua? YES.

Is it true that the US helped the overthrow of the elected government of Chile? YES.

Is it true that US sanctions against Iraq led to numerous deaths in that country? YES.

Is it true that the US sanctions were imposed on Iraq, because Saddam sold “his” (Iraq’s) oil in other currency than the Dollar (including Euros and Roubles)? YES.

Is it true that Bin Laden and other Saudis hated the crazy wars the US was doing in Africa and in the Middle East? YES.

Is it true that the Kosovo pretext was to split Yougoslavia away from Russia? YES.

Is is true that Bin Laden was sponsored by the Saudis to create some disturbances in Africa with various terrorist organisation including Al Qaeda? YES.

Is it true that Bin Laden’s team of Saudis committed the 9/11 act of terror on US soil? YES.

Is it true that President G W Bush blamed Saddam for it? YES.

Is it true that the US invaded Afghanistan to search for Bin Laden, but in fact wanted to take this country away from the Taliban which the US had sponsored under the name “Mujehadeen”? YES.

Is is true that the G W Bush government created the fake “Saddam has Weapons of Mass Destruction” news, to invade Iraq in 2003? YES.

Is it true that the “liberation” of Iraq had nothing to do with “freedom” nor “democracy” but the control of Iraq by the US? YES.

Is it true that the destruction of Libya was due to this country's desire to fund a Pan-African Bank independent of the US Dollar? YES

Is it true that the US has interfered with the inner working of most countries on the planet? YES.

Is it true that the US has intervened in these countries, under the name of “freedom” and “democracy”, while conveniently supporting despots, lollipop Kingdoms, military rulers, anti-socialist right-wing dictators -- all to promote the child of the American revolution the Dollar and its most hailed daughter -- Capitalism? YES.

Is it true that the USA interfered with Europe's own workings since 1945 till today? YES.

Is is true that the USA never planned to honour the bargain deal made between Reagan and Gorbachev in regard to the dismantling of the USSR? YES.

This list of crap from the USA is far longer and far more devious than these few example. Yet we are blind because we are "comfortable" and made to feel comfortable by the news-media that all this crap is the fault of others -- and that we need to "fight more of it" to be comfortable. Our moral compass disappeared a long time ago, possibly when "Cain killed Abel" and ipso facto "we're all descendants of Cain". This is only an image using religious connotation because most of us still believe in this religious crap to accept the unacceptable with excuses that are tailored to suit the next invasion of space, minds and resources.

More to come 



Gus Leonisky

Your local diplomatic spy.

terror, US style...

terror, US style...

the manicured media...


If you were not following the UK election on Twitter, you would never have known about Corbyn's stunningly effective campaign, unreported by a grossly out of touch MSM, writes Professor Jane Goodall.

FOLLOWING THE SHOCK British election result, the pundits are out in force.

They talk about the youth vote and mention "austerity" as if that were some kind of theorem.

I’m gobsmacked. Not at the election result – that didn’t surprise me at all – but at the spectacle of so many self-styled "experts" so utterly out of touch with reality.

I punch the off button on the radio and return to the iPad. This appears on my twitter feed:

'I volunteer at a food bank I work as a welfare rights officer I could tell you about people breaking down suicides and sheer fucking misery.'

I volunteer at a foodbank i work as a welfare rights officer i could tell you about people breaking down suicides and sheer fucking misery

— LaurenMarie (@JOJO774) June 10, 2017

If you want to understand the UK election result, try this for starters: for the past seven years, the British have been living under truly terrible government. Austerity is rife — and real. Rates of homelessness have doubled, wages are so low that people in full-time work are using food banks, the National Health Service (NHS) is in crisis, disability pensions have been slashed, police and emergency services cut by nearly 20%.

And the upshot of all these desperate measures to "rescue" the economy is that the national debt has gone up by £555 billion (AU$956.17 billion) or 53% since the Tories came to power. So now they want to sell off NHS buildings, cut the winter fuel allowance for pensioners, dispense with safeguards on pension levels and add a further 6% to the interest on student loans. You’d vote for these guys? Seriously?

The second thing you need to understand about the UK election is that the Corbyn-led Labour Party ran a stunningly effective campaign. But you wouldn’t know this from reading any of the major newspapers in Britain, or from watching the BBC. They simply didn’t report it.

What media hid from you: a small flavour of what #JeremyCorbyn rallies looked like. 1000s of supporters#Panorama @jeremycorbyn

— Nusrat Latif (@nusratmedicine) June 12, 2017

If you were not following the election on Twitter across those seven weeks leading up to 8 June, you would have very little chance of seeing what was actually going on. During the course of the campaign, Twitter became the primary means of exchanging news, views and facts — not to mention memes.

And then there were the rallies. Corbyn fronted 90 of them and they grew like wildfire. By the halfway mark in the campaign, it was clear from the Twitter wires that "something was happening". Scores of photos appeared, taken by those among the crowd: Corbyn addressing the 3,000 people from the balcony above the courtyard at Brudenell Social Club in Leeds on 15 May, the 4,000 who gathered on West Kirby Beach in Merseyside on 20 May, the 5,000 in Hull on 22 May 22.

Dissenting tweeters tried to pour cold water: 'A Corbyn rally is a real-life manifestation of a social media echo chamberComplete waste of time', 'Crowds don’t win elections'. The mainstream media agreed. The BBC gave an average of five seconds to the largest rallies while devoting extended coverage to May’s desultory staged appearances to small groups of carefully picked supporters.

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state sponsored terror...

The United States has at various times in recent history provided support to terrorist and paramilitary organizations around the world. It has also provided assistance to numerous authoritarian regimes that have used state terrorism as a tool of repression.[1][2]

United States support for non-state terrorists has been prominent in Latin America, the Middle-East, and Southern Africa.[1] From 1981 to 1991, the United States provided weapons, training, and extensive financial and logistical support to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua, who used terror tactics in their fight against the Nicaraguan government.[3] At various points the United States also provided training, arms, and funds to terrorists among the Cuban exiles, such as Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles.

Various reasons have been provided to justify such support. These include destabilizing political movements that might have aligned with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, including popular democratic and socialist movements.[4] Such support has also formed a part of the war on drugs.[2] Support was also geared toward ensuring a conducive environment for American corporate interests abroad, especially when these interests came under threat from democratic regimes.[4][5]

Kashmir Princess incident[edit]Main articles: Kashmir Princess, Terrorism in China, and China–United States relations

On 11 April 1955 the “Kashmir Princess,” an Air India Constellation passenger airliner, was damaged in midair by a bomb explosion and crashed into the South China Sea while en route from Mumbai, India, and Hong Kong to Jakarta, Indonesia.[6] Sixteen of those on board were killed, while three survived.[7][8] The explosion had been caused by a time bomb placed aboard the aircraft by a Kuomintang secret agent who was attempting to assassinate Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, who had been scheduled to board the plane to attend the conference but had changed his travel plans at the last minute.[7] The day after the crash, China's Foreign Ministry issued a statement that described the bombing as "a murder by the special service organizations of the United States and Chiang Kai-shek."[9]

The Hong Kong authorities offered HK$100,000 for information leading to the arrest of those responsible. They questioned 71 people connected with the servicing of the Air India flight. When police began to focus on Chow Tse-ming, a janitor for Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Co., he stowed away to Taiwan on a CIA-owned Civil Air Transport aircraft. The Hong Kong police reported that a warrant charging a murder conspiracy was issued, but the man with the name Chow Tse-ming in the warrant had flown to Taiwan on 18 May 1955, and Chow Tse-ming had three aliases.[10]

China had from the outset accused the United States of involvement in the bombing, but while the CIA had considered a plan to assassinate Zhou Enlai at this time,[11] the Church Committee reported that these plans were disapproved of and "strongly censured" by Washington.[12] In a 1971 face-to-face meeting in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Zhou directly asked Henry Kissinger about US involvement in the bombing. Kissinger responded, "As I told the Prime Minister the last time, he vastly overestimates the competence of the CIA."[13]

Years of Lead[edit]Main articles: Years of Lead (Italy) and Terrorism in Italy since 1945See also: Operation Gladio and Italy–United States relations

The Years of Lead was a period of socio-political turmoil in Italy that lasted from the late 1960s into the early 1980s. This period was marked by a wave of terrorism carried out by both right- and left-wing paramilitary groups. It was concluded that the former were supported by the United States as a strategy of tension.[14][15][16]

General Gianadelio Maletti, commander of the counter-intelligence section of the Italian military intelligence service from 1971 to 1975, stated that his men in the region of Venice discovered a right-wing terrorist cell that had been supplied with military explosives from Germany, and he alleged that US intelligence services instigated and abetted right-wing terrorism in Italy during the 1970s.[17]

According to the investigations of the Italian judge Guido Salvini, the neo-fascist organizations involved in the strategy of tension, "La Fenice, Avanguardia nazionale, Ordine nuovo" were the "troops" of "occult armed forces", directed by components of the "state apparatus related to the CIA."[18]

Any relationship of the CIA to the terrorist attacks perpetrated in Italy during the Years of Lead is the subject of debate. Switzerland and Belgium have had parliamentary inquiries into the matter.[19]

The Piazza Fontana Bombing was a terrorist attack that occurred on December 12, 1969 at 16:37, when a bomb exploded at the headquarters of Banca Nazionale dell'Agricoltura (National Agrarian Bank) in Piazza Fontana in Milan killing 17 people and wounding 88. The same afternoon, three more bombs were detonated in Rome and Milan, and another was found undetonated.[20]

In 1998, Milan judge Guido Salvini indicted U.S. Navy officer David Carrett on charges of political and military espionage for his participation in the Piazza Fontana bombing et al. Salvini also opened up a case against Sergio Minetto, an Italian official of the U.S.-NATO intelligence network, and "collaboratore di giustizia" Carlo Digilio (Uncle Otto), who served as CIA coordinator in Northeastern Italy in the sixties and seventies. The newspaper la Repubblica reported that Carlo Rocchi, CIA's man in Milan was discovered in 1995 searching for information concerning Operation Gladio.[15]

A 2000 parliamentary report published by the center-left Olive Tree coalition claimed that "U.S. intelligence agents were informed in advance about several right-wing terrorist bombings, including the December 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing in Milan and the Piazza della Loggia bombing in Brescia five years later, but did nothing to alert the Italian authorities or to prevent the attacks from taking place." It also alleged that Pino Rauti (current leader of the MSI Fiamma-Tricolore party), a journalist and founder of the far-right Ordine Nuovo (New Order) subversive organization, received regular funding from a press officer at the U.S. embassy in Rome. "So even before the 'stabilising' plans that Atlantic circles had prepared for Italy became operational through the bombings, one of the leading members of the subversive right was literally in the pay of the American embassy in Rome", the report says.[21]

Paolo Emilio Taviani, the Christian Democrat co-founder of Gladio (NATO's stay-behind anti-Communist organization in Italy), told investigators that the SID military intelligence service was about to send a senior officer from Rome to Milan to prevent the bombing, but decided to send a different officer from Padua in order to put the blame on left-wing anarchists. Taviani also alleged in an August 2000 interview to Il Secolo XIX newspaper: "It seems to me certain, however, that agents of the CIA were among those who supplied the materials and who muddied the waters of the investigation."[22]

Guido Salvini said "The role of the Americans was ambiguous, halfway between knowing and not preventing and actually inducing people to commit atrocities."[23]

According to Vincenzo Vinciguerra, the terrorist attack was supposed to push then Interior Minister Mariano Rumor to declare a state of emergency.[15]





The list on Wikipedia is quite limited and does not represent ALL THE US STATE TERRORISM... still going on today...

why islamist terrorists appear to be linked to NATO?...

Revelations on the attacks of 2004 and 2017 in Spain

by Thierry Meyssan

The recent revelations about the attacks which took place in Barcelona and Cambrils in 2017 – like those concerning the previous attack in Madrid in 2004 – pose exactly the same legitimate questions as those formulated in other countries about other attacks. Why, everywhere, do the Islamist terrorists appear to be linked to NATO?

On 15 July 2019, under the signature of Carlos Enrique Bayo, the Spanish republican daily Público published the beginning of a four-part enquiry into the relations between the ring-leader of the 2017 attacks in Catalonia and the Spanish secret services [1].

In Spain, espionage and counter-espionage are handled by a single institution, the CNI (Centro Nacional de Inteligencia – National Intelligence Centre). Although, administratively speaking, it is subordinate to the Ministry of Defence, its director enjoys the formal rank of Minister.

The documents published by Público attest that, contrary to the official version, the Imam of Ripoll, the Moroccan Abdelbaki Es-Satty 
had been radicalised for a long time ; 
that he had been recruited as an informer by the Intelligence services ; 
that the Intelligence services had falsified his legal case files in order to avoid him being expelled after he was found guilty of drug-trafficking ; 
that a « dead letter box » had been prepared for him so that he could communicate with his handling officer ; 
and that the telephones of his accomplices were tapped.

Above all, they attest that : 
the CNI followed the terrorists step by step ; 
knew the locations of the targets for the attack ; 
and were continuing their surveillance at least four days before the crimes were committed.

Why did the CNI not prevent the attacks ? 
Why did it hide what it knew? 
Why, in 2008, (that is to say before the recruitment of Abdelbaki Es-Satty as an informer), did it hide certain elements from the Guardia Civil in order to protect the enquiry into the Madrid attack of 11 March 2004 (known as « 11-M »)?

In fact, Es-Satty was already implicated in « Operation Jackal », which linked him to the attacks in Casablanca on 16 May 2003 [2] as well as another in Iraq against the Italian forces [3].

These revelations remind us of the events of 11-M, the most gigantic attack to hit Europe after 11 September 2001. 11-M killed close to 200, and left 2,000 people wounded. Although the perpetrators of this operation have been judged, we still do not know who ordered it. 
It so happens that most of the perpetrators were police informants ; 
NATO ran a secret exercise in Madrid on the eve of the attack, whose scenario was the same as that of the attack itself [4] – a scenario that the terrorists could not have known, even though they followed its plan ; 
A large CIA team left Spain in haste on the day after the attack [5].

The attack was first blamed on the Basque independentists of ETA, then later on Islamists.

We published an investigation by Mathieu Miquel on this subject, in which he demonstrated the solidity of the hypothesis of a NATO false-flag operation [6].

Involuntarily, this was confirmed by the decidedly Atlantist ex-Prime Minister Jose-Maria Aznar. At the beginning of the « Arab Spring », he revealed that the head of Al-Qaïda in Libya, Aldelhakim Belhaj, was implicated in the attack of 11-M, but that it had not been possible to arrest and try him [7]. However, with the help of NATO, Belhaj became the military governor of Tripoli. Then, according to the Spanish monarchist daily ABC, he « moved to Syria to "assist" the revolution ». In truth, however, he went to create the Free Syrian Army on behalf of France [8]. According to the Russian ambassador for the Security Council, Vitali Tchourkine, Belhaj and his men had been transported from Libya to Turkey by the UNO under cover of humanitarian aid for the refugees. Following a request addressed to Interpol by the Attorney General of Egypt, Hichem Baraket, Belhaj became the Emir of Daesh for the Maghreb in 2015 [9]. Today, he governs Eastern Libya with the military support of Turkey and Qatar and the political support of the UN.

Let’s remember that historians have established the responsibility of NATO during the Cold War for assassinations, attacks, and coups d’etat in the member states of the Alliance [10]. According to the interior literature of the Alliance, NATO secret services were placed under the joint responsibility of the British MI6 and the US CIA.

Let’s take another look at the attacks in Catalonia. According to the documents published by Público, the Imam of Ripoll, Abdelbaki Es-Satty, has long been radicalised, a fact which the CNI has always denied until now. He was a militant with Ansar al-Islam, a group which progressively infiltrated the Islamic State in Iraq, which in turn became Daesh.

Ansar el-Islam was led by the Kurd Mullah Krekar, who is currently under house arrest in Norway. According to the Turkish Kurd daily Özgür Gündem(today shut down by orders of President Erdogan), the CIA organised a secret meeting in Amman (Jordan) to plan the conquest of Iraq by Daesh [11]. The daily published the record of this meeting, which had been drawn up by the Turkish secret services and then stolen by the PKK. It appears that Mullah Krekar, still officially under arrest, had participated in the meeting. He had flown down from Norway in a special NATO plane, and then quietly went back to prison.

This affair created an uproar in Spain, where the Parliament of Catalonia created a committee of enquiry on the attacks, in which the Junts per Catalunya (Carles Puigdemont’s independentist party) hurled questions at Pedro Sánchez’s government in the Congress of Deputies.

The Catalonian independentists hinted that the Spanish government had deliberately allowed the attack against the Catalonian people to go ahead. This was no doubt a clever move politically, but in truth it is no more than slanderous conjecture.

The facts remain - and we are staying with the facts – that in these attacks in Spain, as in a great number of Islamist attacks in the West and the Arab world: 
generally speaking, certain elements of the State apparatus were very precisely informed in advance; 
the terrorists were linked to NATO.

Of course, all this may be no more than pure coincidence, but since 2001 the events have been reproduced every time, whatever the location and the identity of the protagonists.

Thierry Meyssan

Pete Kimberley


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