Monday 10th of March 2025

why do governments lie? is it because the members are idiots, liars or simply not worth of being there? all three...


One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts has admitted to signing a form which said he was a British citizen, but says he did so without reading the document.

Key points:
  • Senator Roberts sent two emails to inactive addresses during attempts to check his citizenship status
  • Senator Roberts conceeded he did not read his citizenship form, which his sister filled out for him
  • He said it remained unclear whether he still held his British citizenship


Senator Roberts' claims he did everything he could to renounce his British citizenship before the 2016 federal election are being tested in Brisbane today.

The constitution bans people with dual citizenship from being elected to Federal Parliament.

Questions were raised as to whether Senator Roberts held dual citizenship because he was born in India to a Welsh father and Australian mother.

Under questioning from counsel assisting the court Stephen Lloyd, Senator Roberts said his father had given him an Australian citizenship form in 1974 which his then 16-year-old sister filled out and he signed without reading.

The form contained a line which said Senator Roberts held UK and Colonies citizenship.

"If my father had said 'here, sign this' I would have," he said.

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am I a dork?...

Malcolm Roberts sent an email headed “am I still a British citizen?” in a bid to check his status with UK diplomatic officials before nominating for the Senate, the high court has heard.

But the One Nation senator, who insists he always believed he was only ever Australian, never received a response because he used two non-existent email addresses, the court heard in Brisbane on Thursday.

Barrister Robert Newlinds, acting for Roberts in a case that will decide his eligibility for parliament, said he would not contest expert evidence that his client was in fact British by descent when his senate nomination took effect on 8 June last year.

The constitution prohibits dual citizens from standing, but the court has previously found a candidate may be safe if they take “reasonable steps” to renounce.

However Roberts in cross-examination declined to say whether he personally accepted this, saying: “I’ve only ever thought I was Australian until I heard it in court this morning.”

The court heard reports by overseas legal experts sourced by the solicitor-general said the Queensland senator, born in India in 1955 to a British father, had been both a citizen of the UK and India before being naturalized as an Australian in 1974.

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lying where she lived... and about her uni degrees...


Liberal Party members in Mosman have threatened to stop supporting their local MP Felicity Wilson, because she has not given them full details about where she has lived.

It comes after it was revealed — days before the April by-election — that she wrongly claimed to have lived in the electorate for a decade.

After journalists questioned the claim, Ms Wilson admitted it was wrong, saying was an "unintentional error".

"At the time of writing my nomination form, I believed it to be true that I had lived in the North Shore electorate for 10 years," Ms Wilson said in a statement at the time.

"However, upon further reflection I have since realised that figure is not accurate."

One senior Liberal told the ABC the North Shore member was now "toxic in the party".

At the Tuesday night meeting of the Mosman branch of the Liberal Party, members said they had asked Ms Wilson "on a number of occasions" to provide an amended statutory declaration and give a full account of her residential history.



In July, Ms Wilson also admitted she provided false information on political forms, this time overstating the number of undergraduate university degrees she had.

She said she had a double degree from Macquarie University when she applied to be vice-president of the NSW Liberal state executive in 2013.

Ms Wilson later admitted she had only one undergraduate degree — a Bachelor of Media — and a Master of Public Policy.


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She must be a great politician for getting away with "unintentionally" polished porkies like these...


completely ignorant of reality...

Misleading attacks on Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology by climate deniers in the Australian are “debilitating” to the agency and limiting its ability to predict risks and protect the community, the former head of the bureau has told the Guardian.

Rob Vertessy, who retired as director of the BoM in April 2016, said climate deniers’ attempts to confuse the public about the science of climate change were dangerous, in an interview for the Guardian’s Planet Oz blog.

“I was exposed to a lot of it and it took up a lot of my time that’s for sure,” Vertessy said. “I feel for my successor and the team at the bureau having to constantly devote energy to this. It’s really quite debilitating.”

Vertessy was succeeded by Andrew Johnson, who has since had to deal with a barrage of criticism led by the rightwing thinktank the Institute for Public Affairs and expressed mostly in the pages of the Australian newspaper.

Earlier this week, the former Abbott government adviser Maurice Newman accused the bureau of “fabricating temperature records” and said it represented a “smoking gun that threatens the integrity of global temperature records”.

Vertessy said these sorts of attacks were dangerous.

“From my perspective, people like this running interference on the national weather agency are unproductive and it’s actually dangerous,” he said. “Every minute a BoM executive spends on this nonsense is a minute lost to managing risk and protecting the community and it is a real problem.

“As the costs of climate change accumulate in the years ahead, I can see that leaders of this climate change denial movement will really be seen as culpable.”

He said the government had done a “pretty good job” of supporting the bureau and independent experts. But he said politicians’ jobs had been made difficult by the Australian.

“It will just continue and it will limit the ability of the government to focus on more important matters – not just climate ones but all the works of government. It’s distracting for politicians to have to deal with this chatter.

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The high court has ruled One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts was a dual British and Australian citizen for six months after he was elected.

Justice Patrick Keane on Friday afternoon ruled Roberts, who believed he had renounced his British citizenship before last year’s election, was a citizen of the UK at the time of his nomination.

He found that “arguably” the only step the Queensland senator took to renounce dual citizenship was sending a 6 June email that experts agreed “could not be effective as a renunciation” because it was not sent to the UK Home Office.

Born to an Australian mother and Welsh father in India in 1955, the Queensland senator is one of seven parliamentarians to have their future considered by the high court, because the constitution bans dual citizens from sitting in parliament.

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idiots should keep their job as parliamentians says brandis...


The attorney general, George Brandis, has attempted to save the political careers of three government MPs by claiming they should not be punished for not knowing they held dual citizenship.

In his submissions to the high court, Brandis argues that the section 44 phrase “is a subject of a citizen … of a foreign power” should only be applied to someone who has “voluntarily obtained or retained” that citizenship.

Anyone else, which the government has so far argued includes the case of deputy prime minister, Barnaby Joyce, and senators Fiona Nash, Matt Canavan and Nick Xenophon– who all found themselves in front of the high court after discovering they were citizens of another country by descent – should not be considered to have breached the constitution.

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In the same breath, one Brandis could say that parliamentarians unaware of global warming, social domestic violence, coal dangers, the existence of gay people, gravity, the spherical shape of the planet, of payments under the table, of practising nepotism and of social justice in general should keep their jobs.

Ignorance has rarely been a great winner in front of the law. Brandis should be sacked for all the stupid pronouncements and chicanery he has engaged into since he became AG...


malcolm roberts versus malcolm roberts

It took the high court to do it, but Malcolm Ieuan Roberts has finally been proven wrong.

The CSIRO could not do it. The weather bureau could not do it. Australia’s, nay, the world’s greatest scientific minds could not do it.

No. If Malcolm Roberts, so often the smartest man in the room, was going to be proved wrong, it would take an intellect equal to his own.

So in the end, Malcolm Roberts took down Malcolm Roberts.

After offering excuses so dense that light could bend around them, Roberts was eventually undone by a failure to understand his own background.

He didn’t need to, he told us, because he chose to believe he was only ever Australian.

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on the silly footsteps of his stupid leaderette...

Video has emerged of One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts saying the family law system sometimes left men in custody disputes with no option but to leave the system or "hurt the other person".

Key points:
  • Mr Roberts's comments were made in a 2018 video with Steve Dickson and men's rights activist Leith Erikson
  • Pauline Hanson's spokesperson said there were "uncomfortable" links between family courts and domestic violence
  • Domestic violence support groups say the comments send the wrong message to men and can be harmful to women


In a Facebook live video from March last year, Mr Roberts said "there's no excuse for violence" but claimed the family law system was responsible for driving men to lash out.

Mr Roberts helped party leader Pauline Hanson's successful push for a parliamentary inquiry into family law, which was announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison this week.

Her appointment as the deputy chair of the inquiry sparked condemnation from anti-domestic violence groups after she claimed women frequently fabricated child abuse allegations against former partners in Family Court proceedings.

In the video on One Nation's Facebook page and on its website, Mr Roberts discussed family law with then One Nation Queensland leader Steve Dickson and men's right activist Leith Erikson.

"There's no excuse for violence," Mr Roberts said.

"I know you agree with me Leith on that and you've counselled people against that.

"But when you're a father, and you can't get access to your kids, and you can't get access to the legal system properly, what else is there to do other than check out or hurt the other person?


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Yo,... Roberts and Hanson are moronic morons, given the task of making moronic laws by morons for morons, possibly the morons from the state where the moronic sun fades the curtains more with daylight saving... How do these guys get elected is beyond any mathematical statistics applied to the elasticity of the universal (plastic) fishbowl. Amazing. Read from top.

a sham family court inquiry...



The man nominated by the prime minister to head the latest family court inquiry has refused to condemn Pauline Hanson’s claims that women are routinely lying about domestic abuse to win custody cases, because he wants to stay “impartial”.

Kevin Andrews, who said he was personally asked to head up the inquiry Scott Morrison ordered into the family court system, said he believed Hanson would be elected deputy chair in the committee dominated by government MPs.

But he repeatedly refused to denounce Hanson’s claims that women made up domestic violence allegations, or whether she would benefit from the Law Council’s suggestion of family violence awareness training, saying it wasn’t his role.


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