Sunday 9th of March 2025

collecting the dragging dregs...


One of Australia's newest senators, Fraser Anning, has said he was verbally abused in a "vitriolic" party room attack before Pauline Hanson kicked him out of One Nation.

Key points:
  • Fraser Anning had criticised One Nation's handling of dual citizenship saga
  • Pauline Hanson says she was trying to negotiate his future when he walked out of a partyroom meeting on Monday morning
  • Anning has denied quitting the party, saying he was pushed


Senator Anning rocked the party just a few moments into his political career by choosing to be sworn in alongside crossbenchers Cory Bernardi and David Leyonhjelm, rather than his party leader.

He said his decision to snub his One Nation colleague came after a "profoundly shocking" meeting where he was told his staff were not welcome.

"The facts are that I turned up at this morning's One Nation party meeting ready to be part of Pauline Hanson's Senate team and my staff were prohibited from entering," he said.

"As soon as I got into the room, I was verbally attacked.

"I tried to answer as best I could but the attack was so vitriolic that I was obliged to simply walk out."


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It seems that Fraser Anning was not idiotic enough to be in PHON (PHONEY for short), Pauline's party of ultra right wing rat bags...


a choice for the middle-class...

Pauline Hanson and Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young have clashed on live television after the One Nation leader refused to condemn the far-right group thatheckled Sam Dastyari last week.

Senator Hanson-Young asked why Senator Hanson refused to speak out against members of Patriot Blue for their verbal abuse towards the Labor senator at a Melbourne pub, labelling her as "irresponsible".

Senator Hanson hit back: "I just want to ask her [Hanson-Young], does she have to work at being a nasty piece of work or does this just come naturally?"

Senator Hanson later said she did not support the behaviour of the far-right group.

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Hum... Senator Hanson-Young or Pauline Hanson? A Green or a piece of ... ? A difficult choice indeed if you are a middle-class bum who does not believe in saving the planet but is not a racist...

red-headed vitriol led by ashby...

Former One Nation Senator Fraser Anning has attacked Pauline Hanson's controversial chief of staff James Ashby, saying the adviser was behind his removal from the party.

Key points:
  • Anning announced his defection from One Nation minutes after being sworn in to Senate
  • Anning says James Ashby verbally attacked him, Ashby comfortable with those comments
  • Anning says he'll continue to support One Nation policies


Senator Anning has made a spectacular entrance into federal politics, with the minor party announcing his defection minutes after he was sworn in on Monday.

The Queenslander was third on One Nation's Upper House ticket at the last election and secured 19 first preference votes.

But he was called up after the High Court flicked Malcolm Roberts for being a British dual citizen.

The now-independent said Pauline Hanson wanted him to stand aside to allow Mr Roberts' return.

"She was annoyed that I wasn't going to stand aside for Roberts," he told the ABC.

"After 22 years of solid loyal support of Pauline and her policies, running for her in 1998, being at every campaign that she ever had, I was insulted."

Senator Anning walked out of a party meeting on Monday morning, saying he was subjected to a "vitriolic" verbal attack.

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illegal dumping in ipswich...


Australia's waste industry is being undermined by unscrupulous middle-men contracted to shift rubbish interstate to avoid paying landfill levies.

Key points:
  • Organised waste trade avoiding NSW tariffs by dumping in Qld
  • Qld residents "worried for their health" amid concerns asbestos dumped on vacant sites


Regulators and governments know about this practice but have repeatedly failed to act.

The Four Corners investigation has exposed an organised network of waste transporting and freighting companies sending waste by road and by rail to Queensland to avoid paying the high New South Wales landfill levy of $138 per tonne.



SOCIAL media users have outed a Brisbane-based business illegally dumping green waste in bush land across the Ipswich region.

A dirt bike rider captured an image recently of Algester Mowing & Gardening employees dumping waste at Blackstone - and the community condemnation has been swift.

Social media users have bombarded the businesses Facebook page with messages of anger and disgust at their actions.

The Facebook page asks customers how the business can improve their service and to use the platform to provide feedback.

Social media users took up the business on their offer.

"Dumping in the bush you lazy buggers, pay your dump fees like the rest of us. I am sure you charge you customers for it or are you just pocketing the money?" said Joe Griffiths

"Your business practices make me sick. Hope the maximum fine is a lovely deterrent for you once you receive it," said Michelle Stock.

"Social media got to love it , more and more a***holes like this getting caught out," said Julia Jackson.

The businesses website says it charges $90 per trailer for green waste removal and goes on to say it prides itself on providing professional services to residential and commercial customers.



As the party leader boarded the bus, driven by her chief adviser, James Ashby, Layla, who has heard Hanson’s comments about Islam and terrorism, smiled thinking that one of the first people Hanson saw upon returning to Brisbane was a Muslim woman wearing a headscarf.

“I just don’t like the way she presents her words in public: for her, freedom of speech goes a bit too far,” Layla said. “We are all one people. At the end of the day, if we don’t respect each other as one … I just don’t understand it.”

Hanson’s first stop was Ipswich, in an attempt to boost the fortunes of Roberts, who is not expected to win the seat he moved to contest after being ousted from the Senate.

There she was greeted by Jo-Ann Miller, the Labor MP for a nearby seat and former minister, bearing a present for her new grandson.


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going for the gullible...

Guardian Australia asked some economists to look at One Nation’s policies, based on the information the party has released to the public, to see what impact they may have on Queensland’s economy.

Independent economist Saul Eslake said it wasn’t possible to subject them to rigorous analysis because there was very little information available.

“I started out attempting to be serious about the [party’s] economic development policy, but once I got past there, the more policies I looked at, the harder it was to take them seriously,” he said in an email.

“There’s very little detail – except for the policy on ‘firearms and gun control’, the ‘zero tolerance for crocodiles’ policy, and ‘Agenda 21’ which has a lot of ‘detail’, nearly all of it entirely spurious,” he said.

“There are no costings, and in most cases no timelines.”

David Richardson, a senior research fellow at the Australia Institute, a progressive thinktank, found the same thing when he attempted some private analysis of the party’s policies.

He said One Nation’s policy platform for the election, Queensland: It’s in your hands, was “very vague” on detail, but enough information was provided about its payroll tax policy to try to estimate its effect.

According to Richardson, the payroll tax policy will be “almost completely ineffective”.

One Nation says it would like to introduce a five-year moratorium on payroll tax for all new, innovative, start-up businesses in Queensland that employ up to 40 people, that will be established after 2017.

Read more of PHON's crap at:


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flat phon...


One Nation falls flat

Pauline Hanson predicted her party would repeat their 1998 efforts by winning 11 Queensland seats. While few expected that result, most believed they could gain a handful of seats in parliament. While Stephen Andrew is still in the running in Mirani, One Nation MP Steve Dickson lost his Sunshine Coast seat and former One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts was roundly beaten in Ipswich.

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One Nation is a political party with values that most other political parties have — plus a giant serve of bigotry. The other problems of PHON (Pauline Hanson One Nation) is the lack of "phonicy" (policies of PHON) details and total disregard for sciences...


of dildos and adanis...


Why have Hanson and her party failed to cut through?

Senator Fraser Anning’s rapid defection from One Nation’s federal ranks didn’t help the party’s electoral credibility, neither did Queensland leader Steve Dickson’s allegation that children are being taught how to masturbate and use dildos in schools. Hanson’s failure to censor sex-shop owner Mark Thornton, the Thuringowa candidate who linked “good sex” to domestic violence, was another low point of the campaign.

The media’s preoccupation with Hanson’s star power over her candidates, and LNP leader Tim Nicholls’ Sunrise gaffe, where he appeared to spruik a One Nation/LNP coalition, enabling Labor to slam the “cuts and chaos” that such an alliance would produce, also helped muddy One Nation’s standing with voters.

But far more damaging to Hanson’s dream of repeating her 1998 Queensland victory are the contradictory messages she sells as policy. The senator opposes coal seam gas mining because it pollutes aquifers “for future generations”, and has told me there is “no way” she’d let the Great Barrier Reef be damaged. Yet she rejects global warming as a “rort” perpetrated by scientists hungry for grants, and famously snorkelled in the Great Barrier Reef’s last unbleached pocket to prove that climate change is a myth.

Hanson rails against foreign exploitation of Australian agriculture and mining resources, yet backs the controversial Adani mega-mine in the Galilee Basin, which is set to pollute farmland and towns, drain the Great Artesian Basin, and ratchet up global warming by fuelling dirty coal-fired power plants across the world.

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safety first...

Pauline Hanson has had a last-minute change of heart about climbing Uluru, saying she now understands why the practice will end in October.

Senator Hanson arrived in Uluru on Wednesday, intending to climb the rock, although strong winds in the area delayed her start.

On Thursday – after apparently making the climb – she told the ABC she now understood why climbing would be banned from October 26.

“It’s quite scary, I was surprised, I’d never been out there before,” she said.

“I respect the decision that there is not enough safety with regards to the rock. I respect the decision that their people, their kids, are not getting jobs. They’re bringing in Aboriginals from outside to fill the positions that should belong to their own people.”


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