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back to the future... with more delays and more hoops and more prancing by the trumble camp...
Philip Ruddock to examine if Australian law protects religious freedom Cabinet appoints former Liberal minister to examine consequences of any changes in light of impending legalisation of marriage equality
The former Liberal minister Philip Ruddock has been appointed to examine ifAustralian law adequately protects the human right to religious freedom. Ruddock’s appointment by cabinet, announced on Wednesday, is designed to head off a bruising debate about religious amendments in a same-sex marriage bill, but the treasurer, Scott Morrison, said the review was “no substitute” for those amendments. The prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, said it was important to look at the issue of religious freedom carefully, in light of the yes vote and impending legislation on marriage equality. While senior conservatives including Peter Dutton and Mathias Cormann have publicly suggested a religious freedom bill can be considered in 2018, separately to a marriage bill, others including Morrison and Liberal senator, David Fawcett, have insisted it be considered at the same time. Ruddock has been asked to report by 31 March. Read more:
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we need a proper survey on this one too...
As many, and “probably” more, Australians want protection of religious freedoms than want same-sex marriage legalised, the treasurer, Scott Morrison, has said.
In an interview on ABC’s 7.30, Morrison said same-sex marriage was a “done deal” and a “finished debate” but parliament now needed to legislate a bill for 100% of Australians, not just the 61.6% who voted for marriage equality.
The comments follow Morrison’s calls over the weekend for parents to be able to withdraw their children from classes that do not accord with their values and to protect organisations that express the view marriage is between a man and a woman.
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100 %??? BULLSHIT. I know many people who do not want religious hubris being further protected by secularity... Morrison talks bullshit... We need a proper survey/poll on this one too...
Ruddock threatens ACT same-sex union laws
The Federal Government is threatening to block the ACT's civil union laws for gay and lesbian couples.
The Territory Government's bill will be debated in the legislative assembly in May, with the first ceremonies expected to take place in June.
But Attorney-General Philip Ruddock says the Government will intervene unless the bill is changed.
Mr Ruddock says the legislation elevates civil unions to the same status as marriage, contrary to Commonwealth legislation.
"For a territory to say 'well that's fine for the Commonwealth Parliament to have resolved in that way, we're still going to assert that a civil union is a marriage in all but title, and we're going to use marriage celebrants to demonstrate that', let me make it very clear: that will not satisfy the Commonwealth," he said.
respect the postal survey result...
Labor has rejected demands for amendments to the cross-party same-sex marriage bill, with Mark Dreyfus saying the bill is already a compromise and Louise Pratt warning MPs on both sides to respect the postal survey result.
The treasurer, Scott Morrison, and other conservatives have promised to pursue amendments, despite the Turnbull government’s announcement of a religious freedom inquiry to report back in 2018.
The Liberal senator David Fawcett told Guardian Australia that conservatives had dropped the suggestion commercial service providers, such as florists and bakers, should be allowed to refuse same-sex weddings but would propose other elements of the James Paterson bill as amendments.
While public advocacy of amendments has been limited to Coalition figures, the Labor senators Jacinta Collins, Deborah O’Neill, Chris Ketter, Alex Gallacher and Helen Polley, and MP Anthony Byrne, have all refused to say how they will vote, despite the 61.6% victory for the yes campaign in the postal survey. The Labor senator Don Farrell has said he will vote against same-sex marriage.
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time out for the lobby...
In a decision that has shocked no one, over 70% of the Australian public voted in favour of legalising same sex marriage on the controversial postal survey.
Across the country, the queer community and allies have joined together to celebrate the support against one of the last vestiges of inequality in the Australian constitution.
One not so happy voter, is head of the Australian Christian Lobby Lyle Shelton who is blaming the Yes verdict on the lack of people voting No.
“It’s completely unfair. This is not taking into account the amount of people who would have voted ‘no’ but didn’t because they have a moral conscience.”
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secrecy of religious freedom
Public submissions to the Turnbull government's review of religious freedom in Australia will be kept secret, in a marked departure from normal processes, according to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's department.
The department, which has control of the inquiry, said it would not publish the submissions, which is in stark contrast to ordinary parliamentary inquiries, in which most submissions are automatically released.
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Tax the religious mob for having political opinions...
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unintended consequences...
Liberal MP Tim Wilson has lent support for a call to protect religious people from discrimination but warned legal changes must not cause unintended consequences such as “marginalisation” of other groups.
Social affairs minister Dan Tehan sparked the debate with a speech on 22 June, which was also published in the Australian newspaper on Saturday, in which he said discrimination on the basis of religion should be prohibited.
The minister also said state-based sex discrimination acts that limit religious freedom should be “no more restrictive than required,” raising concern among marriage equality advocates about any moves to erode anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people.
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