Wednesday 29th of January 2025

The shit-pumping philosopher explains why shit-pumping is important...


THIS week the great majority of Australians, including those who identify as Aboriginal, will celebrate the end of the Stone Age on this continent.

A handful of backward ­progressives, chiefly the Greens and those employed by the ABC and Fairfax, will mount a campaign against this celebration. In their narrative, the dawning of modern civilisation in Australia brought about an unmitigated tragedy for which we all must admit ­responsibility and keep paying atonement.

This is sheer ­lunacy, but the progressives are renowned for fighting change. In the US, for example, it was the Democrats, not the Republicans, who fought to keep blacks enslaved.

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jim is frothing at the mouth in anticipation of more biffo...

The landmark shift in US national security policy to prioritise the threat posed by powers like China and Russia could prompt a rethink of Australia's defence spending, according to an incoming senator.

Key points:
  • The US National Defence Strategy states China and Russia are "undermining" international order
  • Retired Major General Jim Molan says the US has been carrying a disproportionate burden in defence spending
  • He thinks America will expect more from Australia


American Defence Secretary James Mattis has outlined the country's strategic military objectives, and said terrorism was no longer the most serious threat the nation faced. 

He said that concern was now outpaced by the rapid rise of China and Russia's increasing aggression. 

Retired Major General Jim Molan is an incoming Liberal senator and said he believed the statement from Australia's closest defence ally had important implications for Australia. 

"The output of defence is winning the next war," he said.

"You can see what the next war is likely to be if you look at the national security strategy and the national defence strategy of the US and prepare for a role we might have in that."

While the new Liberal recruit was not prepared to offer advice about whether the defence budget should be bolstered, he hinted at that outcome. 

"America has been carrying a quite disproportionate burden of the kind of defence spending that creates the stability that makes us all prosperous," he said.

"Now the Americans will be expecting more of us."

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Jim Molan is pissing in his underpants in joy of having to get more weaponry... to fight the commies again... Idiot!


according to the turd...

Tony Abbott has sparked outrage by claiming the British occupation of Australia was a good thing for the country’s indigenous people, despite decades of abuse and mistreatment.

“What happened on the 26th of January, 1788, was on balance, for everyone, Aboriginal people included, a good thing,” the former Australian prime minister told 2GB radio. “It’s hard to imagine a better Australia in the absence of the Western civilization that began here from that date. It brought Western civilization to this country. It brought Australia into the modern world."

Australia Day celebrates the British First Fleet’s arrival in Australia on January 26. It is commonly referred to as, “Invasion Day,” among Aboriginal people and those who recognize the negative effects of the British arrival on the indigenous population.

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Yep, I still remember in the 1980s, many in Turdy's mob of Liberals (CONservatives) expressed that dead Aborigines were the only good ones. Read from top...

a day of mourning...

Eighty years ago on Friday, my grandfather donned a black suit as a sign of mourning and in the hot summer heat, marched in silence through the streets of Sydney.

The 150th anniversary of the landing of the First Fleet in Australia had for others been a time to celebrate — there was a parade and a re-enactment of the landing, with Aboriginal men brought in from a remote area to assist in the re-enactment after Sydney residents refused to participate.

My grandfather, Sir Douglas Nicholls, along with our Uncle William Cooper and about 100 other fellow Indigenous protesters, had to wait patiently for the festivities to pass before they were allowed to march.

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high pressure in the shit-pump...

When Piers Akerman, the philosopher at the Sunday Thingy, starts his sentence with: "ROYAL commissions have a rotten record..." you expect some doozies... Oh NO! He advocates solid prison terms and banishment to the Moon of Rot for bank executives who have let the side down. The Royal Commission into banking has the cloaca of this industry wide open. Holy Shit!... But he eventually blames the government (which one again?) that underwrote the banks with taxpayers cash. Oh that's better...


Meanwhile the other DT philosopher, David Penberthy, tells us the parable of the cricketers crying in their apologies while the banking fatcats shoulder-shrug their devious hands in our easy pockets...

the superior western shit-pumping...

This morning in the DT (Daily Telegraph on Sunday, 10/6/18), our glorious right-wing shit-pumper of the Scotland Island who bemoans that electricity from renewable is not as good as that from coal power in regard to shit-pumping, really get stuck in these lefty unis that do not take the bait of a Ramsay Centre sponsored degree in Western civilisation


Apparently they drink blood out of Mao's mugs in common rooms that used to be churches...



Piers Akerman: Lefty unis worship the cult of delusion | Daily Telegraph
9 hours ago - PIERS AKERMAN, The Sunday Telegraph. June 9, 2018 7:00am ... No wonder Mao coffee mugs are all the go in the uni common rooms.



Not to stir the shit-bucket too much, let's say Akerman's views are somewhat philosophically below par today (and any other day for that matter). So let's add some more shit to the pump...:


The last presidential election cycle made it abundantly clear that something about our way of life does not “work.” After voting for change in 2008 and getting more of the status quo over the next eight years, furious voters from both parties decided to look outside the establishment for leadership. 

So what exactly are we feeling right now? Perhaps it might be useful to take a trip to the past, 40 years ago to be exact. On this day in 1978, Russian writer Aleksander Solzhenitsyn delivered a commencement speech to Harvard University graduates, entitled “A World Split Apart.“ Not surprisingly, his fears about the sustainability of American society and culture still resonate today—though he offers little solace that any of it can be easily resolved.

While the country reeled from its recent losses in Vietnam and saw little inspiration coming the Carter administration, the gathered graduating class of Harvard ‘78 gathered—America’s elite—probably expected the former Gulag inmate to praise and reaffirm American exceptionalism and democratic ideals at the height of the Cold War.

To their disappointment, however, Solzhenitsyn had no such intentions. After noting at the outset that trust is not often “sweet” but “bitter,“ he said “a measure of truth is included in my speech today, but I offer it as a friend, not as an adversary.”

Not to put a finer point on it, Harvard Magazine recalled in 2011 that the ‘The Exhausted West,’ delivered in Russian with English translation under overcast skies, chastised the arrogance and smugness of Western materialist culture and exposed the adverse effects of some of those achievements that Western democracies had long prided themselves upon.”


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Meanwhile in the bowels of social constructs, the workers are connecting the pipes for the rich dunnies:


LAST WEEK I WROTE about the politics of exclusion as practised by the conservative forces in Australia. I compared their outlook with the depressing passages in Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan which characterise a social war of “all against all” and the conditions of life for the underclass as “nasty, brutish and short”.

In the comments thread I was reminded of two aspects that I didn’t cover thoroughly — I’m limited by the instructions of my editors to keep my contributions to a manageable length!

I also realised that I needed to make clear that I think Leviathan today is the capitalist State as constituted at the national level in all areas of the globe. A fundamental contradiction in the global system of nation-states is that capital itself is transational in nature. Outside of small-to-medium enterprises, very little of any national economy is actually in the hands of local capitalists. Even at the SME level, multinational franchise companies are really pulling the strings and pulling in the profits.

Thus, nation states are in the process of becoming obsolete. I don’t hold with “world government” conspiracy theories, but organisations like the G7, the IMF, the World Bank, the European Union and the United Nations represent the efforts of national states to regulate their interaction on behalf of global business elites.

This makes the world very unstable, hence the need for the modern Leviathan. In fact, I would argue that in the 21st century this unstable alliance of nation states and transnational capital needs the conditions of war, brutality and exclusion in order to define itself as the “good guys”.


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The only sour note on the latter article is the mention of "Parisienne workers" by political editor Dr Martin Hirst in his conclusion — a mention which sounds a bit like "belle de jour" or "brothel girls in Paris". I would urge the good Dr to change it to "Parisian" in good old English, pronto.


And of course one should read: war and peace...


and should you have nothing to do today..


And of course you should read: war and peace...\


The Australian National University's decision to break off negotiations with the Ramsay Centre about introducing an undergraduate program in Western civilization has provoked an avalanche of criticism in the News Corp press.

Not a day has passed since the decision without The Australian carrying articles decrying political correctness in Australian universities - which, according to Liberal backbencher Craig Kelly, are full of academics who "have a hatred of Western civilisation."

Reaching for a familiar culture war trope, Kelly concluded that the "march through the institutions is real," because "a whole lot of leftist academics" dominate higher education to the detriment of Western civilization.

Others have accused universities of "double standards" for taking money from China and Muslim countries for area studies centres, while declining a centre devoted to Western civilization. They do not ask about the terms of such donations, nor do they understand that universities jealously guard their autonomy, upon which their international reputations depend. British and American universities benefit from many externally funded centres; but they control the curriculum and staffing.

The same applies here. The malign suggestions about Chinese and Muslim influence in Australian universities are, frankly, baseless.

It is little wonder that the ANU backed off once it became apparent that the Ramsay Centre sought input into hiring decisions. No university worthy of the name tolerates such interference. In any event, the study of European, North American and Australian societies, cultures, languages and histories dominates most university arts faculties in this nation - which is to say, Western civilization is already central to the curriculum.

How to account for the hysterical discussion? Why would an otherwise level-headed commentator like Greg Sheridan commence his column in The Australian with the extraordinary statement that the ANU's decision "is a pivotal moment in modern Australian history"? Do members of the right-wing commentariat think that Western countries are succumbing to a poisonous cocktail of multiculturalism, Muslim immigration, political correctness and cultural Marxism that dilutes the white population and brainwashes young people at school and university? It seems that, much like Steve Bannon, they do. We are on the precipice of disaster, they seem to believe.


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See also:

welcome to the country of thieves...

A teenager from the UK who is trying to break the world record for the youngest person to cycle around the globe solo, has had his bike stolen in north Queensland.

Key points:
  • Charlie Condell, 18, has cycled for 102 days through almost 20 countries
  • His passport, camping gear and cycling wear were also stolen
  • The bike was stolen from a Townsville hostel


After 102 days of cycling Charlie Condell, 18, had his road bike stolen from the garage of a Townsville hostel on Monday night.

He said it was the first time he had locked up his bike during his gap-year cycle trip.

His passport, camping gear, and cycling wear were also taken.

Mr Condell said his bike, named Colin, was a companion he wanted back.


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Read from top.

not seeing the timber for the wood-pile...

Piers Akerman is a learned opinionated oracled gnat. 

In the ST rag, today (23 12 18) Piers pans the (Liberal — CONservative) NSW energy minister, Don Harvin, for pandering to the windmill-lovers… 
Piers is a fully-fledged card carrying Coal-burner brigade member and has been blind as a bat (though he looks more and more as a hairless dieting mole exposed to daylight) in regard to global warming. But fear not, dear Piers. As the populace, us, learn more and more about climate change, and are turning away from the coal-guzzlers and start hugging solar panels — the right-wing pollies have to think faster than a circus clown with a flat tyre on their miniature bicycle. 
The NSW government is facing an election soon and the polls are dire. So people like Harvin — who seem to not really understand what global warming is — know that if they don’t hug a tree soon, they will find themselves on their arse. So they tell Scummo to give them the right to coal-bashing a tad until after the elections. Thereafter it will be full-steam ahead on the Antracite bandwagon. Thus fear not, Piers, all is safe in the party for digging dark arse holes for profit.
G. S.