Sunday 9th of March 2025

he made a mess...


Authority is a very delicate commodity. Abuse it and it becomes unrespected authoritarianism. Fail to nurture it and it withers.

Authority is now Barnaby Joyce's gravest problem.

When certain Nationals were strolling about late last year threatening to cross the floor in support of a royal commission into the banks, Mr Joyce was in no position to bring them to heel — even if he'd wanted to.

As more than one National noted, Barnaby was in no position to lecture them, having crossed the floor 47 times himself.


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Barnaby has only one course: resign. What? Sorry for deceiving the public? BUGGER ORF...



barnaby baloney...

Malcolm Turnbull has told the House of Representatives he has confidence in the deputy prime minister, Barnaby Joyce. Very often, in politics, this is the immortal line uttered just before somebody packs their bag, and the end of lease cleaners arrive.

But playing along for now, and taking the prime minister at his word, the observance of form was about the only comfort Joyce could have derived from question time on Monday.

Labor asked a series of questions about who signed off on the decisions moving Vikki Campion, partner of Barnaby Joyce (or not, apparently, on the technicalities – but we’ll return to vexing definitional questions later), from office to office after she left the staff of the deputy prime minister last year.


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lies, sex and an akubra...

What if Barnaby Joyce was a spunky, handsome, ripped, attractive young man who was media adviser to Deputy Prime Minister Vikki Campion? What if Campion was a ruddy-faced whip crackin' mum with a beer pot, who had four sons with Nathan, her husband of 24 years, who had sacrificed his own career and agreed to be a stay-at-home dad and bring up the boys while Deputy PM Campion ploughed her way through the political paddocks to reach the peak of National Party nirvana, to stand at the central right hand of PM Turnbull — a need in search of a friend?

Now imagine if Deputy PM Vikki Campion, 50 years old, betrayed her husband's loyalty and trust, and embarked on an affair with the 33-year-old staffer Barnaby Joyce and that, further, Barnaby Joyce had impregnated Deputy PM Campion who was now carrying his fifth child.

What if Deputy PM Campion, now heavily pregnant abandoned the family home to live free of charge in a property in Armidale owned by a multi-millionaire where she installed her former media adviser Barnaby Joyce, expecting him too, to become a stay at home dad?

Without question, there would be hell to pay. The female deputy PM would be forced to resign — or be sacked!

If Barnaby Joyce has despicably treated his family, then surely in his interview with 7.30's Leigh Sales, he also demeaned his lover and Baby Mama. In fact, he inflicts injury to all those in his two families:


I don't recall him once using the word "love". 

In his truculent exchange with Sales, Joyce's evasiveness and dishonesty splintered its way through the flesh of this telling interview. He was disingenuous. How could you not mention love in an interview that leaned heavily on your affair, and the impact it had on your wife and mistress and children?


He has given his unborn child an awful historical baptism. He has insulted the mother of his unborn child who remained nameless but omnipresent.

“I'll say up-front that one of the greatest failures in my life was the end of my marriage, and I do not in any way stand away from that.”

How cruel. How cruel also to Vikki Campion and their baby. Instead of blaming the media, Joyce could have talked about the love he presumably still has for Natalie and his daughters — and for his new love. If, indeed, he loves her. One got no sense of that in his interview with Sales. Just the opposite.

It was subliminal victim-blaming of Vikki Campion and her baby for causing one of the "greatest failures of my life".

Joyce is already the beneficiary of the services of a media adviser, although she has professionally mismanaged the whole affair and its inevitable fallout. 

Ethically, she (with Joyce's encouragement) should have exited from his employ. Instead, it appears that political pressure ultimately saw her remaindered to other politicians, possibly with an increasing salary package. Not a good look. 

There are legitimate concerns that public monies may have underwritten this affair.

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Barnarby Tomato Joyce is an idiot who has taken his electoral for fools for too long... He has to go.

Aussieland — going to the dogs fast...

That Prime Minister Trumble insists that Tomato (sometimes referred to as "beetroot") Joyce be the acting PM while he, him, moi, himself, we, us is away is beyond the pale. Joyce is untrustworthy and does not even come clean when caught with his pants down. Does Australia deserve an apologetic hypocrite as a replacement leader? Sure, we had plenty of those philanderers before, so why care? Simple. Tomato Joyce is an idiot on top of all his sexual adventure. He misunderstands and messes up everything. As someone says in the SMH:



The jury is still out on Barnaby Joyce's personal life and public office, but we cannot let pass Michelle Landry's attempts to perpetuate the myth her boss "has been fantastic for people in the bush". ("PM distances himself", February 13). As an active climate change sceptic, he has left a generation of younger Australian farmers and progressive landholders feeling abandoned as we struggle with the onrush of global warming. On his watch, the Murray-Darling basin is in crisis, productive farmland and water resources are threatened by rampant mining and coal-seam gas expansion, and there's continuing chaos over Inland Rail. Most hurtful of all, his decision to pork-barrel the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority into his own electorate has shown his contempt for hundreds of other needy rural centres across our wide and increasingly brown continent. Ignore the big-brimmed hat; the minister for New England is not the bush messiah, he's just a very naughty boy.

David Ingram, Tea Gardens


If this had happen in the US, where a bare whiff of misconduct seems to lead to a showing of the exit door, Barnarby would have been on his arse a long time ago...

rock star barnaby has pissed on the electorate...

Tony Smith rules this question from Chris Bowen to Barnaby Joyce out of order:

“I refer to his previous answers. The government has so far advised first-home buyers to get rich parents, get a better job, or get out of town. Does he stand by his statement referring to cheaper accommodation in Armidale, and can he confirm the government’s latest advice for first-home buyers is “just get rich mates”?’


“… Can I just say with all candour, this is getting a little too cute. Practice is something that evolves, and it’s about to evolve. I don’t regard that as being in order. I regard that as a question where you’ve taken a statement that’s been made, to then ask a string of questions about housing affordability based on the deputy prime minister’s previous portfolio. I think that’s a bridge too far.” 

Updated at 3.03pm AEDT


9m ago 14:59

When Sam Dastyari’s donation was brought up in 2016, Barnaby Joyce had this to say to Leigh Sales on 7.30, about friends giving politicians gifts:

“How can it be that individual, how can that individual just ring somebody up and miraculously without question say, ‘look, I need $1670.’ Sure, here, you go – Why don’t you ask for more. What a great relationship.

“… But a donation to an individual, and then people just saying, well, they just give me money. They just give me, personally, money, and it’s for no other reason.”


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barnaby the barbarian...

Joyce is under pressure to resign over his extra-marital misjudgements but what of his hand in the destruction of one of Australia’s major ecosystems? Dr Simon Pockley reports from the Pilliga.

SAFEGUARDS FOR THE WATER and environmental values of the Pilliga have been compromised by politicians acting in their own interests.

I’m now an old man following the ancient Chinese tradition of seeking refinement and reclusion in the mountains after a busy working life. My mountains of choice are the Warrumbungles in north-western NSW. Here I’m fortunate to live in a secluded valley with a high and reliable spring from which I can gravity feed my drinking water. The spring rises, at pressure, out of what is known as Pilliga sandstone.

To the north is the Pilliga Forest, made famous by Eric Rolls in his classic book about the Australian landscape, A Million Wild Acres. Rolls had a deep understanding of the impact of non-Indigenous settlement and how the landscape functions. One of the primary functions of the Pilliga landscape is to filter water through its sandstone base and recharge the Great Artesian Basin — the largest and deepest artesian basin in the world. 

I’m neither a farmer nor a grazier. But I now have a 45 year perspective of a place I know intimately and think of as paradise. After a major bushfire burnt me out in January 2013, it’s been a privilege to watch a fire ecology recover and to closely observe the growth and succession of flora and fauna.

In 2005 – a year before Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce bought two properties in the Pilliga, near Gwabegar, described as "mongrel country" – Eastern Star Gas revealed that after spending $50 million exploring the area, mainly around Narrabri, the company had developed plans for 1,100 coal seam gas (CSG) wells dotted across the Pilliga feeding a $150 million pipeline to the Hunter Valley.

Joyce and his wife Natalie bought their first block in July 2006. Sale records show it was purchased from Brett and Traci Worrell for $230,000. In February 2008, the Joyces bought a neighbouring, slightly smaller, block from Baradine sisters Natasha and Erin Kelley for $342,000. Joyce says this purchase was to "square off the block" — making a total 2,400 acres.

The land bought by the Joyces lies inside the "petroleum exploration licence" (PEL) areas owned by Eastern Star Gas — before it was sold to Santos. Gwabegar is on the edge of PEL 238 and PEL 428, co-owned by Eastern Star Gas and a company called Comet Ridge. At this time, both companies were issuing positive announcements to the stock exchange in relation to the size of the gas resource in the area.

Another company, Gas Star Exploration, owned in Houston, released a statement about promising reserves in PEL 433 and 434. This meant that by 2007 – between the two purchases made by the Joyces – CSG companies were boasting of large gas reserves to the east, west and south of the properties. All indications were at this time that a "gas rush" was coming.


In October 2007, Eastern Star Gas appointed former National Party leader and Deputy Prime Minister, John Anderson, as its chairman, to steer its proposed growth phase into a "major gas developer". Anderson was working as the campaign manager for Mr Joyce. He left Eastern Star when it was sold to Santos.

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Should Barnaby Joyce be sued for the same offence as Eddie Obeid and Ian MacDonald PUT TOGETHER?

the more he hangs on...

The more Barnaby hangs on to the leadership of the National party, the more the National Party becomes a farce. And of course Trumble has no balls to do the right thing which is to ask Joyce to go. So who is going to climb up? Hanson? the mess is as big as Australia's vast stupidity. 

chill down your spine...

The former Nationals leader Warren Truss says the Barnaby Joyce furore needs to be resolved “constructively and quickly” as reports emerged that a delegation was being formed to urge the beleaguered deputy prime minister to stand aside for the good of the government.

Truss told the ABC on Tuesday night a decision about whether Joyce continued to lead the Nationals was a matter for his parliamentary colleagues, but he noted the deputy prime minister had been “diminished” by rolling controversy over his private life, and speedy resolution was now required.

Truss said Joyce had “enormous capabilities” and could remain in his current role. But, noting the distractions that had blown the government off-course during 2017, the former party leader said the controversy needed to be resolved “constructively and quickly so that the business of government can proceed”.

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The only ONLY ONLY WAY the government can return to "normal" (even this should send a chill down your spine with senators like Jim Molan making decisions on your behalf and a Trumble wadding through thick mud) is to demand the departure of Barnaby. Should he not go, this would mean a SUPER high level of Liberal (CONservative) hypocrisy and CORRUPTION is ruling this pitiful circus of clowns in Kanbra...

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delaying the time bomb, not defusing if...

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced Barnaby Joyce will take leave next week, so will not take up the role of acting prime minister.

Key points:
  • PM is overseas next week, says Mr Joyce will be on leave from Monday to Sunday
  • Deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop will also be out of the country, so next in line for acting PM is Mathias Cormann
  • Labor has already questioned if that decision means Mr Joyce cannot do his job


Finance Minister Mathias Cormann will instead be acting PM when Mr Turnbull leaves the country.

Mr Joyce has been under immense pressure because of his affair with a former staff memberand questions about whether the code of ministerial conduct was followed.

His future is precarious, with some of his colleagues considering asking him to quit as leaderbecause of the damage the revelations about his relationship have done to the party.

The prospect of Mr Joyce being acting prime minister when Mr Turnbull travelled overseas next week had been worrying many Nationals.

They feared that being in the spotlight would have added to the crisis.

Mr Turnbull has now defused that by announcing Mr Joyce will be on leave instead of being acting PM.

Labor has already questioned if that decision means Mr Joyce cannot do his job.

"Are we simply meant to believe it is all a big coincidence?" Labor leader Bill Shorten asked.

Deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop would normally be the acting Prime Minister if the Nationals leader is unavailable.

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no more bonking with "the help"...

Australia’s prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, will move to ban sexual relationships between ministers and their staff, in response to a scandal which has engulfed the deputy prime minister and leader of the National party, Barnaby Joyce.

Turnbull announced the ban at the end of a parliamentary week dominated by controversy over Joyce’s relationship with a former staffer, Vikki Campion, which began when Sydney’s Daily Telegraph published a front-page photograph effectively confirming the end of Joyce’s 24-year marriage, and Campion’s pregnancy.

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Malcolm Turnbull has done something far more profound than decreeing no sex between ministers and their staff, and throwing Australia’s besieged deputy prime minister under the bus – although both of these things actually happened in clear public view.

The prime minister, with one late afternoon statement in his courtyard, has created a yardstick that has not previously existed in Australia’s “live and let live”, “she’ll be right mate” politics.


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Instead of solving the issue with a simple dismissal of Joyce ("sorry mate you goofed and your goof is bringing my, him, our, himself's, mine, le mien, government into disrepute), the PM as usual, is shooting the moribund horse after the door of the paddock has been left ajar by a sexual bolted beast — or whatever. What Malcolm is really doing is to protect Joyce as much as he can for his indiscretion, while inventing an outrage to appear like a moralistic Hitlerian jew who goes to the local Catholic Church to play bingo. The outrage of course is not about moral values or anything that wiggles in pants, but about the shaking of the quick sand foundations of Malcolm's flimsy government, that needs all the flimsy pricks, Joyce included, that he can get to keep his government away from the abyss, while already being in the dumps... 

the fucking partners...

The relationship that underpins the Coalition and the leadership has been irreparably damaged by Malcolm Turnbull’s intervention in the Barnaby Joyce affair, and Joyce’s supporters have declared it is “open season” on the prime minister.

Guardian Australia understands the deputy prime minister has no plans to step down from the leadership of the Nationals, or move to the backbench, and he received no warning of Turnbull’s planned character assassination before the prime minister’s statement on Thursday.

Turnbull’s descriptions of Joyce’s affair with a former staffer as creating a “world of woe” that has “appalled” the nation, has left his deputy seething.

Those close to Joyce said Turnbull had “turned a friendship into a purely business relationship” and his “extraordinary” statement had only “served to bring the Nationals closer together against our Coalition partners”.

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Time for Barnaby to resign "graciously" ( it's a bit late for this but that will do) and for Turnbullshit to do some clean up — including clean up his own act, and bark at the moon... Wooooooooo....

mad idiots...

The Turnbull Government will be sailing towards a constitutional crisis of its own creation unless one of its co-captains walks the plank.

The Coalition's hold on power now hinges on two warring, obstinate leaders mending a ripped relationship.

Malcom Turnbull's partnership with Barnaby Joyce has, until recently, had a veneer of folksy mateship. But the Prime Minister's excoriation of Mr Joyce on Thursday lifted that veneer, exposing a raw enmity between the two.

In announcing a ban on ministers having sex with their staffers, the PM was seeking to draw a line under an ugly episode that has brought the entire political institution into disrepute.

And while Mr Turnbull's "bonk ban" edict risks weaponising sexual misconduct claims on Capital Hill, by making intraoffice sex a sackable offence, he was also pronouncing judgement on the Nationals leader's character.

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Turnbull should have thrown Joyce out early on... Now it's a big mess... And Trumble misjudged politics because he is a bit of an amateur politician with lots of cash... As they say in my profession, beware of loaded amateurs... and don't let idiots from the bush inside your studio... 

with the two head idiots in kanbra, we don't stand a chance...

Nobody could have guessed that a relaxing ten-day South Pacific cruise along the picturesque shores of southeastern Australian would have led to complete disaster.

In shocking footage obtained by the radio station 3AW, both women and men aboard the cruise ship Carnival Legend engage in a violent all-out brawl, prompting the ship's security guards to intervene and leaving some victims with severe cuts and multiple bruises.

Australian guests aboard the ship, which was due to dock in Melbourne, its home port, earlier this year, have claimed that there was more than one clash involving two groups of roughly 30 belligerent passengers, who went as far as threatening to stab each other and toss each other into the sea.

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Here, the famous Australian boganism is spreading like oil on the high seas... From the bordello on the hill in Kanbra to the Carnival cruises ship... Bugger, I though Aussies were a bit more easy going than the crap we see between Malcolm and Barnarby... Mind you the crap that the media and the pollies put out on Julia Gillard was even worse... See: 

Are Aussies philosophically deficient in the top loft, or am I a bit rash?... Have we got too much time on our hands?

other excuses for the messy life of pricks...

Fiery Joyce blames travel schedule for marriage failure

Turnbull and Barnaby getting on with 'professional government'

Why the bonk ban is a good thing

Here Paula, sanctimoniously tells us that when she was working for John Howard, her boss was surprised that she was not asked "to go out" by  a journo who wanted to find "anything interesting"... She ends up her article with:
"And in time the greater transparency created by the move [Trumble's ban on bonking] may go some small way to re-establishing voter trust in the politicians  they've elected...."
How naive and idiotic for a journalist...Politicians are below cockroaches in the natural order of things. The cockroaches are annoying but they don't promise us earth...
In regard to the "professional government", there never was any professional government since the coalition
took over in 2013... The coalition has always been fucking voters ever since with tricks and fake stuffs... Trumble got lucky he got back in, using a lot of his own cash to prop up the coffers of the so-called COALition...

damaging the brand...

WA Nationals leader Mia Davies says Barnaby Joyce has lost the support of the party in Western Australia because of the "ongoing damage" he is causing the party.

In a statement, Ms Davies urged Mr Joyce to resign as leader, saying she had contacted him to tell him of the branch's decision.

"Mr Joyce's actions have caused pain for his family, but it is the ongoing damage Mr Joyce is causing The Nationals organisation that is of greatest concern to me as WA Leader," Ms Davies said.


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Not only Barnaby is damaging the "National" brand, he is damaging the "Trumble" brand..., his family and his new family... He should resign forthwith from parliament. He is not up to scratch, nor to the sniff test, nor to the pub test, not even to the low standards of the Gus test...

very tacky baby talks...

Barnaby Joyce and his partner, Vikki Campion, have reportedly sold the story of their relationship to the Seven Network for $150,000, with the interview to air on the Sunday Night program, months after appealing for privacy and telling the media to “move on”.

His colleagues have declined to comment on the ethics of a politician accepting money for interviews but the human services minister, Michael Keenan, says he would never do such a thing.

An industry insider has told News Corp the money from the interview will be held in a trust for Barnaby’s six-week-old son, Sebastian.

“The baby’s parents have no say in it and cannot access it,” the insider said. “Lawyers ultimately get to decide if it should be accessed for the child’s education or if it will go to the child as a lump sum when he gets to 18 or possibly older.”

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spite?... bugger the hatted idiot.

The most troubling line of all in the Barnaby Joyce train-wreck interview was his admission that he had held on to the post of deputy prime minister long after his position was clearly untenable, out of “spite”.

Sorry, what? 

Who had wronged you, Barnaby? Who had behaved so abominably that, to teach them a lesson, or at least to get back at them, you decided you would put your family, party and government through extended agony by hanging on till the last possible moment, even though, by your own admission, you were always going to have to resign anyway?


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waking up from the haze...

This morning, Sunday 24 June, waking up from a boozy night with noises in my head as if a bunch of squawking galahs was breading with wolves inside it, I could not pass the motifs of editorialisation between Miranda Devine and Claire Harvey (in the elegant Sunday Telegraph)... Both article headlined as if the Barnaby affair was a) the fault of a temptress who would stop at nothing to get "her" (someone else's) man and b) the wife that was so whatever that she could not hold her man... I must admit that through the fog inside my cabeza, I feel a bit biased and may have misunderstood the tone of the articles. Reading them would have been painful with the throb in my head... especially after guessing that Harvey and Devine would find the angel in Barnaby's demons.


All I need now is to find Piers Akerman's piece on why the electricity from the wind turbines is too dirty to power the shit-pumps on Scotland Island, again... Oh boy. Do I need a shit pump to clear my exploding brains from the debris...!


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Yep... In regard to the posting above, I think I was correct about the Harvey and Devine protection of Barnaby by "blaming" the females in his life for his fall from being chief-beetroot, though Harvey underhandedly says that in order to save her marriage, Natalie Joyce, like many other women don't do in this situation, did not confront "stupid" Barnaby about his "infidelities" as she could have — a non-confrontation which turned him from the bold, smart, clever, celebrated man that he was into what I guess is now a poor opportunistic back-benched failure.

I was wrong about the shit-pumping by Akerman. His rant was not about windmills, but about refugees and the ABC. What else can one say about Australia's multiculturalism but dunk the ABC in passing, and that the people come here to bludge on our tax cuts, rather than stay under the bombs we "rightfully" dump on their countries? What's wrong with refugees camps forever? I ask you, really, where's the good old white-only policy at the ABC? Yeah. Blame the ABC for whatever is not in line with ultra-right wing Nazi views. 

Meanwhile Credlin was the one dude mentioning "electricity baseload" for our glorious 24/7 heavy industries, stretching the realm of credibility with a rightful rant about fracking being a farmer's nightmare — not only having to deal with wombats holes and having to reduce our grazing herds due to cows producing lotsa methane, but because she's is a full-blown denialist of global warming — dunking the chief scientist right in the middle of controversy by reporting he said that "whatever reduction we achieve will not make a difference to the world climate" (not mentioning that the reductions we do are pitifully inadequate since our CO2 emissions ARE going up) — she nearly blames the "Greenies" for encouraging fracking. As you would know, the "Greenies" are as much against fracking as she is. So how does she nearly comes to this silly conclusion? Apparently, after having worked in the backside of the government for 16 years, some of these with his Turdiness Tony, there was never any discussion about the need to wake up to the concept that socialism and carbon tax on cars were a panacea, but without mentioning it, one can guess that burning Aussie coal is the answer to future prosperity... 

I hope that Australians are starting to wake up to the possibility that Credlin is not credible. Meanwhile enjoy your $144 tax cut in seven years time, while the rich of Point Piper will do with something like my estimated $14,400 tax cut by then, which is not worth mentioning proportionally, considering their annual $millions earnings. That's the way indexation works under Turnbull with the help of the red-headed fishNships Hanson. 


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all will be forgiven after wentworth….

Nationals frontbencher Michelle Landry has conceded Barnaby Joyce is likely to become the party's leader again, but she insists there is no appetite for change right now.

Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack is under pressure over his performance as Nationals leader, with colleagues claiming he is too close to the Liberals, and has failed to prosecute his party's agenda.

Hosing down speculation of an imminent challenge, Ms Landry said the Nationals were united behind Mr McCormack.

"You know, I'm sure at some stage in his career, Barnaby will be the leader again," Ms Landry told Sky News.

"The rest of my colleagues, and I've spoken to most of them, are happy for Michael to remain as leader.

"He has the support of our party room and we are not interested in having any leadership challenges."

Mr Joyce was forced to resign as leader in February after his affair with a former staffer became public, but he said this week that he would be open to returning to the top job if it was offered to him.

Some Nationals are unhappy with Mr McCormack's performance and are concerned about his appeal in Queensland, where One Nation is eroding the Coalition's voter base.


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The fruitcakes are winning:



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tomato joyce backs himself as head cabbage...

Prominent rural women have warned the National party not to restore Barnaby Joyce to the leadership, saying there are “skeletons” that could return to haunt the party.

As leader Michael McCormack declared there was “no vacancy” for his position, Joyce confirmed he would nominate as leader if a spill was called, pointing to his former achievements in the role and declaring “now is the time to do it”.

“If there’s a spill … I’ll put my hand up,” Joyce told Channel Seven’s Sunrise program.

“I have done the job before – every seat we have got is one I won [at] the previous election before the one we just had.”


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For people like Tomato Joyce, the process is about seats, not about people (unless they own a gun), nor about real skills... 


This is why:


Nationals minister Matt Canavan has quit Cabinet to support Barnaby Joyce in tomorrow's leadership spill.

The Resources Minister called incumbent leader Michael McCormack late on Monday to offer his resignation in order to support Mr Joyce's return.

"We are here to defend regional Australia … our constituents are under constant attack. We need a bulldog, we need a fighter to fight back against those who want to take away people's coal jobs, who want to shut down cane farms," Senator Canavan said.

"I do think a change in direction here will allow us to do that better. 

"He is an effective fighter and that’s why I'm backing him."


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Matt is a coalie through and through... i. e. he is an idiot. Send Matt and Joyce to oblivion...



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faded like an old beetroot...

Thwarted Nationals leadership contender Barnaby Joyce has warned colleagues against allowing bushfires to be used for advancing “hobby horse” issues, in a thinly veiled reference to climate change.

At a joint Coalition party room meeting on Tuesday, shortly after losing his renewed pitch for the Nationals leadership to incumbent Michael McCormack, Mr Joyce said his NSW electorate had been dealing with drought and bushfires.

He said some people were trying to push their “hobby horse” issues out of the tragedies.

“We need always to remember those who get hurt from any suggestions and policies when people are pursuing reactionary approaches,” he said.

His comments came just hours after he failed to win back the Deputy Prime Minister’s position in a failed leadership challenge against Mr McCormack.

The comments – on the first day of Parliament for 2020 – were part of a broader discussion between Coalition members about climate change, with some MPs praising Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s increased focus on new technology to cut emissions.

Sky News reported a row broke out when Liberal backbenchers Andrew Lamming and Trent Zimmerman condemned Senator Jim Molan for his comments on Monday night’s Q&A on ABC TV.

Senator Molan sparked laughter from the TV audience when he told host Hamish Macdonald he was “not relying on evidence” to form an opinion on climate change.


Read more about the morons:


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a dinosaur on the way to extinction...

Seemingly not content with spoiling the day that was meant to be dedicated to the victims and heroes of the nation’s bushfire crisis, Barnaby Joyce ended this week as he began – trying to make it all about him.

It wasn’t enough for the last of the old school wreckers to force a leadership spill on Monday, when the Nationals only had to replace its deputy leader after Bridget McKenzie finally fell on her sword over the #sportsrorts affair. By getting two of his few loyalists to call for a spill of the leader’s position as well, the disgraced former leader fancied himself as the obvious victor.

Then, having miserably failed in that endeavour, and initially giving the impression that he would gracefully retreat to the backbench to focus on serving his electorate, the MP fell back to his default position of being a hollow extortionist who’d blow up the joint if he didn’t get his way.

Is it any wonder the majority of Nationals MPs declined to return Mr Joyce to the leadership role?


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