Sunday 9th of March 2025

pay back...???

idiot nationidiot nation

The millionaire paying Barnaby Joyce's rent runs a business that is benefiting financially from one of the Deputy Prime Minister's most contentious projects, the relocation of the Australian Pests and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).

Key points:
  • Labor accuses Barnaby Joyce of breaching ministerial standards
  • APVMA has spent $14,700 at the Quality Hotel Powerhouse, owned by Greg Maguire
  • APVMA invited almost 20 people to stay, wine and dine at Greg Maguire's hotel


Mr Joyce has defended allegations of pork-barrelling ever since he announced the $26 million plan to move the chemical regulator from Canberra to Armidale, in his own electorate.

The APVMA controls the relocation fund and so far, it has spent $14,700 at the Quality Hotel Powerhouse, which is owned by wealthy and influential New England businessman Greg Maguire.

Mr Maguire is a close friend of Mr Joyce, and the Deputy PM and his former staffer, Vikki Campion, are living rent-free in one of his apartments.

Mr Joyce defended that arrangement in Question Time this week, when Labor accused him of breaching ministerial standards.

The Opposition is also asking questions about whether Mr Maguire was awarded thousands of dollars in government contracts to host an agricultural function at his Armidale hotel last year.

Now, documents obtained by Saturday AM reveal another occasion when Mr Maguire's business benefited from taxpayer dollars.


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lurv, contrition and splitting the estate of the family guy...


Troubles for the Bowyanged Beetroot from Walcha are only just starting. Think of what lies ahead – the divorce proceedings and the carve-up of Barnaby’s affairs. 

Natalie and the four girls will have to be provided for. There’s bound to be a family trust or two and assets held there will have to be examined. Then there’s the new addition to the family, little Adani Joyce, and mother Vikki – they will have to be sustained in a comfortable manner. 

Succession planning also comes into it, because it would be awful for all the children to end up in court squabbling over the remains of Beetroot’s estate once he pegs out. 

Of course, this sort of thing follows a fine tradition in Cockies Corner. Old-timers swear they saw Arthur Fadden, Country Party leader, federal treasurer and deputy prime minister under Pig Iron Bob, running naked after a couple of sylphs in the dead of night through Kings Hall in Old Parliament House.


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corrupting mateship....

What is needed today is not better theory, but better practice. When Tocqueville visited America in the early 1830s, he marvelled at Americans' political do-it-yourself spirit. Unlike his French compatriots, who for centuries had acquiesced in a centralized aristocratic order, Americans would readily gather in local settings to solve problems. In the process, they learned the "arts of association." They were largely indifferent to the distant central government, which then exercised relatively few powers. Local township government, Tocqueville wrote, was the "schoolhouse of democracy," and he praised the commitment of citizens to securing the goods of common life not only for the ends they achieved but for the habits and practices they fostered and the beneficial changes they wrought on citizens themselves. The greatest benefit of civic participation, he argued, was not its effects in the world, but those on the relations among people engaged in civic life:

"When the members of a community are forced to attend to public affairs, they are necessarily drawn from the circle of their own interests and snatched at times from self-observation. As soon as a man begins to treat of public affairs in public, he begins to perceive that he is not so independent of his fellow men as he had at first imagined, and that in order to obtain their support he must often lend them his cooperation."
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Since then, it's been a bit like d'Artagnan on heat... Favours, corruption and secrecy — not only from the Cardinal but from the heroes themselves embroiled into righteous fucking.

Fed up with paying rent?

Fed up with paying rent? Pull up stumps and live in the back of a truck like Chrissie...

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Sure living in the back of a truck is nice, (though many things have fallen from there...) but it is nicer to get a mate to pay for your accommodation... See Joyce's above...

bonkerama — the saga coming on a screen near you...

GET YOUR popcorn ready #auspolwatchers; the next few days are going to be very interesting now that several National Party MPs have declared “Open Season” on Malcolm Turnbull. Many of us know that the Fizza cannot hang on for much longer: he will leave the country as PM next week, but will he still have the job when he gets home?

It is possible we are heading into a constitutional crisis to rival the sacking of Gough Whitlam in 1975. The “nuclear option” would be for Turnbull to ask Governor General Peter Cosgrove to revoke Joyce’ ministerial commission. That he hasn’t yet done so points to the political problems it would entail.

Turnbull is now widely seen as a bully who has been stared down across the playground. The Beetrooter’s “double dare you” call on Friday shows up the PM’s cowardice.

Having declared no confidence in Joyce and having described his behaviour as a “shocking error of judgment”, Turnbull was left looking like a cuckold himself when Joyce refused to go quietly.

However, things are not looking good for Joyce either, with senior Queensland LNP Senator Ian McDonald today (17 February 2018) calling on Joyce to resign as deputy PM.


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At this stage, UNTIL BARNABY RESIGNS FROM PARLIAMENT, the public has no choice but to make hell for him and his dick. It would be nice if Malcolm called an erection (sorry I meant an election)...

and now a word from our evangelical treasurer....

Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison has put his ministerial colleagues on notice that if they sleep with their staff, it will no longer be kept quiet.

Mr Morrison has also defended the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's scathing attack on his deputy Barnaby Joyce, agreeing he was "shocked and appalled" by Mr Joyce's behaviour.

"I'm sorry — if you sleep with your staff, it's not private anymore, it's public, because you're a minister in a position of responsibility and power, over those who work for you," Mr Morrison told Insiders.

"And we owe it to them to live up to this standard."

Mr Turnbull announced the ban on ministers having sexual relationships with their staff members in response to revelations Mr Joyce was expecting a baby with former media adviser Vikki Campion.


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Meanwhile these idiots/imbeciles/psychopaths/righteouspricks don't have a qualm about screwing workers daily....


Read also: PM and Barnaby getting on with 'professional government'

Fuck them!...

how fucking sweet heart...

The ministerial sex ban Malcolm Turnbull imposed on his government was “one of those classic issues” where he sought the counsel of his wife, Lucy, the prime minister has revealed.

In an interview for 60 minutes, Turnbull maintained he had no regrets about the public flaying he gave his deputy, Barnaby Joyce, over his affair with a former staffer. Turnbull said he spoke for the nation despite his now-infamous comments that threatened to tear the Coalition apart.

“I think Australians wanted to hear their prime minister’s heartfelt views about these events, they wanted to know what I felt about them,” he said in an interview broadcast on Sunday.

“They wanted to hear it from my lips but also from my heart.

Read more crap from the 60 minutas mediacrap:


The point is not about the sex ! The point has always been about the deception of a leading figure such as Beetroot telling the world about "family values" in the longe room and fucking us in the kitchen. You can have sex your heart content with the staff, as long as you don't preach "values" nor use the public purse to smooth the corners. As far as he is concerned, Beetroot is not divorced, has four kids to look after and having a bit on the side is not a good look, but passable. He's not the first one. But using power and public cash to pay for moving his squeeze around is not on. Nor is his sewer sermon from the high moral ground of "family values".

Beetroot is a deceitful person and should have been expelled no matter his "mateships" around the paddock... All his supporters in this affair (and his general deception as a minister) are deceitful and deceived morons. 

not happy barnaby...

This website is the child of Margo Kingston. She had written a book "Not Happy John" which maintained decorum despite being upset at Johnny... She wrote:

I've been convinced that our democracy is a sham since John Howard sent Australians to invade Iraq on two lies - the lie that he had not promised Bush he'd go to war long before public debate began on the matter, and the lie about why he wanted war. To me, in a democracy, unlike a dictatorship, our soldiers risk their lives for us, not for our leader. Yet the process of voting every three years, the skeleton of democracy, did not punish Howard, but re-elected him.


Here the Barnaby saga is a continuum crescendo of the crap dished out by the CONservative ruling class who take us, the plebs, for fools. Imagine today, Turnip Tomato Beetroot Joyce tells us "he blames travel schedule for marriage failure".... That takes the cake. Not only he suffers from travel sickness, he has decided to inflict it on the happy Canberra workers for the "Whatever Vetinary, KillBugs and Plant Diseases Office" that he moved to Armidale to possibly pork barrel with a friend who's paying for his extra marital accomodation in the said cuntry village. Sorry I am a bit unfair to the good people of Armidale, but they are the FUCKERS WHO VOTED HIM INTO PARLIAMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE. 

This is rage... I am a calm person. But to see the same shit again and again, and people like Trumble being an idiot with his ban on bonking and everyone trying to pander to Barnaby Juice — including Malcolm — is sickening. Why not create a Bonking Register while you're at it, in a similar vein to the Pecuniary Register for pollies. Who knows, some pollies might have it off with journos and spill the beans on the caca — (From Middle English cakken, from Old English *cacian, from Old English cac (“dung; excrement”), of uncertain origin and relation. Cognate with English cack. Compare Latin cacāre (“to defecate”) — of governments... 



and did I mention the media?


Our mendicant miserable mediocre media de shit has not even shown an ounce of outrage at the way the whole thing has been managed with smoke screens and mirrors by the Trumble government. The media is reporting while walking on eggshells... There should be blood in the pages and websites! There should be calls for resignations! Another election! Demonstration in the streets!...

stan grant errs on the side of wickedness...

What to do about Barnaby Joyce is a "wicked problem"; that's what philosophers call a dilemma that is incomplete, contradictory and changing, almost impossible to resolve.

Immanuel Kant is not the first name that springs to mind when thinking of the Deputy Prime Minister, but the enlightenment philosopher may be a better guide to trying to make sense of all of this than the often hyperventilating media.

It revolves around the questions of morality: Who decides and who has the right to impose that on another person.


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Stan Grant misunderstood the issue here. It's not about "filosophy", faithfullness, or fiddlesex with the underlings, but about the propriety of someone in power fiddling the books, using the public purse to hide the facts of his dicky-promenade and telling us about "family values" so he would be re-elected. Turdbarnaby is as phoney as all get out. I personally don't care whether Beetroot likes to root or not. This has never been the issue. 

Please Stan, do not try to make out you understand the "wickedness" of the situation in philosophical terms. Here we've only got an arsehole with an erect dick under an Akubra hat made of fucking rabbits... Philosophy with Barnaby? You must be kidding!


See also:

dirty sheets...

the bonkgate news...

Turnbull's #BonkBan is beyond parody but the general lack of accountability among our politicians is no longer funny, says Noely Neate.

AUSTRALIAN POLITICS has officially now become a joke and considering former PM Tony Abbott brought us "knights and dames", that's saying something.

I’m guilty of laughing off #BonkBan, though, having worked in the corporate world in another life, find nothing shocking about an obvious conflict of interest policy in the workplace — pretty much a no-brainer.

But our politicians, ministers no less, are considered to be so lacking in judgement they need specific wording in the Ministerial Code of Conduct, advising that they will lose their jobs if they have sex with staff, is beyond parody. The likes of The Chaser boys and The Shovel should be chatting to solicitors about Prime Minister Turnbull muscling in on their satirical territory.

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Bloody hell! Satire has been taken away from under our feet from the idiot Trumble!!! We need a revolution!!!!

they could not run a brothel, nor a parliament...

#BarnabyGate has exposed the reality of the ineptitude of the Turnbull Government and the end is near, writes John Passant.

WOULD YOU LET Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull organise a piss up in a brewery? He is, to quote his Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, inept.

Would you let Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce organise one? Well, while I am sure he can participate wholeheartedly in a boozy night at the local, I agree with the Prime Minister that Barnaby is prone to making (more than one) shocking error of judgement. Turnbull also said Joyce should consider his position. That seems a pretty clear call for his Deputy to resign.

Inept and error-prone are but two apt descriptions of the Turnbull Government. Nasty pieces of work is another description that comes to mind as they attack workers, unions, the unemployed, pensioners, the poor, the disabled, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples ...

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his innate inability not to see his own hubris...

Can I say right from the start, this is never about me. It’s about the person in the weatherboard, something that manifestly expressed what the National party is about. It’s about the person in many places, their right to transcend through the economic and social stratification of life.

Their right that even though they might not have had inherited wealth or might not have been born to the best family, or might not have had the best education, their right to advance, limited only by their innate abilities, to get as far as ahead in life as they possibly can by the sweat of their own brow. That is what this has always been the incredible privilege that I’m so humbled by, to have been, um, the deputy prime minister of Australia, someone who went to Woolbrook public school. But it’s only fair on those people on the weather board and iron, it’s only fair on that purpose of trying to make sure we continue that advancement of the person so that – if they are on the periphery of society, they can have the best opportunities – that there be some clear air.

Over the last half a month, there has been a litany, litany of allegations. I don’t believe any of them have been sustained. A litany of allegations. Might I say right there, any person in any political party always says, the leaking, the backgrounding, all that, it will destroy not only our government, it will destroy any government. We work on the premise what the National party do is so important. It is important to have a coalition government, because at the last election, we did not lose a seat, we gained one and by so doing, there was a Coalition government. 

But to give these people in the weatherboard and iron, in those regional and small towns, the best opportunity than this current cacophony of issues has to be put aside. 

And I think it’s my responsibility to do my bit to make sure that it happens. Now, might I say, with the last allegation that was in the paper today, I have asked that that be referred to the police. I’ve asked for the right of the person who’s made the allegation and I’ve asked for my right of defence that that be referred to the police. But it’s quite evident that you can’t go to the dispatch box with issues like that surrounding you. So, I can’t enter into any discussions about that. If it is going to be before the courts, it is going to be before the courts, you would understand. But I will say on Monday morning at the party room, I will step down as the leader of the National party and deputy leader of Australia. I have informed the acting prime minister, Mathias Cormann, of this. I informed my colleagues of this and there are a couple of things I would like to clearly say.

I want to thank the people of New England. I am so humbled that today – today, whilst walking around Armidale, there were people – I don’t want to be so bold, but I got a sneaking suspicion some of them didn’t vote for me, but they were so good at offering their support. The people of Tamworth, the same, the people in the small towns. I’m so humbled and I thank you for the overwhelming support. People literally running up, and some crying, and offering their support to me. I just say, I don’t deserve the support that you’ve given me.

I’d like to say that it’s absolutely important, it’s incredibly important that there be a circuit-breaker, not just for the parliament, but more importantly, a circuit-breaker for Vikki, for my unborn child, my daughters and for Nat. This has got to stop. It’s not fair on them. It’s just completely and utterly unwarranted, the sort of observation that’s happened. On a humorous side, I think it’s got to stop for the poor buggers who are parked outside my house everyday. It’s got to stop for them as well, they have got to go home. On Monday morning, the whip, Michelle Landry, will have a meeting for in the Liberal party and I will stand aside.


Barnaby Joyce....






Plenty of lovely sentiments, while blaming everyone else who does not live under a tin roof nor within the four walls of a country shack. "Can I say right from the start, this is never about me. "?... Well, this is a bad start to a humble denial of what has really happened, including shifting a staff to various positions, knowing there was trouble. That people in the street feel for him is to say the least very nice while Barnaby may be convivial company in the pubs of small towns, he has set a bad example of apparently being a self-serving politician as well as being a moralistic hypocrite. Let me say that these small towns can do better than with a party that seems to value hats before rectitude.


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pulling the strings of the new "leader"...

Joyce can sell shit sandwiches, in part, because his constituency is different to Abbott’s and Turnbull’s. It is the 1% in the rural and regional areas — miners and big farmers, for example. Joyce’s good friend, Gina Rinehart, is the classic example of both.

Of course, the 1% in rural and regional Australia are still a small minority. The middle class there – small businesses, managers, accountants and so on – are (as a gross generalisation and recognising differences in each electorate) more conservative than in urban areas. In part, this is because the working class in rural and regional areas is even less class-conscious than its big city sisters and brothers. This inaction almost inevitably sees the middle-class drift to the right.

This lack of any real class struggle, left-wing alternative on the ground may also help explain the rise of the middle class, potentially fascist One Nation on a diet of racism, racism and more racism. Oh, and climate change denialism, plus a history of supporting the Turnbull Government’s attacks on workers.

This conservatism may also be because some of the agricultural and most of the mining industries are export dependent and have been at the forefront of the free trade, let-the-market-rip policies of the Nationals and Liberals. The reality of economic individualism fits well into the political individualism painted by the conservatives.

The Nationals can pork barrel for their constituents. They do. Joyce’s apparently self-improving inland railway is an example of that, as is his move of part of his former agriculture department, the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, to Armidale in his electorate. The move has been disastrous. However, for many of his constituents, this stupidity appears as yet another example of him fighting for "his" people.


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See toon at top

armidale run.....



Barnaby Joyce’s decision to move the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) to Armidale has proven to be another cluster cock-up. As minister for agriculture, Joyce presided over the live sheep trade and Murray Darling water theft scandals. More recently, in his role as drought envoy, he has been criticised for wanting to divert environmental water from the Murray Darling to agriculture, in breach of the Federal Water Act. “Triskele” reports.

Wannabe back-to-the-future National Party leader Barnaby Joyce is often admiringly referred to as “Australia’s greatest retail politician”.

But who or what is he selling? Is he a sales wizard who can sell ice to the Eskimos and oil to the Arabs? Or is he a shameless pork barrel merchant, and if so, is he a competent one?

In the curious case of the relocation of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), we may find part of the answer.







When Barnaby Joyce forced the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) to relocate from Canberra to Armidale, he couldn’t have chosen a more vulnerable, complex or vital institution to damage.

APVMA’s job is to safeguard the health and safety of people, animals and the environment by regulating dangerous chemicals used in veterinary medicines, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and the like. Its staff are highly trained and skilled scientists, ever in high demand and short supply.

APVMA sits in a cooperative state and territory statutory scheme, and administers at least 22 items of technical legislation, including Acts, Regulations, Determinations, Standards, Orders and Instruments.

Joyce’s plan was to establish a Centre of Agricultural Excellence by co-locating APVMA with the University of New England in Armidale in his own electorate. There was no opposition from Prime Minister Turnbull or the Cabinet who must share responsibility for the consequences.

Relocation was achieved by the imaginative device of the non-disallowable Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Location of Corporate Commonwealth Entities) Order 2016 made by Finance Minister, Mathias Cormann, under the 2013 PGPA Act.

The Act empowered Cormann to make a compulsory “order that specifies a policy”. The 2016 Order specified “the policy” that APVMA was to relocate close to a regional university “recognised for research and teaching in… agricultural science”. That, not unexpectedly, was asserted to be in Armidale.

It is worth noting that the PGPA’s objects include requiring the Commonwealth to “meet high standards of governance” and “use… public resources properly”. Ministers are liable for loss of money or property if due to their “serious disregard of reasonable standards of care”. There is, of course, no liability for losses to the Treasury caused by ill-informed policies.

Although a fait accompli, the relocation was opposed or criticised by many, including APVMA, an Ernst and Young cost/benefit/risk analysis, a Senate Committee and the National Farmers Federation.

Now, just over 3 years after relocation in 2019, a July 2023 Strategic Review by Clayton Utz, for agriculture minister, Murray Watt, reveals serious and systemic problems in APVMA’s administration and governance.

Before the move, it was estimated that APVMA would need a minimum of 60 scientists to remain functional, and twice that number to restore full competence. Fewer than 15 of 140 full time staff relocated. The loss of scientific expertise and corporate knowledge was profound, as was the impact on performance and morale.

With the lack of experienced staff, APVMA skewed towards collaboration and engagement with so-called “stakeholders” – the people it was supposed to regulate. “Alignment” with the chemical industry’s interests appeared to be “embedded”. There was an overwhelming focus on timely delivery of industry chemical approvals.

Enforcement of rules and standards, even for serious breaches, collapsed into informal educative counselling or warning. Recommended criminal prosecution and civil proceedings were dropped. Enforcement through penalties was not seen as core business.

There were allegations of outright capture by the chemical industry. To cap it, a formal staff complaint was made every 4 to 6 weeks for years on end.

Clayton Utz did not interview current or former staff to gauge the human cost of the relocation.

While the precipitating cause of APVMA’s fall was Joyce’s decision, the deeper cause lies in the nature of APVMA as a purportedly independent statutory authority, but one subject to real political and ideological constraints.

APVMA was subject to the Department of Finance’s “Resource Management Guide for Regulators” which urged “Collaboration and engagement” with stakeholders.

The key purpose of the government’s “Regulator Performance Framework” was to “improve regulator performance” by “not unnecessarily impeding the efficient operation of regulated entities”, and by ensuring that compliance and monitoring were “streamlined”.

A March 2022 ministerial statement of expectations required APVMA to prioritise timeliness while somehow practicing robust science. “Enhanced engagement with stakeholders” in the regulatory process was required. APVMA was expected to be a “responsive agency… that minimises compliance costs for business”.

The government hand-picked the Board, and the Board appointed the CEO. The whole outfit was dependent on industry fees for almost 90% of its annual budget, with inevitable questions about conflict of interest.

APVMA functioned under a government that championed a deregulation agenda. APVMA’s own rules were seen by some in government and industry as unnecessary “red tape”.

If ever there was a recipe for alignment with industry to be embedded in regulatory priorities and culture, with consequent risks to human and animal health and safety, surely this was it. The trauma of relocation wrecked whatever tenuous balance of the conflicting and contradictory political requirements APVMA might previously have managed.

Now only a radical reappraisal and realignment of such arrangements will enable APVMA to again become a trusted safety regulator for community, industry and government alike.

Senator Watt has asked Ken Matthews, former Secretary of the Department of Primary Industry, to review APVMA and report by 1 September 2023. How will radical reappraisal and realignment sit with him?