Monday 10th of March 2025

helping putin...


President Trump’s supporters, up to and including Trump himself, have tried to delegitimize Robert Mueller’s necessary investigation for crassly partisan purposes. But it’s also true that Trump’s opponents, eagerly taking reports of each new crumb of circumstantial corroboration as ironclad proof of collusion, are rapidly delegitimizing the presidency, our government and democratic processes.

In their haste to brand Trump a tool, they’re unwittingly doing the Russians’ work for them: validating the notion that our democracy is a sham.

While Russia clearly preferred Trump to Hillary Clinton, so far no one has produced conclusive evidence showing that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government.

Yet Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee and by now a cable-news fixture, insists there is “ample evidence in the public domain on the issue of collusion,” though he’s never cited anything of the sort. Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) suggests that a “cloud of treason” hangs over the Trump administration. Former CIA Director John Brennan insinuated that Russia is blackmailing the president, a grave accusation, of which he later conceded, “I do not know if the Russians have something on Donald Trump.”

Meanwhile, film director Rob Reiner has recruited former intel chiefs James Clapper and Leon Panetta to sit on the advisory board of his “Committee to Investigate Russia,” which might be necessary were the FBI, House, Senate and Mueller not already doing just that.

To be sure, Trump’s public posture toward Russia is unduly solicitous. But his policies are a different matter. On Monday, however, as part of a coordinated response with our most important allies, the US expelled 60 Russian diplomats and ordered the Russian consulate in Seattle closed. After calling NATO “obsolete” in 2016, Trump’s Defense Department in 2017 proposed a boost in financial support for the alliance; he’s announced the sale of antitank weapons to Ukraine; and, according to reports, US military forces recently killed “at least 100” Russian mercenaries in Syria.

Yet so attached to the collusion narrative are some Trump critics that their theories are impervious to countervailing data. When Trump announced former UN ambassador John Bolton as his next national security adviser and video emerged of Bolton speaking to a Russian gun-rights group, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) tweeted: “Can John Bolton even get a security clearance? Ties to Russian allies of Vladimir Putin?”

Considering Bolton’s long, consistent record as a foreign-policy hawk on everything, including Russia, the charge is at best paranoid, at worst dishonest.


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the US democracy is a sham...


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And all other stuff posted on this site, including:

from the biased ABC...

Russia has been crossing red lines in Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine and Syria.

Britain has decided a poisoning in Salisbury with a military-grade nerve agent is the red line that can't be ignored.


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Hello? "Russia has been crossing red lines in Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine and Syria?" Anyone is paying attention? Where is this fucking "red line"?

Georgia's president at the time of the Russian intervention in Georgia (not an "invasion", nor a "red line") is now in prison somewhere in Poland, for shenanigans...

Crimea — a Russian territory — had been "gifted" to Ukraine when Ukraine was part of the USSR, by Krutchev who was "half" Ukrainian... When Ukraine fell to the Nazis supported by the USA and other sycophants, Russia took it back as 90 per cent of Crimea inhabitants are Russians. There was a legit referendum that showed the people of Crimea did not want to have anything to do with Ukraine. (A similar vote was held in Scotland regarding staying in the UK).

Ukraine is still under the Nazi regime supported by the USA. East Ukraine is mostly composed of Russians who are opposed to the Nazis supported by the USA.

Syria? The USA have been pushing for a regime change which is illegal under the UN charter. In order to achieve this aim, The USA and their sycophants have been supporting "moderate" rebels which are aligned with al Qaeda and often with Daesh, to oust President Assad. The Russians in need to protect their base in Syria and protect their pipelines to Europe had no choice but to intervene and help Assad stay in power while the rubbish rebels who were creating havoc in that country have been nearly all eliminated with a peace deal that allows them safe passage to other region as long as they give up fighting and surrender their weapons. In East Goutha, thee rebels are still hanging on, trying to achieve what the goal of the USA ever was: turn Syria into a Wahhabi country modelled on Saudi Arabia. That's shit.

The "red line" with "Britain has decided a poisoning in Salisbury with a military-grade nerve agent is the red line that can't be ignored" is bullshit. This has all the hallmark of "Saddam has Weapons of Mass destruction" fabricated mantra all over it. Get a proper journalism educated pen, Lisa Millar.


happy war anniversary...



Amazing too is the timing of horrendous anniversaries. This month, it is 15 years since the Americans and British waged an illegal war on Iraq based on lies, inflicting over one million deaths and setting the entire Middle East on fire; this month, it is also seven years since the American and British principally launched the covert wars for regime change in Syria and Libya which have flooded Europe with a refugee crisis; it is three years this month since the Americans and British began supporting the Saudi war on Yemen which is described by the UN as the worst man-made humanitarian crisis in decades.


All the evidence for these American-British horrors are as plain as the nose on your face. And yet the pious European states have not issued sanctions for those crimes. No. They are instead prepared to cut the nose off their face to spite their own relations with Russia — all on the say-so of the self-serving British.

European political leaders may not have common morality or intelligence to see the travesty. But ordinary European citizens do. That is why the venal EU bureaucracy is in deep trouble. Its feckless leaders are betraying the real needs of the people, to pursue geopolitical charades. The people will not forgive such odious decadence.


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And we are still fighting in Afghanistan after 17 years... Idiotic.

fun, fun, fun... now it's my turn...


In the wake of the US Justice Department’s decision to drop all charges against General Michael Flynn, former DIA Director and, briefly, National Security Advisor to President Trump, one of his close associates, Ezra Cohen-Watnick (photo-left), has stepped into the position of deputy assistant secretary of defense in charge of counternarcotics and global threats.

He played a central role in delivering to Devin Nunes, Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, documents uncovering the existence of a plot by the Obama administration’s Intelligence services against the future Trump administration. Such documents allowed Mr. Nunes to officially challenge prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation into the so-called Russiagate, which aimed to remove Trump from the White House.

By taking charge of the fight against narcotics at the Pentagon, Ezra Cohen-Watnick will become privy to the plans of the neo-conservatives to overthrow Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro.

In the span of 24 days, Michael Flynn’s team managed to ditch all the Muslim Brotherhood sympathisers that were buried in the Obama administration.

At the same time, the new acting Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, has declassified documents disclosing the names of the Obama administration staff who hatched the plot even before the election of Donald Trump. They may be made public at any time.

These people will have to account for having fabricated Russiagate, and even Ukrainegate, which has poisoned American political life for three years.

On his Twitter account, President Trump posted, "I hope you had fun investigating me. Now it’s my turn."


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See also: remembering impeachment... in biden is it...